launched recently and has quickly become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics:
Batman Damned #1
7 Day Trend: +104%
Weekly Units Sold: 75
Sales Average Raw: $58.75
Sales Average Graded: $152.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First appearance of Bruce Wayne’s wiener.
Ultimate Fallout #4
7 Day Trend: +99%
Weekly Units Sold: 67
Sales Average Raw: $78.01
Sales Average Graded: $305.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First appearance Mile Morales, Spider-verse related
Amazing Spider-Man #365
7 Day Trend: +94%
Weekly Units Sold: 53
Sales Average Raw: $15.64
Sales Average Graded: $164.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First appearance Spider-Man 2099
Omega Men #3
7 Day Trend: +154%
Weekly Units Sold: 25
Sales Average Raw: $35.00
Sales Average Graded: $233.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First Appearance of Lobo
Spawn #1
7 Day Trend: +105%
Weekly Units Sold: 35
Sales Average Raw: $10.50
Sales Average Graded: $115.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First full appearance of Spawn.
Savage She Hulk #1
7 Day Trend: +138%
Weekly Units Sold: 26
Sales Average Raw: $150.00
Sales Average Graded: $317.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First appearance of She Hulk
Batman Damned #1 Jim Lee Variant
7 Day Trend: +103%
Weekly Units Sold: 34
Sales Average Raw: $73.81
Sales Average Graded: $169.00 (CGC 9.8)
Amazing Spiderman #362
7 Day Trend: +184%
Weekly Units Sold: 83
Sales Average Raw: $8.80
Sales Average Graded: $77.33 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: Venom Carnage team up. Now classic cover. Second full appearance of Carnage
Edge of Spiderverse #2
7 Day Trend: +92%
Weekly Units Sold: 34
Sales Average Raw: $215.00
Sales Average Graded: $396.00 (CGC 9.8)
Reason: First appearance Spider-Gwen, Spider-Verse Movie related
Ms. Marvel #1
7 Day Trend: +103%
Weekly Units Sold: 30
Sales Average Raw: $101.00
Sales Average Graded: $247 .00(CGC 9.0)
Reason: First solo series for Carol Danvers. Captain Marvel Movie
Jim Lee Damned variant seems to be out pacing cover A now.
Until people get their signed DF copies from midtown they only offered cover B.
Weren’t those to ship before Christmas?
Pushed to mid January now, #*@&! DF variants always getting pushed back. I would be cancelling mine but it’s worth more than it cost now.
I haven’t ordered from Dynamic Forces in about 10 years. Waited nearly a full 12 months on books and then canceled them. It was a nightmare wrapped in a headache.
I ordered one of those too. DF always takes so long, I’ve canceled orders from them in the past but not this one.
I think it’s time to get my best copy of EOSV #2 graded.
Surprised What If 13 didn’t make the list. That book has been hot the past week.
I bought Conan #1 when I first came back to comics. Normally at this time then in my collecting I would buy the cheapest best looking copy of first appearances. A good example myFF#52 I paid $10 at this same time came back a 4.5 years later after grading. ASM #300, BA #12, NXY #3 were all around $50 in high grade at this time as well, that’s what I paid for them. For no reason in particular I shelled out 60 big ones to get Conan #1 in high grade instead of picking up a mid grade at $20 at the time. I always thought it was a bad buy because it was getting left in the dust by other Bronze Age keys the last 8 years and that money could of been another BA#12 or something else. But now finally I can say it was a good buy.
Conan was one of the first comics I started to collect when I was around 12. To this day I still think the Barry Windsor Smith and John Buscema years were and are beyond Awesome! I must have been around 15 or 16 and saved for months waiting for the comic shop I would buy from to have their twice a year half price sale. I got there right when they opened and picked out the high grade Conan #1, High grade Iron Man #1 and mid grade Spider-Man #3…All three for just shy of $100. I do miss those days! Glad Conan is getting more attention! Much deserved!
d.f. is on the ship with starlord and the other morons of the galaxy wile rocket and the cool autograph dealers get stuff out on time #testify love you guys blind adam out
Both covers for Batman: Damned #1 were available briefly today at the Unknown Comics website. I saw the email too late so I missed out on the fun. They had both covers for less than what is being fetched on eBay, although well above cover price.
Probably damaged copies/returns.
They would identify them as such. Never had a problem with the condition of comics I get from them. I’ve placed 30+ orders in the past year..unlike midtown and TFAW where I placed one order each and got damaged comics.
I noticed this and checked their prices…they were still in stock when i checked. Damned A cover was $35 and the B cover $60. Seems B has finally won the variant battle…or at least is pulling away..
What do you think is driving the sales on Savage She-Hulk #1. Is it the hotness of Immortal Hulk? Undervalued key? Shulkie MCU spec? Something else?
Think it has to do with the unknown marvel shows coming to the Disney streaming service.?
Whatever it is, I bought a 2 copies of this book on Wednesday night. A 9.6 CGC direct edition and a raw newstand that looks like a 9.4-9.6 candidate, from the photos available. I flipped a bunch or recent moderns, mostly Artgerm SGs and Middleton BGs to pay for the SSH1s. ?
Over years, I purchased 8 of those 10 comics. Casting a wide net has advantages and disadvantages such as higher probability of treasure and junk.
The wider the net the better, junk has a way of turning to treasure overnight on a lot of C and D listers with all the media comic frenzy taking place.
Found a knights of the Golden Sun #1 and two copies of Avengers 684 (1st print) today…all at cover price. Oddly the KotGS #2 was not there..I’m thinking the shop didn’t order it because no one had bought issue #1!