We all love Killer B books. So we should talk about them more. Let’s talk about next weeks upcoming books we deem as Killer!
First up is the new Wonder Woman #65 (Lau “Artgerm” Variant) with artwork from Artgerm.
It’s your typical Artgerm variant but he has his fans, so pick it up for the personal collection. Wonder Woman #65 Cover A is also a pretty sweet Regular Cover A book by Xermanico. I almost like it more.
Next up is Derrick Chew’s Batgirl #32 variant.
I like this one more than his Harley Quinn but I have a feeling it’s not going heat up as much, but we’ll know more as next Wednesday approaches. Pre-sales listings still put this one about a buck above cover price. A lot of online retailers show this to be sold out. Midtown still has them but limited to 1 per customer.
Detective Comics #999 has a pretty sweet John Byrne variant out next week. Limited to 1 per customer at Midtown, sold out at other retailers with only cover A available.
This issue should be plentiful as it’s the countdown to the big #1000 issue. Maybe it has some surprises, maybe it’s a dud. Guess we’ll just have to wait and find out. Still a pretty sweet cover for you Batman fans.
Some pre-sales are listing these starting at $8.99 to $12.99 already. So it’s definitely a book to watch. A few sold listings at $12.99 as well.
My new favorite DC book has a new Middleton cover. Martian Manhunter #3Β hits shelves next week. This one might of been overlooked as I think it might of been a last minute addition change up from the original cover depicted in Previews.
Don’t forget about the Rossmo Regular Cover as well, which have been pretty awesome covers as well.
Cho has a pretty cool Shazam #3 cover out next week. Cho has his fans. I really like his style myself. It’s got that old school movie poster feel to it.
Ice Cream Man #10 has a really creepy cool cover B by Juan Ferreyra
. Might not heat up but still a pretty cool Killer B from an Image book.
Daredevil #2 has a really great looking Scalera ratio Killer B out. The Tedesco Regular Cover is also not a bad pickup. Most retailers might start this cover B around the $25 dollar range but still a nice book for you Scalera fanboys and fangirls.
Some secondary pre-sales put this around the $19.99 starting range.
Marvel Comics Presents #2 gives us another Cho Variant, but it’s a ratio variant just like Daredevil, with a lot of shops likely tagging this one in the $20 range to start with.
Still not a bad pickup if you can find it for cheap and you’re a Cho fan.
That Shazam cover is definitely my favorite followed by MM.
Yeah, I need to get a few of these I posted here onto my http://killerbcovers.com site.. π
Shameless plug? HA!
and dat Batman Beyond #31 cover….drool…
Shameless.. yes. But do I care? Nope. π
You talking about the Batman Beyond #31? If so, yes, that’s a sweet cover.
Oh and for the record, Anthony has pre-approved all shameless plugs cause he gets a piece of the pie.. very small pie.. almost crumbs when all said and done. π
I’m liking most of these variants, especially the DC ones. I am favoring the Action Comics B cvr for next week too. Haven’t seen Byrne’s art look this good in quite awhile…come to think of it, I haven’t seen any work by him in awhile. Looks like he may have found a strong inker to handle his pencils on this cover. Terry Austin paired well with him back in the day…I absolutely loved their run together on Uncanny X-Men. Also, I like the Daredevil cover A more than B…and I expect it will be much cheaper. I’ll pass on Marvel Comics Presents…the Cho cover is nice, but too many other titles vying for my $.
For sure on the Marvel ratio’d variants. I’d only pick up the Daredevil or Marvel Comics Presents if I found them at cover price.
Agreed. The Action Comics B cover is gorgeous.
I actually meant to put that one on the list and forgot. Sigh!
I don’t think that I pre-ordered a Martian Manhunter b, but it shouldn’t be to hard to get one.
It shouldn’t. I still see issue #1 and #2 available at most retailers. But they did change the cover at the last minute.