Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 225th edition of the open forum!

As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?

153 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. i really miss that wizard magazine that came out once a month. the price was one thing you always looked forward to seeing.

      1. Spidey dressed like a wizard. McFarlane art. My copy stands out in the box b/c of width and occasionally gets a look.

        1. Thats right. Memory flood gates opened as soon as I read your reply. Im gonna see if I find my old copy. Its gotta be around here somewhere.

  2. Probably won’t get much this week if anything. Went to an out of the way shop over the weekend and they had a graded Avengers #47 (First Dane Whitman) blue label 9.4 for $200! With Whitman/Black Knight now looking like a character to watch, it was too good a price to pass up! Since I bought a graded Avengers #71 last week I’m going to have to go light the next few weeks to make up for blowing a good chunk of my comic budget this month right off the bat. Worth it! Glad it’s a short month!

        1. I’d help him out but I’m 1200 miles away and none of my shops set out books on Tuesdays where I can sneak peek them. The one shop that might of allowed me to peek ahead of Wednesday closed down long ago… I miss Capstone!

          1. Awesome that he has a shop by him that lets him do that. I feel like if I ask some of the shops around here they wouldn’t be happy…

            1. I have a joke at the one shop. I tell them it’s the eBay grading scale. The top grade is NM. Next lower grade is eBay NM (G-VF), New and Unread = read in the bathroom one time. Anything listed as VF or lower means read in the bathroom and left on the back of the toilet

          1. The old bait and switch. I pre-ordered several go-bot comics of a specific cover, and eg switched it up a few days from release. Dropped that series like a bag of dirt.

  3. My LCS has had a 3-4 Immortal Hulk #2’s sitting in the stack at $24.99. They marked them up the week they got hot, but I knew no one would buy them off the rack at that price. With sales where they’re at now, I’m thinking I might grab one or more tomorrow.

  4. I’ve been reading up on the “One Below All” since a certain group keeps pumping and dumping Immortal Hulk #9 as his first appearance.

    But now I’m intrigued. If the One Below All is an entity, like a spirit of hell and can only possess other bodies to roam the living world, why is it considered now that “The Devil/Brian Banner” is his first appearance? From what I’ve read, until we see the One Below All in spirit form, he’s made no actual first appearance since the people he’s possessed have all had their own first appearances for the most part. I’m also under the impression that the One Below All has been around much longer than Brian Banner but I could be wrong.

    So why is Brian Banner considered his first appearance in issue #9 when he possessed several others prior and if the One Below All has been Brian Banner this entire time (and the true One Below All isn’t using his spirit when he was previously killed in the Chaos War), wouldn’t the One Below All first appearance considered Brian Banner’s first appearance in Incredible Hulk #267?

    Just saying.. I’m not fully convinced that Immortal Hulk #9 is the One Below All based on the info and story we have so far. If this entity has been Brian Banner this entire time, we should be chasing his actual first appearance in IH267 that I linked above. If the One Below All existed prior to Brian Banner, then we have yet to see his true first appearance as himself, in true form.

    Just thinking out loud..

    1. If you spend all your time worrying about what everyone else is doing / talking about / spec-ing on, just means you have something missing in your life. That’s the way I see it.

          1. I don’t feel bad for them. Petty people deserve no sympathy. If one’s life is so empty then that’s their choice. Make the most of it and like Wil Wheaton says.. “Don’t be a dick!”

          2. Not to mention that they are just comic books. They are supposed to be fun. Some are just waaay to invested in these silly picture books. And those complaining are blind to their own hypocrisy. Mind you, it makes for great popcorn material. ?

    2. Idk if TOBA has been around before, but there is an existing character known The One Above All.
      I actually haven’t read the series yet. Its next in my reading queue, so I cant weigh in yet. The 1st of TOBA , from what I do understand, is quite murky.

      1. Yes and was in the spirit form some claim is Jack Kirby.

        After reading up on One Below All, unless he’s been Brian Banner the entire time, I don’t think we’ve seen his first true appearance in true form. But if he is Brian Banner, then I’d consider One Below All an alias of such and the first appearance is thrown out the window.. I might be overthinking it but I think my thinking has valid points as well.

        1. I think you’re all blowing a not important Hulk villain up based on your like for the current series. Hulk villains have always been the cheapest of all the other different Avengers villains. You can probably find a first Leader or 1st Abomb for the same price you’re paying for One below all modern toilet paper.

