It’s been a while since we’ve had a Wednesday Winner post (Thanks to rush diehard for the inspiration and reminder we haven’t done one in a while). This week was exciting for comic flippers. A few winners with one of them being a total surprise, which is always welcome.
So, the first winner. The total surprise that nobody had on their picks list, well, at least at CHU.
This Marvel Comics Presents #6 revealed yet another Wolverine offspring. With a high sale at $69.99 (single lone issue) and most current solds averaging around the $40 to $65 range. If you can find issue #5
and bundle them together, sets of #5 and #6 are going for upwards of $80.
A 2nd print is already on the way for those that missed out. In true Marvel fashion of sucking in extra sales, they have a 1:25 variant for the 2nd print as well.
The next winner was Canto #1
out from IDW. Potential great story + awesome artwork I think made this a winner.
I also think there could have been a bit more demand for those seeking out NM copies as reports of severely damaged books were pouring in from readers from lots of locations (Yes, it wasn’t fake news).
Seeing regular sales upwards of $25 on average, can’t go wrong with that if you found a freshly mint copy without too much damage. The 1:10 RI Nick Robles cover which most retailers listed around the $15 price tag is seeing sales as high as $90 range.
This one already has a second print planned with new cover art which I must say, has me excited. From my initial skim (I have yet to read it), this book wouldn’t even need dialogue for me to enjoy it.
There is also the SDCC Variant
that is popping up on eBay with pre-sales in the $40 to $45 range. I think most IDW convention exclusives usually sell for $10 so for those that are going to SDCC and or know you got some of these, there’s some nice flip potential going on there as well, with two solds at $41 and $45 since yesterday.
Buy low, sell high. That’s the name of the flip game!
Love the SDCC Canto cover. This book has promise. Holding my A cover copies for now…may get them pressed if this takes off because I think the damage is superficial.
I take that back…thought it was the sdcc variant you posted. That’s the 2nd prt! Definitely pre ordering a copy of that!
SDCC is just as awesome I think.
Not doing it for me… too dramatic and looks like a Star Wars new hope poster. 2nd print seems more genuine to me.
Oh, I like the 2nd print way better as well. I can just say, I haven’t seen necessarily a bad cover on any of the Canto issues I’ve seen so far.
Yeah, it’s not terrible. I can see how it would appeal.
Pre-ordered a copy of the Canto 2nd print plus issue 2 for $2.80 each from NYCollectorCave.
cheapest I was able to find online.
I hope I can get the SDCC for cheap eventually but I’m not paying eBay prices now. Hopefully they do a NYCC variant cause I’ll be all over that one.
I picked up 3 copies. 2 I think are flawless. The 3rd had some slight issues on back of the cover but none on the front. Depending on how my pre-orders arrive (1 regular and 1 RI cover), the one with slight issues is gonna be my reader copy.
I love the story concept and the artwork so I’m holding mine too. Hard to flip books when you fall in love with them.
I was lucky enough to scoop up some copies of issue #6 of MCP at one of my local places. I’m paranoid the heat will die down so I’ll sell most or all of them.
Yeah, I didn’t pick these up but if I find them for cover I’m selling as fast as I am checking out.. might even snap the pics while walking out of the store..
it would be a wise idea to collect this run of marvel comics presents. at least that’s what im doing. thanks for the shout out. amazing site. and thank you.
Buy low, sell high. Keep a set for the long term gamble.
I grabbed three MCP 6 and three MCP 5’s all for cover.
Sold one for $35, one damaged 6 with a 5 for $30, and still have the others.
I’ll hold onto my last 6 and one 5 so sadly I sold too early as prices are still climbing.
Never have any regrets? If you bought at cover and sold for profit, that’s all that matters.
I made $100 (net) selling 4×6 and 2×5. I have no regrets.
Just sold my last set of MCP issues 1 thru 5 for $65 walk-in and didn’t have to split it with PayPal and other seller fee’s online. #6 has been sold out since Thursday at $35 a copy. Single sales of #5 in the $20 to $25 range, one left.
It’s possible the only ones left by the end of the day will be the FREE copies of #3 Marvel shipped when they doubled all the stores orders for #3 for FREE.
Anything other than the baby making in 3 spec worthy? 1st appearances, etc…
I’m all in on blonde stabby 3 copies 1st print and 1:25 second print preordered got all that for $90 so I’m already in the plus as of now. All 4 books going to grading for 9.8s.
When you say blonde stabby it forces us old people to think Basic Instinct. Sharon Stone movie famous for blonde stabby beginning.
