Welcome once again to the another installment of the One Week Later Report. This week we’ll cover the books released on 05/29/2019.
Hopefully this report helps anyone reading while picking out new books at the local shops for things to keep a look out for.
Also, don’t forget to visit the new forums if you haven’t done so already and comment to win the Naomi #2 and #3 Final Prints giveaway. It closes this early evening.
DC Books
You can pretty much find most if not all the DC books from last week online or your local store shelves. The only one I’d say has legs for the long haul is Batman Last Knight on Earth #1 out from Snyder and Capullo.
Marvel Books
Usually there’s at least one hot Marvel book but most if not all of them from last week you can likely still find online or at your local retailers.
Immortal Hulk
#18 had a nice mugshot cover but I’m expecting bigger print runs now on these so these are going to be a lot easier to obtain moving forward. Retailers could be over stocking these just because it’s attracting new comers. TFAW sold out though but already have the Immortal Hulk #18 (2nd Printing) up for pre-order.
Is it me or does it seem like Marvel is likely printing the 2nd prints alongside the first prints? This is just getting a wee bit crazy with the additional printings for Immortal Hulk. I might of missed count but I count 8 new printings last week for Immortal Hulk not counting the new #18 release.
There was even a Hulk #181 Facsimile 2nd print that hit shelves last week. Huge print run on the first print. My local shop last visit had a huge stack of these first prints.
I know some have claimed these are going to be a nice flip but I just don’t see it, at least not anytime soon. I’ll be retiring when you start making real money off them. If you don’t want the new printing, I believe TFAW is still trying to dump their Incredible Hulk #181 Facsimile Edition first prints.
Indie and Small Publisher Books
Amber Blake #3 is sold out almost everywhere. Not a lot of heat on issue #3 regular cover yet but the Nodet is selling well.
Not as good as the first two incentive variants but if you got this at cover price, most are going between $20 and $30 on average for the most recent sold listings.
Flip now unless you plan to hold, they hype is dying as you can now find issue #1 and #2
for around the $20 range as well. Sets of the regular covers are selling well, $20 for the pair for first two issues.
Buy low, sell high.
The clear winner last week were the 1:25 Rick and Morty Variants.. The secondary market prices for these are insane.
Rick and Morty #50 1:25 Variants are fetching $1000 average for the pair. This is just insane. I mean, I like Rick and Morty but the hardcore fans apparently have way too much money on their hands.
That’s all for this week. Wasn’t a whole lot being the 5th Wednesday and all… But Rick and Morty.. Damn! Maybe this renews some interest so I can sell some of the back issues I still got.
They do not have Immortal Hulk #18 Second Printing yet. Pub. Date:
July 03, 2019 Availability: Pre-Order
They’ll have it the same day every other store does with no delay waiting for it to get mailed. It appears most stores still have the 1st Printing in stock. Immortal Hulk #18 Battle Line variant is still in stock for ordering from diamond right now and that’s a 1st Printing.
Yeah, that meant to read as pre-order, not as if they have in stock now.
In stock Right Now at Diamond, 18 Battle line is the only 1st Print. #2 has no Printings available. #17 & #18 have 2nd Printings on order, #15 has a 2nd printing in stock, #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 and 16 all have Third Printings in stock that can be ordered, #3 has a Forth Printing in stock, #1 has a Fifth Printing in stock and the 1st 6 are getting directors cut editions with #1 and 2 already solicited. It wouldn’t surprise me to see #2 get a Sixth printing prior to the directors cut but if it’s going to be close they should probably just skip it.
#19 for next week also has both covers 1st Printings in stock at Diamond right now also so if you missed it your favoritestore can still get it ordered for you for right now if you ask before a later Printing is needed.
Maybe the 2nd prints of that #181 facsimile will be a lower print run and might be worth a little bit more.
Is there a way to tell the difference between the printings? They don’t label the 1st as a 1st Printing inside. they just use a produced between date. The 1st is barely selling so I never ordered and of the new printing.