                1. I’ll be the judge of that! Now it is off to take a whiff of comics I bought from you in the past!!!

          1. What I find odd is people claiming a first appearance of Immortal Hulk… Who happens to be Hulk and Bruce Banner, the same Hulk and Banner found in The Incredible Hulk #1 back in 1962.

            1. I always thought Hulk was Immortal before they started calling him Immortal Hulk. Like Banners failed suicide attempts with Hulk catching the bullet with his teeth.

              1. And we also know he’s immortal and doesn’t ever die because he’s Maestro in the future and referenced as immortal as Maestro oldman Hulk.

          2. After the 90s crash, Im sure you were calling all those books toilet paper too, Alana. Todays toilet paper is tomorrows gold. You have been quite bitter lately, Alana. Cheer up.

            1. Most of it, I always knew 1st Cable, Venom, Carnage, Darkhawk, the Crow, Preacher, and Sandman would stand the test of time, Also I always thought the character Spawn was great but because of the millions of copies it wouldn’t amount much.

        1. Is this not TOBA in his spirit form? Idk. Like I said, I haven’t read it yet, but, I was under the impression that this is TOBA in his spirit form.

      1. I guess the real question is.. was it One Below All using Brian Banner’s spirit to possess the others (Hulk, Jailbait, Sasquatch and Absorbing Man) or did he possess them a his true self without Brian Banner? I think we still have some unknowns about the One Below..

        1. Everyone loves first appearances. As it stands right now Hulk #267 & 312 are both cheap right now. I would say for fans of IH it might be a good idea to pick them up for the pc…just in case they heat up.

  5. Comic shop visit;

    Reserved The Devil
    nice surprise Immortal Hulk 2 second print
    exciting comics
    Found Immortal hulk 5 cover A I needed at another shop

    1. How long ago did you hear about The Devils and how? I just saw it recently and have to wait on backorder now

        1. Lmfao, Poyo. You are all over Bull Shit tonight. Beautifully executed, good sir. You’re not letting the BS fly tonight. Im loving it.

            1. As far as the FOC article is concerned, I will point out that, yes, it may increase the print on any given book by a few hundred copies. Peanuts in the grand scheme of things. So, the FOC article helps patrons of the site who posts the FOC article (looking at CHU, mang). Good outcome for the patron. Those speculator patrons who do decide to preorder on the FOC then make a call and order from their LCS. Good for the LCS. The LCS places the order w/ diamond and that helps the publishers (more so indies than the big 2). So, the FOC is good for everyone in the industry. The publisher, the LCS and potential speculators. The only person who this isnt good for is the speculator who wants everyone else to suffer at the expense of his own greed. He simply wants to maximize his potential profits off of a project/product/comic book that he had no creative, or any, contribution to the creation of said project/book. To hell with everyone else who would benefit from increased orders of any given book/title.

              1. The FOC list is out out by no less than five online retailers. I get multiple emails before I even look at Diamond on the weekend. The info is out there. BC (ugh) has even started posting FOC highlights, granted they started doing their articles after we started doing ours, but they would drive up print runs way more than we would.

                1. Oh, I know. I receive the same FOC emails from several retailers. You need to be super confident if your preordering potential spec at FOC. I find it better to network yourself with all LCSs in your area, and get multiple copies of hot books reserved at several shops the week prior to release. No commitment and way less risk.

  6. I read the X-Assassin story arc in the current X-23 this week. What are people’s thoughts in the new X-Assassin character (aka TOUKS)? To me, it seems as if they are trying to establish her as a new ongoing character. Perhaps in the model of the Spider Family, they are building a clawed characters family. Logan, Laura, Gabby, Touks. ? Does this help x-23 #7, Touks 1st appearance?

  7. The small weeks keep continuing:
    Gideon Falls #11 (cover A)
    Batman Who Laughs #3 (Federici variant-just for the cover art)

    Spec pick ups this week:
    Batman #655 (1st Damian) in NM- for $7
    Detective #995 (Cover A-cover price, I’ve literally sold about 20 copies of this book over the last month for between $10-$16)
    Immortal Hulk #4 (X2), #5 (X2), #6, #7-all for cover price. Not only has #2 gotten expensive but #4 & #5 are starting to get $12-$15. #8 also seems to be getting pricey.

    Good hunting everyone!

