Welcome once again to my spec and my drek. I pick what I think will be winners, not only if you make money by flipping but winners as in either a great read or just awesome art.
Then there’s the pesky drek, the comic you should avoid altogether or not fall into the buying every variant trap.
It’s the second Wednesday of the new year.
DC Pick
Not a whole lot going on in DC this week but this weeks pick has to go to the awesome Putri variant for Daphne Byrne #1. The only downside is, it’s a card stock cover.
Marvel Picks
Not a whole lot going on in Marvel either, at least nothing that stands out in terms of potentially heating up without going by any leaked spoilers.
This weeks pick goes to the pretty cool JTC variant for Venom #22. Despite it being a themed variant, at least it’s still Venom/Spidey related in a sense. Nothing worse if it was the Fantastic Four on the cover right?
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
In Nazi occupied Paris, the death toll mounts, but the killer’s motive and whereabouts remain unknown.
The investigation uncovers a name–a doctor, whose skill and expertise match that of the meticulous crimes. But is this doctor the sadistic killer operating in the shadows, or just another victim of the Gestapo?
Hattie and Anna knew that executing their plan to kill ”Whitey” Donovan would be difficult, but they never anticipated their path to find him would be a literal inferno of war; hunted by the evil Tyson and his devil dogs, attacked by Confederate soldiers–with no allies yet to be found–can they possibly survive long enough to find the vengeance they so desperately seek?
This weeks picks are continuing reader titles.
Now on with the dreaded “avoid” pick, every writer and artist worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work.
Star #1 Campbell Virgin Variant. Only pick this up if you can find at cover price and sell it if you do. Do not spend a premium on this cover. If you’re a huge JSC fan, just stick with the non-virgin cover. The whole markup on virgin variants is just a bit ridiculous if you ask me.
last page of venom will destroy the interweb
What happens on last page of Venom? This is a spec site, no need to worry for spoilers.
I’ve seen the last page… I’m not so optimistic that its going to break the internet.
Check your forums messages..
Send me a message too, please!
clock #1 is the pick of the week. multiple copies.
I read it. Its okay I think… Typical Matt Hawkins end of world type of book he likes todo… Not sure I’d go too heavy though.
What’s the big deal on the last page of Venom???