New Comic Spec Review Video for April 3, 2019

Anthony from Comics Heating Up releases a video each week spotlighting the hot new comic books for the week. Here is this week’s video for comics releasing April 2, 2019:

33 thoughts on “New Comic Spec Review Video for April 3, 2019”

  1. Nothing at all on Immortal Hulk 16? The 1:25 cover is going to be the biggest book of the week! And an expensive one at that.

      1. Anthony, I thought you were trying to distinguish yourself from other speculators. And it was brave of you to leave it out.

        But now wondering if you’re just trying to please everyone or you honestly forgot. Regardless, the spec video you created is brilliant (as is) and the immortal Hulk spec may be running on hype now.

        You need an overhaul on your writers. “The CHU effect” was mentioned by Poyo. how narcissistic to think that CHU is pushing comic book sales when Donny Cates or Dell’Otto’s art (for example) are the true driving factors behind the sales.

        You guys keep trying. You’re not as good as you think you are because you lack the foundation that brings people together. So quick to insult my comments because I am not of the same mind as CHU. Bringing out the worst in me.

        I hope you improve and continue to express some areas where improvement may be forthcoming. The culture of this site is in your hands so listen to your inner voice and seek change for the better.

        Best wishes,

        1. James,

          Just for the record, when I use the word “CHU effect” I’m doing it with a laugh as it’s just a light hearted way of taking credit we have zero influence on for the most part.

          I also find it funny you call me a narcissist when I think what, a total of 5 or 6 people have ever met me in person and know what I even look like. I’m about the polar opposite of narcissism cause it’s not about me or CHU but about comics, with opinion pieces mixed in there some.

          But I disagree with you on the foundation of bringing people together. Out of all the comic book websites, I think the CHU community gets along just fine and dandy. We welcome any and all. We don’t ban people or readers if they simply disagree with us. Everyone has a voice here (as long as it’s clean and respectful).

          “So quick to insult my comments because I am not of the same mind as CHU. Bringing out the worst in me.”

          What comments are you referring to?

          1. How dare anyone insults Poyo! That’s my job! Also, I think whenever a website becomes popular and gains a following it can have an affect on whatever it discusses. CHU is independent of any corporate influence so what you guys say can be taken as your true opinions, but there are websites that might have a great deal of readers and make shady deals to promote books that aren’t actually worth speculating. I like CHU uses its position of popularity to stay uninfluenced and unbiased.

        2. A Narcissist also insults others that think or have different opinions. and lowers their importance because of their insecurities.

          “You guys keep trying. You’re not as good as you think you are because you lack the foundation that brings people together. So quick to insult my comments because I am not of the same mind as CHU. Bringing out the worst in me”

          A Narcissist will lower other people importance by demeaning and thinking his opinion is above others and always threatened, in the end making himself the victim..

          Seems like a lot of projection going on..

        3. James, not one comment, in response to your narcissism critique, was insulting to anyone. Could you please clarify what was offensive? All the responses to the narcissism post were simply pointing out the error of your analysis, as you were misrepresenting the word ‘narcissism’. If two people have different opinions, and they are respectful in expressing those differentiating opinions, then there is no insult. And I agree that CHU is not as good as we all think it is….its better than that.

    1. If you are buying into the IH16 1:25, 1st or 2nd, at the current asking prices, then there is no room for profit. If you get one for cheap, and there is nothing important in the guts of the book, I suggest you flip the book quickly. I can not see that cover holding any value if there is nothing in the guts. M2c

      1. Thank you so much for saying this, Jay! I have talked with so many people eager to buy that ratio variant for something like $125-$150 and they seem to not realize there is basically no meat on the bone at that point, if I may use an old-timey metaphor. People are going to overspend to buy it and then will all begin undercutting each other and it’ll settle at a tidy $50 dollar title or such. Because there is all this hype there will be plenty compared to something like the issue two Zaffino variant that IS scarce.

  2. Looking in the IH rearview mirror now. Been saying this for weeks. Call me a maverick, but investing at this # in the series seems futile.

    1. The real investments, which are really quick flips, are first appearances of hulk supporting cast being re-introduced at this point.

      Flip those ugly ass 1:25 variants while there’s initial artificial demand. I see no long term spec value, especially the 2nd print.

      That’s coming from my crystal ball, anyway.

