Upcoming Indie Spotlight Books

I absolutely love independent comics and books. The creative minds from the creators seems more genuine story telling and artwork, without some editor or publisher pulling the puppet strings from above.

So here’s some indie books I’m looking forward to that are hitting the local shop shelves in the near future.

Most of these can still be pre-ordered but FOC is fast approaching.

Dark Red #1 Aaron Campbell Cover
AfterShock Comics
(W) Tim Seeley (A) Corin Powell

I believe Anthony also highlighted this book not so long ago. Worthy enough to mention again as I’m looking forward to this one, hoping it’s an entertaining read.

“Charles “Chip” Ipswich isn’t one of those coastal elites with a liberal arts degree and a job at a social media start-up who knows where all the best brunch places are…

No, Chip is one of the “forgotten men.” He lives in a rural area in the middle of the country where Jesus still has a place at the dinner table and where factories send jobs to Calcutta.
Chip is also a vampire.
Stuck working the last shift at a gas station, Chip is lonely and boredàand then his dull, bleak life is turned upside down when SHE comes to town.”

Cold Blood Samurai #1
Action Lab
(W) Massimo Rosi (A/CA) Ludovica Ceregatti
Sounds a bit strange, which caught my attention. Definitely a book to check out. It’s also from Action Lab which usually has minuscule print runs.

“We are the last warriors, the last pacifists of that school, and I leave her inheritance in your hands… you are a Gaijin.” A feudal Japan with anthropomorphic and samurai animals inspired by Homer’s poem on “War of Mice and Frogs,” Batrachomyomachia. As in the classic poem, one tells of the futility of war and the desire for peace by Gaijin, a foreign salamander in a Japan of frogs invaded by lizards.”

(W) El Torres (A/CA) Juanfra Mb
The first volume was successful and recently optioned. So this is a definite must check out.
The first issue final order cutoff has already occurred but you can still pre-order #2.
“Alex Wagner escaped from the psychiatric ward and now wanders the streets of Detroit in a never-ending war against the Feeders. But she soon discovers that hers is a pointless war; they are everywhere, feeding on the weak sanity of mankind. And Alex faces the risk of losing her twin brother forever to the Other Side.”

Nasty Pills #1 (of 2)
Amigo Comics

(W) Massacre (A) Massacre, Dani Seijas (CA) Massacre

If done right, sounds like it could be a fun read.

“She’s on a wild rampage after her lover’s death. Driven by drugs and thirst of revenge, May Campbell has a plan and won’t let anyone stop her. But what does she want? What does she seek? Justice, revenge, or a painful and confusing mix of the two? Nasty Pills is the new action thriller by indie creator Massacre!”

Trump Space Force One-Shot
Antarctic Press

(W) Chuck Dixon (A) Timonthy Lim

I love space and this is the only thing I support out of the Trump Administration. I want me some Space Force. I’m enlisting the moment it happens so I get me a paid trip into space.

“The Celestial Peacekeeping Astral Coalition contacts the President of the United States to deliver a dire warning: Earth is in danger of takeover by another group of aliens from somewhere in the far left wing of the galaxy. This insidious force, the Sienn’en, have an armada ready to invade Earth for its resources. But with the CPAC’s help, Trump puts together an team ready to take the battle into orbit and beyond! A force to make space great again!”

All Time Comics Zerosis Deathscape #0
Floating World Comics

(W) Josh Bayer, Josh Simmons (A) Josh Simmons, Ken Landgraf (CA) Das Pastorus

I just really dig the cover!

“All Time Comics is back with the epic, 5 issue miniseries, Zerosis Deathscape! Written by Josh Bayer and Josh Simmons, featuring artwork by Bronze Age mavericks (Trevor Von Eeden!) in collaboration with fearless indie cartoonists (Gabrielle Bell!). This zero issue is the perfect intro to the new wave of ATC and it’s the first appearance of The Red Maniac!”

Neon Future #1
Impact Theory LLC
(W) Jim Krueger, Tom Bilyeu, Steve Aoki, Matt Colon, Samantha Levenshus, Dana Brawer (A) Neil Edwards (A/CA) Jheremy Raapack

If done right, this could be a great read.

“The world is in the grips of an economic crisis. Due to mass unemployment, advanced technology has been outlawed. The world is now divided between those with implanted technology and those without. When the world’s most famous anti-tech crusader dies and is resurrected using the illegal technology he has sworn to eliminate, he must decide who to fight with his terrifying new powers. From visionary Grammy-nominated producer and DJ, Steve Aoki, and Eisner award-winning writer Jim Krueger, with art by Neil Edwards and Jheremy Raapack.”

Electric Black #1
Scout Comics

(W) Joseph Schmalke (A) Rich Woodall

Comes off as a possible good horror suspense type thriller. Carries the premise for a television show as well.

“The Electric Black is a cursed antique shop, appearing in any time or space, soliciting customers it hungers to corrupt or devour. The mysterious Julius Black is the store’s demonic proprietor and narrator. He, along with his psychopathic employees, regularly manipulates patrons for their own devious purposes. Inside the eerie emporium, all of the forbidden objects have secrets to unlock. The poor souls that enter never leave without something. Its dark light will shine on macabre mysteries, grisly murders, and other frightful occurrences. Dare you step within its sinister halls?”

Achilles Inc #1
Source Point Press

(W) Andy Schmidt (A) Daniel Maine

I’m looking forward to this one. I hope it’s a great read.

“Ten years ago, a sliver of the world’s population was granted super powers in an instant. Since then, these ‘Boosters’ have turned the planets socio-economic systems on their ear. Instead of dressing up in colorful costumes and beating each other up, they formed a union – called Power Corps – and replaced the blue collar workforces across the globe. The world is in despair. Jobs are scarce and we ‘duds’ are nearly powerless to fight back. That’s where Ransom and his Achilles Incorporated team come in. This firm that exploits the weaknesses of Boosters has taken on big case. The fuse is lit!”


8 thoughts on “Upcoming Indie Spotlight Books”

  1. I love the, “All-Time Comics,” imprint! I cannot believe I did not notice this in the latest issue of previews, if that is when it appeared?

    Also, the confusing thing about the creation of a Space Force is that the Air Force actually has jurisdiction in space for the US making another division kind of unnecessary, but trying to use logic with this administration is of course a fools errand —that’s my political rant for the day. The comic will probably be worth checking out at least for zany stories.

  2. great article. since it’s all about indie books it would be helpful to include the name of the publisher of each book.

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