  8. not going to the shop this week.between fractured ribs and a two day convention I am healing and holding out. I did buy a sweet 1978 incredible hulk lunchbox off ebay . now I have a few things to say.first off Anthony you but what happens int he comic book store bathroom should stay in the comic book store bathroom um however that gives me an idea for a n.s.w. movie .thanks sir. second jay clues leave the blind out of it . we did nothing .third poyo if your going to call out a group just grow a set and name the group don’t be a wussy and say a group and not name them . and alyana if your that non happy int he hobby why not just leave? I love chu and I am blessed to be a member of the chu family.however I do find other spec sites helpful as well some of us do sell comics professional for a living .pay our bills put food on our g-dam tables .even int he dark days of the late 1990s . I love comics comics are the greatest o.k. the second greatest industry on gods green earth.if anyone is non happy with the hobby sick of store variants sick of current spec sick of anything then just ge the f out. bout cos play a tad more or the movie si make but that is n.s.w. or not family friendally ro some b.s. and that is why I gotto cooler places like comicbookspeculation/comic book sculping where I can talk about things like an adult . but I still come here because I love you guys and I am blessed to have you all in my life so my advice is this.either buy and sell what you enjoy and stop being player haters or just shut the f up that is all blind adam out #testify

    1. Get better! I remember that Hulk lunch box! A kid at school had it. I had my Star Wars box. Wish I kept it but I grew up in the mountains of NJ….My lunch box actually started to rust one winter! My mom threw it out and told me I was old enough to take a bag lunch! LOL

    2. You can talk like an adult there can you spellcheck like an adult there too? CBSI is a good site, I like Topher’s write ups he’s very thorough. I also like some of their weekly variant articles. Just don’t call them out on a wrong 1st appearance they will threaten to ban you. Where as here I or someone else writes a wrong 1st appearance and people are quick to correct with pictures if need be and it’s GREATLY appreciated. We all want the right information, unless you’re someone trying to sell the wrong book. Jay you’re right I am bitter I’m lucky to buy two comics a month. We now buy stocks instead of comics less storage but also not as fun as comics. I really thought a lot more would translate from comic spec to stock spec but the only thing that does is you got to do your research. But the feeling of gaining 40% on a stock purchase in a month is very similar to watching your 1st appearance of Miles go from a $10 book to a $200 book.

      1. I personally diversify as much as possible. I have comics, stocks, bonds, coins and precious metal, as well as other investment vehicles for my money. Putting all your eggs in one basket doesn’t make sense. My selling of comics pays for my buying of comics, reinvestment of capital gains if you will. Same way my dividends buy more stocks.

        1. Agree, comics actually became the newest “investment” per se for me over the past 3-4 years. I had been invested in stocks a while longer and the market got very high so I decided to try other avenues including comics for future value. Another is cryptocurrency if you believe it has some sort of future. It’s a lot riskier and not really the same as stocks with dividends. But 100% agree that diversifying is a good move.

    3. If being able to cuss and talk about porn or hookers makes it more adult, feel free to take the conversation elsewhere. You know I love you Adam, but, I try to keep it about the comics or comic related stuff. I don’t see anything wrong with that. There is a forum for every interest and I am. It going to sit and judge anyone for their extracurricular activities, just don’t see the need for the talk. Lots of people do things outside the comic world, they just do not talk about them on the site.

    4. The bathroom thing was a total joke. I drive out of my way to go to a shop that lets me have access to books early. They see spoilers helping sales of books. People see something that gets them interested and they buy a copy of something they may not otherwise buy.

    5. And by all means please look at as many sites as possible to get as much news and insight as possible. We don’t bad mouth groups, apps, sites, or what have you because there can be great info gleaned from all of them. Comic flipping and investing is about knowledge, get as much as you can. Use it. Make money.

    6. Blind Adam.. two words to live by: GROW UP!

      How dare you call out specific people publicly! If you had any type of decency, you would have messaged us privately. The only person “player hating” right now is you! Email me if you want to continue this conversation further like adults.

          1. You guys all need to really get over yourselves….stay on topic. Save the “opinion based facts” and talk about comics like the title of the website states.

            Anthony, the site has changed over the last year and if you are happy with the direction it’s going in, I’m happy for you. I remember when it was fun and the comments were fun. All too often now, they are hypocritical or just plain critical of individuals thinking a certain way for whatever reason. The comment section is being hi-jacked by the same couple of individuals that “force-feed” their opinion on everything and will continue to get the last word while the rest of us move on with our lives…again, Anthony…I appreciate what you’ve created and provided over the years and am requesting more of your direction moving forward….

