Deadly Class Airs Tonight on SyFy

If you’ve been living under a rock for the past 6 months, this is a reminder that Deadly Class airs tonight on SyFy.

This is based on Remender’s hit Image Series Deadly Class.

They released the first full episode already to watch online but if you’re like me, I prefer my TV on my TV.

Deadly Class #1 has seen some really great success on the secondary market but if the show proves popular, we might see another spike in value. So if you haven’t bought in and want to gamble on the show’s success in hopes the book takes off, you can still find raw copies of #1 in the $30 to $40 range, which is not out of reach for most collectors and you potential flippers.

So this is definitely a book to watch while also paying attention to the TV series and it’s ratings.

7 thoughts on “Deadly Class Airs Tonight on SyFy”

  1. might wait for Netflix on this I can watch using audio discbitive for the sight inpaired .great series all issues are worth a buy love ya ll blind adam out

  2. I got one regular cover and 5 forbidden planet variants when they were still available on the Uk website. If I remember right they weren’t sent in cardboard across the pond only two were damaged.

  3. I watch episode 1 a week or two ago, they have on amazon prime already. I really thought it was damn good!

  4. Was able to watch the YouTube episode 1 and was very impressed and looking forward to the next episodes.

    Didn’t collect the comic, but I do love all the 80’s music in what I saw. Particularly loved the Dominion/Mother Russia from Sisters of Mercy (one of the most underrated bands ever!)

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