CHU Community Forums – Now Open

I’m happy to announce that the CHU Community Forums are now open for all to sign up and use.

Simply go to and click the signup. You can also browse the forums without signing up for all you people who love to lurk without ever striking up a conversation as well. No pressure to join.

Now you have the ability to start your own topics, chat with others from CHU in a casual forum environment. It has direct/private messaging, etc and a whole lot more than just the simple commenting system here on the main website.

If you have issues signing up or don’t get the email to verify your account (yes, you need a valid email account), first check your spam folder, it might be there. If it is, make sure to mark it as “not spam” so future notifications are not classified as such.

For now, the forums are separate from the main site. What does that mean? You can comment here and there. This is still the main site, consider the forums right now as the sidekick site where you have more freedom to strike up conversations with fellow speculators, collectors, readers and so on.

We’re still sort of in testing phase and hope it sticks around for the long haul but we live in a world where everything starts off being on probation. There might be plans for more integration with the main site but we’ll have to wait and see.

Cheers and hope to see you all over in the forums, whether you’re regular who comments here or new!

11 thoughts on “CHU Community Forums – Now Open”

  1. The Forum is great. I was lucky enough to get an early invite a week or so ago, and I’ve been enjoying it. It should be even better now with the grand opening. If you like CHU then you will like the forum

  2. It has an edit button with each post so you can correct your typos, add additional thoughts to the last post or just try out different versions of the 6,000 smileys until you find one you’re happy with!!!

  3. Nice. I’ll definitely be on there. Hopefully it remembers me when I register, the main site never does.

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