            1. I won’t speak for Anthony but since I feel like I’m heavily involved in CHU now, not just the frontend but a huge portion of the backend, the comments section is one of the many things that makes this site click. I don’t think the site has changed all that much except we’re trying to grow the site into something more that the comics community can utilize and appreciate.

              I think for the most part, our regular members and visitors here are great. Even if I don’t agree with them 100% of the time myself, we rarely have to moderate the comments section. I think over the years Anthony has stated he’s only had to ban one person so far. It’s rare for us to even delete comments, except the thousands of bot spam messages. I think most of the criticizing if any is others on the idea or comment, not the individuals themselves. That’s just part of any discussion whether it’s comments, forums, etc. If anyone ever feels like they’ve been personally attacked here, a simple message to Anthony or myself will do, we’ll look into the matter.

              We allow everyone to voice their opinion and I think that’s what makes this a great community. It’s rare when we have to step in and tell people to knock it off.

              As for this thread getting a little out of hand, I had to lay down a little law to get it back on track as the comments made were uncalled for an unwarranted, not only to myself but a few others.

              I text and talk to Anthony more than most of my own family on some days and I get the sense he’s more than happy with the website. It’s numbers are growing, the community that visits are great. For the most part we all come here to talk comics and you don’t get banned just because I, Anthony or anyone else with higher privileges don’t agree with you like some other groups out there will do.

              If you notice, we don’t have rules posted unlike some other groups as well. We just ask people keep it clean and do not tolerate any personal attacks, pretty much common sense approach for rules.

              Now, back on topic perhaps? If you or anyone want to discuss the direction of CHU further, perhaps an email to Anthony or myself or both of us is in order.

  9. Immortal Hulk #2 (cover A) is selling for over $70?!?!? BIN listings on Ebay are even more than that! Freakin CRAZY!!! Of course #2 was the one I didn’t get new, but last week I was lucky enough to see one on MyComicshop listed as a VF+ for $8.50! There’s got to be more deals closer to that out there for this book or is it just “that” sizzling hot everywhere? Glad I got it though! MCS is usually very strict with grading on new comics. Arrives today, so we will see.

  10. Grabbed a few reader books

    For spec I found:
    God of bad men both covers X2
    The devils x6
    Corrected Spawn 293 X2
    Squirrel girl X2 (don’t judge my spec!)
    And 2 Spider-Gwen

      1. oh man, I left three copies on the shelf tonight. I’m just not into new comic specs lately unless they’re breaking the $15 barrier on eBay and rising (not falling).

        If you can’t track one down, let me know and I’ll have my lcs pull a copy if they’re still there.

  11. spelling is my kryptonite. I have a issue with writing on top of the blindness so thanks for that . and for peoples information incredible hulk #267 is only a cameo of brian banner incredible hulk #312 is his first full appearance . now if only if I can find the he-man&marvel lunch boxes as well. and I am the king of nerdcore #testify love you guys blind adam out

  12. Picking up this week:

    Strangers in Paradise XXV 10 (End of the run but Terry Moore announced on his blog that there is a surprise cliff-hanger type ending affecting all of his books leading to a new series with an announcement coming next week to give people time to digest this issue.)
    Rat Queens 14 (I’ll get this until the end of the run before deciding if I want to continue. There is a Rat Queens live RPG on Twitch tonight that I may watch, 7pm PST HyperRPG.)

    Army of Darkness Bubba Ho-Tep 1 (Some Bruce Campbell on Bruce Campbell action. Watching Fargo season 2 and noticed Bruce Campbell playing Ronald Reagan!)
    Wonder Twins 1 (I am a Wonder Twins fan from back in the day, but the preview didn’t really do it for me. I have some of the Super Friends run with their first appearance and origin.)

    The comic swap was this weekend, but I could not make it due to snow. Half of the city got snow, the other half didn’t. Portland, OR tends not to deal well with snow. Next show is in June. At least my wife is happy that my comic boxes are no longer in the kitchen, now that I am done prepping for this past show. Looking forward to seeing the Lego 2 movie and Battle Angel, since I am a Robert Rodriguez fan. I just surpassed 460 rums tried at my local tiki bar. Two rums a week once a week add up over time.