      1. Yeah, still not sure on that one but it really depends on the final print run and how many dealers qualified for the variants on the 2nd print. Manufactured or not a lot of collectors like rarity. If the 2nd print turns out to have a small print run (for a marvel book) there will always be demand for it. If a ton of the of the initial second print were ordered resulting in a large number of the variants, well, it will get lost with all the other variants out there.

        1. The thing is there’s a lot of shops asking $50 to order it…which pretty much covers the cost of ordering it and the 25 of the regular 2nd print copies.

          The regular cover will be $1 bin or FCBD fodder. So avoid avoid avoid! Unless it’s for the PC. And l being people are heavily specing the 1:25 variant already it’ll be ordered in larger numbers than typical 2nd print incentives.

          So we’ll see what happens, but with an asking $40-$50 does not Leave a lot of profit room. I’d rather invest in Naomi issues 1-3 for half that price per issue right now. Maybe even the 2nd print of #1 which I have yet to come across.

      2. I think the second print 1:25, while likely being overprinted, might increase in weight. Largely due to it being the first 2nd print with a ratio cover (i think).
        The first print though should be flipped hotter than hotcakes.

      1. I know that was a typo Anthony, but I wouldn’t rule out a little slip of the tongue on the “puked” part of that description for the 1:25 variant 😉

        I agree with Chandler above – I think everyone is aware of IH at this point and the “rarity” factor is over. Shops are on to it much like Artgerm/Middleton covers. Sure, pick up a few for spec potential of new characters/major plot points, but I wouldn’t go heavy into anything IH any more.

        1. The puking was a spell check typo. Lol. I do a lot of voice to text and Siri doesn’t like the way I talk when I dictate. I paid ratio for the first and second prints and am a little torn on if I am going to sell. Depends I guess.

        1. The thing is, is that it’s a cool cover. It’s got a lot going for it. It’s a $200 book by next year. Now, 2nd print, who knows? More I’d say.

          1. From all that I’ve read, I think the general consensus on the cover is that it is not a good one. Nice concept, wraparound of the transformation and all, but in terms of “art” I see more people that do not like it compared to those that do (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Not sure what’s going on with it spec wise to get to $200 though. No 1sts, no major beats to the story line that we’ve heard, but who knows.

  3. Hey James. I actually did intend to mention it as there is still potential to make a profit on the variant of your local comic shop is cool and sells it at ratio. If they jack it up like Midtown to $150 there is no chance of a profit. However, I do agree the window on spec of new issues of Immortal Hulk may be closing as more and more people are jumping on it with each subsequent issue coming out.

    No, not really trying to please everyone. I really do write out a scripted outline to keep my thoughts in order but some times do jump around when filming and go back to edit later. Sometimes things get chopped because I don’t like the way I said it and other reasons.

    The CHU Effect is something Poyo has said for years. Most sites get blamed for pumping and dumping books. Like the reason why something is being sold online and is only moving is as a result of a site mentioning it, as it is being pumped for the sole purpose of it being dumped. . The “fill-in-the-blank effect” is the polar opposite of the Pump and Dump, if we can be blamed for a book only selling because of pumping and dumping so why can’t we take credit for something positive. Seems we only get credit for a book selling well because of claims of “pump and dump” There may be a casual correlation between mentions of book sales and posts though.

    I didn’t see an insult to your comment but will go back and look. We are usually pretty open to differing opinions. We are not a “my way or the highway” crowd. We try to be pretty laid back. Only really stepping in if people get over the top but yeah, the culture here is something we are always trying to improve. We are working on the “foundation” we have things in the works.

    1. And the CHU effect is something I borrowed from the days of Slashdot.. the days if your website got mentioned on slashdot, the rush of traffic would literally take down your website back in the day.

      Some people should lighten up a bit and also learn to use the word narcissism in the correct terms.. 😉

  4. There absolutely is a CHU/CBSI/FACTS/Comic News and Spec Effect. But I think it is just an organic, natural cycle. Sure maybe there are pump and dumps where someone artificially creates interest in a book (this 1st app might be great to use in the next movie). But in the extent that when books start to move organically based on people seeing IG posts, or movie news that is released and then when reported by one of the spec sites, that just opens up the flood gates.

    It happens with the top 10 lists. Yes, those books are already moving but once it goes on a list as a “hot comic” that’s only going to drive more people to start trying to pick up the book who didn’t know that it was an important “key” to pick up. And that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Supply and demand will take care of the rest. Once the market gets flooded, prices will drop. When the cheap copies dry up, if there is still demand, the prices will rise. If no demand, copies will sit. I’d say all normal stuff.

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