Things I Like and Don’t Like for the Week of October 2nd, 2019

It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of October 2nd, 2019.

Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.


So what’s grinding my gears this week?


NYCC 2019

In two days I’ll be in NYCC for the Convention. Good times is upon us as it’s now a tradition for the most part. Even if the convention sucks, it’s fun to just hang out with Anthony and Tyson, meet some creators and running around the convention.

Also the invites were sent out for those who were interested in the CHU Meetup. So come if you can. I do ask that you keep the location and times secret, as our reservation is based on the number of potential people showing up.

If you happen to find us at the convention, maybe we’ll give you a sticker or button…

Francavilla Cover Art

I just absolutely love Francavilla’s art. This book won’t heat up and it might be a great read for any Star Wars fan but I’m really digging the regular cover by Francavilla.

Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle #1 (Cover A - Franca)

FOMO or True High Demand

It’s an awesome looking cover but the recent high pre-sales on the secondary market is either FOMO or actually is just due to high demand for the Absolute Carnage Immortal Hulk Codex Variant.

It’s not a first appearance or a first cover either, that happened in Absolute Carnage #3 and the first cover was the same issue but with the Young Guns variant. If you can land one cheap, all the power to you though. Buy low, sell high.

That’s all I got this week. What’s grinding your gears this week? Comment if you’re gonna be at the convention.

25 thoughts on “Things I Like and Don’t Like for the Week of October 2nd, 2019”

  1. The Abs C-Hulk is a strange one. In almost all cases first app + 1st cover dominates over 2nd app + cover…even when the first is just a single panel.

    But the low print run, a great cover and this comic presumably having the story revolve around the character is feeding this one…either way, some FOMO going on…

    It’s not like this character is going to hang around very long… I longevity whatsoever. watch the character go nowhere and the price drop.

    1. Yeah but I think Marvel pays attention to the buzz. If people are buying these cause of the character alone, I’m sure he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Probably get his own title… they probably already working on the solicitations and the writing now.. because…. WE.. DEMANDED…. IT! 😉

      1. You can’t have venom hulk and immortal hulk running around at the same time…it’d have to be out of continuity.

        Maybe a mini-series…it’ll be short lived. Just another venomized character…

          1. It’s not about cheating death. It’s about two single entities occupying space in two different locations.

            And now that I’ve written that out I guess you could either clone that single entity or have one travel back from the future…so outside of that concept you’re not seeing an immortal venom hulk series running in parallel time continuum with the immortal hulk series.

              1. I’m just going to stop arguing now and wait until I’m proven right and continue this discussion then.?

    2. I would disagree that it’s one panel because it shows the whole origin multiple pages of Banner with the symbiote and full transformation to Hulk Venom. Origin stories that show a transformation from beginning to end in multiple pages, I have a hard time calling a cameo.

      1. I haven’t read it yet to know the whole story ….I just saw the character in full for the first time on the final page…2nd print cover worthy, btw Marvel…hint hint..

        I mean, we focus all this importance on whether it’s a cameo or full…but in the end it really doesn’t matter how much the character appears…it’s more how much of the story involves the character and how significant that is to the characters development.

        Sounds like AC3 isn’t just a single picture, but an origin as well…so that should make the book desired in the future if the character does stick around. Maybe more so than the AC-IH1.

  2. Oh, here’s another gripe.. Anyone notice that Midtown couldn’t dump off their Canto RI variants at the jacked up price of $25 on previous issues but now seem to have dropped it to $17 for this Wednesday’s Issue #5? So pathetic. This is another reason why retailers can ruin the industry with greed. Midtown use to set these 1:10 at the $10 price point but ever since Canto took off, they’ve been trying to jack these to $25 and guess what, nobody is buying at that price.

  3. see you Friday night.maybe on the floor.have a great weeka nd a great convention blind adam out

  4. This is an old gripe that continues to this day…

    When I relist my listing that I cancelled (because I do not want to pay 35 cents to have them auto relisted – thank you ebay for that money grab format change) eBay automatically toggles the “or best offer”…and set at a lowball 50%.

    They do this no matter what I do to prevent it. Before listing it, I actually go into the settings and manually turn it off or confirm it’s off…but in 100% of the cases when it goes live the OBO is toggled ON!!! Even when I bring up the live listing and manually update it to remove then OBO it’s still there!!! Sometimes it takes two or three rounds of turning it off and saving to rid myself of it and the annoying lowball offers.

    And this also happens if I let it auto-relist as well…

    So mad at you, eBay!!!! OBO should not be an automatic/default setting!!!!!!

    Piece of ?!!

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