      1. Got crazy lucky..found 2 sitting in the back stock box at cover about a month ago as well as a #3 & #4. It’s a very cool book but…

    1. Dang! Are huge things planned for Dr Frye? It is a fantastic cover and a first appearance but this book has been doubling in price the past two months. I wonder where the ceiling is?

    2. We usually hold back a few copies of title reboots for future back issue sales. Order 100 copies, set aside 5-8 of them, that sort of thing. Normally we will bring them back out when a title gets to issue 10 or so. I’d say 50% of them sell for just a buck or two over cover price, and 40% of them wind up in dollar bins because we are already getting customers selling them back to us by that point and the hold backs are “extras”. But it always makes for happy customers who are trying to fill a run they missed out on early.

      But I was going through boxes at the warehouse yesterday and apparently we still have 15 copies of Immortal Hulk 2. I would have sworn we emptied every bit of holdbacks on the title three months ago. But for once, rank incompetence becomes a win. It doesn’t make up for the 600 copies of Spencer’s ASM #1 we still have. But there’s always Free Comic Book Day for those.

  13. Valiant announced a new psi Lord’s series. Anyone else regretting trading their vvss copy for a case of Milwaukee’s best ice back in the 90s?

        1. Being from Baltimore we drank a lot of National Bohemian aka Natty Boh. It’s the cheap regional beer of Baltimore and is wonderful. I will still get them at Orioles and Ravens games.

  14. My two shops said they are getting my Devils next week.? Just curious if Diamond delays in some parts of the country…
    Regarding the jibba jabba being posted….we are fortunate to have websites for the spec, story/art and chat options. Add in contests and I would say we’re pretty spoiled. It’s a passionate hobby to say the least, heck you see me griping about grammar. Bonfire at my farm if you want to sing kuhm ba yah (sp) and Spider-man. Thanks to all for making this a great site.

  15. Called couple of shops here and they all raised the prices on the new “HOT” book this week. It sucks cuz before I could call or walk in and get the book at cover price and now I will have no choice but to gamble and start doing previews again since that will be the only way to guarantee a copy.

  16. chandler that sounds #awesomesauce. we can sit around a camp fire and sing that song talk spiderman and rost smores?? I will bring everything if we are allowed to rost smores?? love you guys blind adam out

    1. That list is great and anytime you want to write something like that send it over. There are tons of great comic books, even mainstream ones, that happened racy subject matter. When Rick Jones found out Marlo had filmed a soft core porn. Something like that is fine, all were saying is we’re not talking about hookers, strippers, drugs, or other non-comic book related stuff. It’s not that hard to understand. If you would like to continue the conversation feel free to text me or email me. But it is getting tiresome the constant jabs at the site for not being raunchy

  17. Dear Mr Blind Adam ::

    I very much appreciate your contributions on this Site .. however, the rants coming out of nowhere and for no really good reason that I can see, do get somewhat annoying ..

    If I wanted that, I’d live on Reddit ..

  18. No new pickups for me today, but I did just finish putting together my fourth complete set of Immortal Hulk. I’ll probably just take two sets to #15, I’m sure I’ll take one set to the end. My #2 Zaffino variant looks like a 9.8 maybe.

  19. Peace Fam. Hope everyone is well.

    Here it is:
    Batman Who Laughs A/B
    Ironheart 3
    Immortal 2 (3rd print)
    Gunning For Hits 2

    Have a great week everyone. Peace

  20. Immortal Hulk 2 3rd Print
    Immortal Hulk 6 1st Print (cover price)
    Batman Who Laughs 3 A + B
    Domino 7
    Spider-Gwen Skrulls Variant
    Marvel’s Greatest Comics 35 (Reprints FF 48, 1st Silver Surfer) – $2
    Captain Marvel True Believers
    Spawn 293 Reprint (LCS added it in for free)
    Detective 998 B

  21. Wow! Love the action on this thread. —- the views, opinions and advice all very much different, but still respectful. Well done. Whomever suggested that this category should be pinned to the top — brilliant!

    I personally like Alana’s ascerbic wit. She spells things out for everyone while creating her “watch” lists….I believe there is no real need to hand-hold after the fact. This is still comic spec and you are responsible for your own research and buys. This group gives you a pretty great list to work from imo….

