It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of March 20th, 2019.
Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.
So what’s grinding my gears this week?
James Gunn Is Back!
If you haven’t seen the news, James Gunn is officially back on the next Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 movie.
Forgive, forget and move on from the dumb jokes he made over a decade ago.
Now let’s hope for another great movie for the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Silver Surfer is Back!
It was announced on Friday that Donny Cates
is teaming up with Tradd Moore
on a new Silver Surfer title.
The title is Silver Surfer: Black and it’s set to debut in June.
Let all the Silver Surfer fans of the world cheer and rejoice that we once again have a Silver Surfer series upon us. It’s been what since 2011 since we had a real Silver Surfer series? Yeah, you know me, I’m not counting Dan Slott’s run. Can we just write off Slott’s run like it never happened?
We really need that Disney Fox merger to finalize so we can get Silver Surfer into the MCU as soon as possible.
If anyone wants to get me something as a gift, I still have the coveted Fantastic Four #48 on my list of must have comics. I’ll settle for a Silver Surfer #1
as well.
Captain Marvel Movie Variants
Why Marvel, why? Why are you continuing to ruin the Captain Marvel Movie Variants with that ugly ass Amanda Connors mugshot on the cover as well?
Stop it Marvel. You’re ruining a good thing on the hottest movie currently.
I got an early screening ticket for the Shazam! movie this coming Saturday. Movie looks hilarious so I’m hoping the preview commercials I’ve been seeing aren’t the only funny scenes.
That’s all that’s grinding my gears this week. Let us know what’s grinding yours in the comments.
i used to buy incentive variants at DCBS. then DCBS increased their prices and i started to buy at Stadium. lately stadium has increased the prices for their incentive packs so now time to find another supplier
I have a decent run of Ron Lim/Jim Starlin surfers Vol. 2 I was thinking of moving….but now I’ll likely hold onto them…also look where he first appearances are and speculate what Cates might have up his sleeve.
Exciting to hear! Not crazy about that art, though…
Yeah, his art is certainly different. I’m hoping he doesn’t go too overboard like he did with Ghost Rider series he did. That style was a little too overbearing and put me off (plus Ghost Rider should be on a motorcycle and be named Johnny Blaze.. ).
i was lucky to find a ff 48 at a garage sale in the summer of 2003….a raw 9.4-9.6. I paid $42. in my top 100 in my collection. youtube rush diehard to see it. will get it graded eventually.
I’ll give you $84…. That’s 100% profit… 😉
$1 Billion Dollars!
someone offered me $94… thinking about it…lol
$95? Hehe… I kid…. If you ever sell it, get top dollar for it.
Paid $50 for my FF#48 on eBay anout 8 years ago it’s about 6.0-7.0 was listed as musty and damaged by someone that doesn’t know comics or really sell them. Also got my FF #52 from same seller $10. I picked up SS #1 around this time think I paid around the same as FF#48…the first run of SS is such a badly bound group a books hard to find good ones. And Shazam is worth a watch DC’s Deadpool funny character movie. Doom Patrol is pretty great beware sex scenes if letting little ones watch.
Dan Slott Silver Surfer run is UNDERRATED
Some like vanilla, some prefer chocolate, some even like strawberry. Some of Dan Slott writing for Amazing Spider-Man was okay but his writing for Silver Surfer was just awful for me. Awful, awful…. awful. I couldn’t stand it so much that I dropped it after like issue 6 or 7. I was just throwing away my $3 to $4 each month..
Series was absolute garbage. Art was terrible. Story was terrible. Let’s babysit some Earth chick. Get back to what Silver Surfer should be about. Cosmic Greatness. Galactus.
I actually like Alred’s artwork but his stuff is much better on other titles for sure. But yeah, the whole Dawn earth girl tagging along was just corny and stupid..
Some might say EVERYTHING Dan Slott has written has been unreadable
Watched a FF fan who had been recommended to Slott come into a LCS asking for some back issues of recent FF. Watching the shop owner fake interest and talk up Slott was bullshit basking in the sun!
My gears have been grinded by cancellations and delays. For each book there is a cause. Examples: Dead Rabbit…Obliv18n…Lone Ranger(mini?, not sure but you know Im a Russell fan)…Border Town….Juke Joint….to name a few. I have seen you Doomsday Clock fans waiting your turn.
his ren and stimpy was a great rad so was she hulk some spiderman stuff never read his surfer and I never will blind adam out
did anyone watch this weeks supergirl??it was fing #awesomesauce.blind adam out
I got rid of all my valuable books a few years ago. Among what was sold was FF48 CGC 9.2. I believe it sold for $400. This was a bit before the initial Inhumans Movie announcement which turned into a series I still haven’t seen. I knew it was s mistake when it sold in 5 minutes. In my defense recent completed auctions had shown only one sale at $350.
FF 48 CGC 4.0 sold for 800…
A 2.5 cgc sold for $675 a few days ago.
I’d be happy with a 1.0 just to have in my collection.
Cates is really going to be busy writing all of Marvel’s series.
They throw too much at him we’re gonna see his level of writing drop…
Right there….Poyo, you are so correct. Cates takes on more, his overall quality of work will be diluted.
I think some are already sensing it as some have commented here theyre dropping or gonna drop Venom and such.
The captain marvel conners cover is decent this week. If they could replace it with that itd be somewhat bearable.
Yeah, this weeks cover for CM is a huge improvement from issue #1.