Spider-Man Far From Home Official Trailer Drops, New Footage

A new Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer dropped and shows new footage. It shows some background on Mysterio. Check it out below and feel free to comment below:

Seems like Mysterio is working for SHIELD, ar least at the begining.

27 thoughts on “Spider-Man Far From Home Official Trailer Drops, New Footage”

    1. Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t it turn out that Ultimate Mysterio just turned out to be an android sent the the Ultimate U to conquer the universe?

  1. so did they just introduce the ultimate m.u.?and I hope this is not the whole movie?and bitch you been to space eeds to be a shirt love you guys blind adam out

  2. You think any love for Ultimate Spider Man annual 3 (1st Ultimate Mysterio) or Ultimate Spider Man (vol 2) 1B, 1:15 ratio 1st cover app? Both are like $3 books….

    1. To me it’s confusing we already have Ultimate Venoms and Carnage origin In the regular verse, So now we add the multiverse with Ultimate Mysterio. If first Ultimate Venom is an indicator it’s around a $15 book not bad since it was a dollar binner winner meanwhile ASM #300 doubled price due to the movie. I imagine it will be the same here.

  3. Stark created the Marvel multiverse with his snap. That’s how they’ll bring in F4 and X-Men.

  4. Im thinking the multiverse is a distraction. I think the multiverse is a line fed to Fury by Mysterio in order to obfuscate Mysterios true motives.

      1. How would they (Marvel) explain why Starks snap caused a multiverse, but for 5 years after Thanos’ snap…nothing. Mysterio is a master of illusion, you can not take anything he says or does at face value, imo.

        1. Because stones from the past were used in the future while the other stones still existed Thanos didn’t destroy them he says he shrank them to an atom could cause a multiverse. Cap saying Hail Hydra, Buckys alive, and fighting himself could spin a multiverse. Loki escaping with the tezzeract definitely changes time. A past Gamora going into a future she was sacrificed for the soul stone in another multiverse. Cap staying with Peggy another multiverse, Nebula killing her past self another multiverse.

          1. He didnt shrink them to atom size, he pulverized them into atom sized dust, hence he destroyed them. (If my memory serves me correct, I have only seen it 1x).

            1. Wait, you can’t have atom sized dust, that’s just more atoms. Perhaps by dust they’re now quarks? Or gluons, leptons or bosoms? Shall we go smaller? 😛

              1. If i take a big rock and smash it into its individual atoms, then I have made atom sized dust. No?

                1. It was a bad joke that saying dust implies it’s smaller… is it dust or just atom size? Cause actual dust is bigger than atoms.. 😉

                2. Joking aside, dust is not a ‘size’. So, technically, you can have atom sized dust (i think), it just depends on context (i think). If you start off with one atom, then yes, you can not make atom sized dust from that. But if I have a large rock and smash it into its individual atoms, then that would/could be atom sized dust. Dust being a noun in this scenario.

                3. That’s where my bad joke came into play… when I think atom size, I don’t describe it as dust. It’s just atoms at that point because that’s about as small as it gets, at least from what we can physically see. Describing something like dust is hair particles that accumulate on my flat surfaces.. 😛

                  I just read too many physics books I suppose.. 🙂

          2. From my understanding, from the Ancient Ones time explanation to Hulk, there is only one universe with diverging timelines. I do not remember a multiverse being part of her explanation.

          3. Those scenarios you mentioned, Alana, are not different universes. It is the same universe, but different timelines. Gamora didnt ‘come’ from a different universe, she was Gamora from the same universe but a different timeline. Loki escaping with tessaract is Loki in same universe, different timeline. Ditto with Nebula, Cap and Peggy.

            1. But the collection of the stones may have come from other dimensions, which could be construed as universes for the purposes of this conversation. Different timelines, different dimensions…opens up the plausibility!

              1. Timelines and dimensions are two completely separate things. You can have many timelines within one dimension. If we use the comic book multiverse as an example, the earth we know is dimension 616. If you travel back in time in the 616, you are still in the same universe/dimension. Miles Morales was from the 1610 universe/dimension and jumped dimensions to land in the 616 universe/dimension. Does that make sense to you all out there? It makes sense to me.

              2. The stones that Tony used in his snap were the same stones Thanos used. The Avengers went back in time in the 616 and collected the stones from different 616 timelines. They did not travel to alternate dimensions to retrieve the stones Tony used. When they travel back to the battle of New York to get a stone, they are still in the 616 (Avengers 1, the battle of New York takes place in the 616), not some alternate dimension like the 1610.

  5. and yadda yadda yadda go dig those ultimate Spider-Man annual 3s out of the bargain bins…$3 or cheaper sounds like a low risk investment to me…I’m siding with JClue on this one….maybe the characters in the movie don’t know Q.Beck’s history, but we all so. He’s the villain. likely an illusion.

    1. Im not saying anybodys wrong. With the time jumping in Endgame, everything seems quite convoluted. I am just presenting my theory/my perspective of it all. In Fieges head, maybe time travel and dimension jumping are the same thing. But to me, I don’t see it like that. I interpreted Endgames time travel as existing in one dimension with diverging timelines, as opposed to different dimensions, as I eloquently (lol) stated above.

    2. PS @DRog. We, as speculators, need to figure out what this means (dimensions or timelines). It is relevant as to where the MCU may be headed and what characters may appear moving forward, imo.

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