    1. I liked the pin the forum at top for a few days idea as well. But I’m working on something I hope will keep the conversations ongoing for the site. 🙂

  22. My pick-ups this week included…

    Batman Who Laughs Bx2
    Detective A & B
    Flash A
    JL Dark A
    Red Hood Outlaw A
    Superman A
    Wonder Twins A & B
    Wonder Woman B
    Amazing Spidey A
    Avengers No Road Home (1:25 Brooks variant)
    Captain Marvel (movie variant)
    Dead Man Logan (1:25 Zaffino variant)
    Savage Sword of Conan (1:25 Rahzzah variant)
    Spider-Gwen Ghost Spider A
    Star Wars Han Solo Imperial Cadet (1:25 Wijngaard variant)
    Thor A
    Winter Soldier
    Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
    Gideon Falls B
    Spawn 293 replacement C (for free! from my LCS)
    Dark Ark
    The Devils (b/c CHU recommended it)

    I visited 3 shops…dwindling supply of Batman Who Laughs B…I don’t really like cover A even though it’s by Jock. Really like Detective B…just a sweet looking cover…Gary Frank delivered on this one. Had to pick up Wonder Twins…it’s a nostalgia thing…this c/b fun. Don’t see the appeal of the overpriced 1:50 Hughes variant for Avengers No Road Home. It’s an ok pic of Scarlet Witch, but nothing spectacular IMO. I much prefer a good team pic like the Brooks variant…with a lower price tag. I couldn’t resist the Zaffino Dead Man Logan…just an eye-catching cover. Same with Rahzaah’s Conan…I definitely agree with Mel’s assessment of this one. Could not find any Exciting Comics anywhere…not even cover A…wanted to at least look through one…anyone actually get/read a copy?

  23. thank you to whomever mentioned marvel’s greatest comics #35. as I been looking for silver surfer reprints . will the batman/tmnt animated be on dc streaming?and will it be based on the first or second series?i just scored a sweet p.c. magazine the new Yorker magazine that featured the spiderman turn off the dark brodway show .I also picked up a few of the turn off the dark playbills .I also scored a five pack of the lions gate edition of spidey #129 for $40. I am hoping to make out big time on dazzler books this weekend at nyc fanfare. I love you guys .thanks for being the greatest blessing in my life.if I upseted anyone recentally I am sorry.will not happen again .and has anyone here had an action figure graded?if so how is a.f.a.?blind adam out

  24. The latest round of DC 100-page giants are out at Walmart. Batman and Superman are up to issue #8, but we also get four first issues this time around – Flash, Swamp Thing, Titans, and Wonder Woman. I’m assuming that Titans replaces Teen Titans and WW replaces JLA.

    1. It’s ok. It sets up Antarctic’s take on these classic characters. Some like Madame Masque have been around forever and are in the public domain. Several short stories in the issue setting things up.

  25. A little slow to pickup my pulls. I didn’t really look closely to see what was sold out, although I believe both covers for BWL #3 were gone. The list:

    Batman Who Laughs #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Jock)
    Batman Who Laughs #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Ricardo Federici)
    Detective Comics #998 (Cover A Doug Mahnke & Jaime Mendoza)
    Detective Comics #998 (Cover B Gary Frank)
    Electric Warriors #4 (Of 6)
    Flash #64 (Cover B Tom Raney)
    Hawkman #9 (Cover B Shane Davis)
    Justice League Dark #8 (Cover B Kelley Jones)
    Red Hood Outlaw #31 (Cover B Matteo Scalera)
    Superman #8 (Cover B Rob Liefeld)
    Titans #34 (Cover B Tyler Kirkham)
    Wonder Woman #64 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau)
    Green Lantern #4 (Cover B)
    Criminal #2
    Gideon Falls #11 (Cover A Andrea Sorrentino)
    Gunning For Hits #2
    Magic Order #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Olivier Coipel)
    Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #12
    Warning #4
    Avengers No Road Home #1 (Of 10)(Cover A Yasmine Putri)
    Dead Man Logan #4 (Of 12)(Cover A Declan Shalvey)
    Savage Sword Of Conan #1 (Cover A Alex Ross)
    Star Wars Age Of Republic Count Dooku #1 (Cover A Paolo Rivera)
    Star Wars Han Solo Imperial Cadet #4 (Of 5)(Cover A David Nakayama)
    True Believers Captain Marvel Vs Ronan #1
    True Believers Captain Mar-Vell #1

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