I read Canto #1 last night and I got to say it’s a great story and the art goes well with it.
Poyo, I’m going to SDCC, if I can get my hands on extra copies, I shot one your way.
That would be sweet if you are able to snag one, I’ll return the favor from a New York Comic Con variant. Or anything else that I can grab on your behalf
Sounds like a plan Poyo!
sell MCP 6 while you can.
Heh, yeah.. don’t demand this new character too much or Marvel will make everyone hate her cause they’ll release a new title with 5 thousand variants and create 15 additional printings for MCP6 along with a True Believers and Facsimile ediition that accompanies the Director’s Cut all within the next 3 months….
Careful what you wish for she could be WolverGwen
Oh gawd.. please no, for the love of the comic book industry..
Why sell? Do you think MCP6 will be a flop?
Buy low, sell high. If you got an extra (s) copy, then hold one after you’ve covered your costs + profit for the books.
Best 1st appearance this year by Marvel. Venom #3 is held back by Thor God of Thunder #6 and it’s 4 panels of Knull making Venom #3 1st appearance unmasked, not really his first appearance. Immortal Hulk #2 1st Dr Frye is a good enough first appearance but let’s face it the character is a one and done as all his limbs have been ripped off and he was buried alive under a mountain. Miles Morales #6 1st Starling is lucky to break a $10 spot, also it’s weird they used another characters name for a completely nothing to do with that character new character.
700+ copies at inflated prices between $10-$70 have moved since Wednesday, if you count up the listings with multiples and the 2nd print 1:25”s.
Low print run + FOMO = Demand = Great Flipping Potential
We’ll have to wait and see how it holds out over time. Once the hype dies, we’ll see this settle a bit. If she remains popular, over time you might see a steady increase. Just like Spider-Gwen, it’s been a roller coaster ride with EOSV #2
.. and she’s even already made her Movie Debut to help it along which pushed it back to just a $130 – $150 book raw on average.
Venom #3 was last year.. along with IH #2. Knull’s first in Thor GOT #6 was a cameo first.. still a first but Venom #3 is the one to own for Knull’s first.
The only issue I have with this new gal is it’s just not that original. Just another Wolverine.. I hope Hickman’s reboots of all the X-Men characters is good because honestly, I’ve been X-Men’d out for quite some time now..
Imagine how hard it’s going to be to cast her in the MCU. There just cant be that many 19 year old gorgous blonde actresses with curves and attitude around. Who would possibly want to see that?
Does Sharon Stone or Brittaney Spears have a daughter?
My guess if cast today would reuse the girl from The Gifted, Natalie Alyn Lind.
The intriguing thing is we really don’t yet know what powers she has inherited. Obviously some sorcery/witchcraft, but the origin of her “family/ Grandma Agathe” haven’t really been touched upon.
If this “family” remains it’s another win for this book & the others (especially #1)
Keep in mind the story is only 6 issues into what appears to be going at least 9. Everyone’s guessing right now based on 2/3’s of what looks like a really good story but Marvel still has time to Bendisize it.
I’m all for something fresh. just don’t send her off to Weirdworld immediately like they did Weapon H so we can get to know her better first.
Too bad Weapon H already has a family. Looks like a fun power couple that can’t be.
Is Fastboob Special already a thing? Wolverine types are always good for throwing.
Really hope it’s her “witch powers” that makes her special & they really only needed Wolvies healing/slow aging to keep her around to battle “the truth” for ages.
Frankly..if they focus less on her relationship to Wolverine & more on a cool new character/family with a sorcery background it could create for an even cooler situation.
Wishful thinking on my part, but I’d love to see new creations for the mystical/sorcery realm of the Marvel Universe.
Just with what we know, they could easily bring in Dr. Strange, Son of Satan, Satanna, etc into this story.
Wolverine did the deed with Enchantress some years back and voila! Wolverine has a blonde magical daughter.
Just as the Batwang caused a huge spike in Batman Damned prices last year, I guess we can credit the Wolverwang for helping to create a huge upswing in MCP 6 prices this week.
Her name is “Rien”.
It also sounds like Marvel Comics Presents #9 is the last of the series and an all wolverine issue finishing up the story.
It also looks like she could be green lite for a series as early as October/November now and the trade collecting all 9 MCP issues on the shelf before Christmas.
I think I like that. Rien means pretty much tied to nothing which is great to think she’s not going to be tied to the X universe or anything else that could weight down her development.