Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
1. New Mutants #18 Fueled by the new trailer, the first full appearance of the Demon Bear sold 47 copies with an average raw sale of $12.33 and 9.8 graded sale of $109.00
2. Ex Machina #1 Word got out that the Brian K Vaughn comic was optioned for a movie. The first issue sold 25 copies with an average raw sale of $21.71 and 9.6 graded average of $87.47.
3. The Clock #1 Matt Hawkins latest comic on environmental doom. It sold 22 copies with a raw average sale of $5.73
4. The New World #1 News came out that this Image book has been optioned. The A cover sold 11 copies with an average raw sale of $18.95
5. New Mutants #1 The second book helped along this week by the trailer. The first issue sold 26 copies with an average raw price of $10.20 and an average 9.6 graded price of $106.00
6. STAR WARS: THE RISE OF KYLO REN #2 1:25 The second issue variant for the Star Wars book was helped along by the success of the first issue and the movie out in theaters. The variant sold 22 copies with an average raw sale of $62.43.
7. STAR WARS THE RISE OF KYLO REN #1 The first issue for the series did well on release. This week it sold 14 copies with an average raw price of $27.42 and a 9.8 graded average of $79.99
8. New Avengers #7 features the first appearance of the Illuminati. Rumor that Endgame may have set up for an introduction. It sold 17 copies with an average raw price of $8.85 and 9.8 graded average of $48.34
9. Marvel Graphic Novel #4 Again, the trailer pushed up interest in all things New Mutants. This first team appearance of the New Mutants sold 11 copies with an average raw price of $32.00 and a 9.8 graded average of $677.00.
10. DETECTIVE COMICS BATMAN 80TH ANNIVERSARY GIANT This issue features an uncensored version of the first appearance of Batman from Detective Comics #27. Rumored to have a very low print run. This grail of Walmart DC Giants sold 12 copies with an average raw price of $137.00
Runners up to follow
The Clock? Really?? Now I know this list is just being made up.
Surprisingly it was a hot book. Something to the FOMO theory.
I thought it was crazy too but I clicked on the link provided and The Clock 1 is going for $15-20 on EBay right now
Yup. It’s fear of missing out i am sure but didn’t stop me from buying and listing several copies.
Anyone know when that Walmart batman was released? Was it a while back or currently on the shelves?
About a year ago. No. Most likely won’t be on the shelves. I hit multiple Walmart’s looking for it when it first came out and found 0
Don’t worry, they’ll likely show up in clearance 3-packs eventually, killing spec value…
Mwwwaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa!!!!
That would be awesome. Walmart does 10 Packs of DC comics and often include the Giant Sized books.
They wont be in 3 or 10 packs. The detective was far and away the lowest printed and only 60 ish Walmarts got them. It was a ghost. Came out in March yes as someone else said. Ever since release this was the Walmart DC that sold for the most on resale (aside from when Superman Wamart #7 was artifically going high). When sites starting picking up that this one of over 100+ Walmart DC books was unique it exploded.
The only DC Wamart books to go into resale packs were Superman #1 and Justice League #1 because print runs were gigantic and didnt sell as well as Batman #1 (shocking!)
I’m losing respect for this list too. Perpetuating rumours on print runs, and then referring to a book that came out in March, as a ‘grail’. Wal Mart grails, smh, that’s new.
The grail comment was mine. For Walmart books, this is a grail.
Q: What is the shortest book written about collectible comics called?
A: The book of Wal Mart Grails. ?
In your opinion, what makes that book the WalMart grail, Tony? (I feel silly typing Walmart grail, lol, no offense intended)
I said a Walmart grail not a grail. In terms of the Walmart book it is the hardest to find and the one selling for the most. I looked in numerous Walmart’s (ugh surrounded by them) and could not find it when they came out.
“Grail – The object of an extended or difficult quest.”
Sounds appropriate when grouped with all other DC 100 of Giant Walmart variants.
“grail-the object of an extended or difficult quest”… they’re on eBay. Not difficult or extended. Easy, from the comfort of your home. ?
Unless you want to pay $4.99 for it.
Same could be said for amazing fantasy 15.
But speaking in hypotheticals, if you were to stumble on three of them sitting in a local walmart, would you snatch them up and flip them, regardless if you agree with it being a hot book or a perceived hot book because someone said it is and they have a big YouTube or app following, putting personal feelings aside, would you snatch it up and flip it?
I tend to not worry about the why’s, like Clocks is a terrible book and it is mostly FOMO on a hot book that has driven the sales. But my lcs restocked them yesterday and I grabbed three to put up on eBay. Personal feelings aside, I am going to sell what others want to buy and use it to buy what I like to collect.
New Avengers 7 has been a dollar book for years. The variant is 10 to 20 maybe and even less and that depends on the person selling it. This book has been in dollar bins for years. It’s a stretch to say that was the Illuminati in Endgame. I hate this kind of crap. Speculators are always trying to pick those movies apart and 90 percent of their theories turn out to be bullshit. That was not the Illuminati. It was a defacto Avengers team. If I go to a shop and I see that book on a wall I’m walking out. I see it’s gone up on eBay. Complete nonsense. This MCU spec is crap. Remember the Mandarin? Red Hulk in Civil War? Adam Warlock? and it goes on and on.
Here is what the hype is based off: I still go by the fact that if you can buy it for a dollar and flip it, do so.
Screenrant is trash. The article is trash. Screenrant puts out bs articles pretending they mean anything. He probably has 50 copies on eBay. Wong did not disappear. Where was he? Steve knew what Natasha was doing. It was implied when he walked in. Screenrant needs to.shut up. Ridiculous and the sheep are falling for it to justify their insatiable habit to their Mom’s wondering why all those white boxes are in the basement.
Not sure why you are so angry. Maybe you should take a break from reading spec articles (or changing names but using the same IP address to win an argument that is not an argument). I am not arguing with the validity or if the article is invalid. Simply saying here are the numbers and why. Feel free to go over to screenrant and let them know how you feel. Use the information to sell books. If I can get the book cheap and sell it for more than I paid, then I am doing exactly what I set out to do. It’s the point of spec and flipping. If the spec is proven wrong later, than that is on each person to do their own due diligence on why they bought a book. If I buy the issue for .50 and dont sell it I am not going to cry over it.
Screenrant is more of just a media outlet for movies, comics and pop-culture in general. I don’t ever get the sense they’re in the comic book speculation game.
“New Avengers 7 has been a dollar book for years.”
So buy for a buck and flip at profit.. I think the point of these lists is, if you got’em or can find for cheap, here’s what they’re selling for now. Who cares if the spec is right or wrong? If you’re in the business of selling books to make money or buy more books, buy low, sell high is the game when it comes to these types of lists and articles.
Bingo. And spec can be wrong but it is still speculation. People are speculating the Illuminati are going to be in the movies. Am I speculating it, no, I am showing what books are moving and why. Not casting judgement on the data just simply saying here is the data and why.
The problem is the data is bs. I been in this comics game a minute. I remember when the Liefeld New Mutant books were all on the wall for 10 to 20 dollars and when they went down to a buck. Speculation has always been around. I’m not knocking you Anthony. I’m knocking what spec has become. It’s problematic.
speculation – the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
Speculation doesn’t have to be based on factual data. That’s the very definition of spec or speculation. Everyone should take speculation and use their own judgement when buying or selling, etc.
I also never said Grail. I also said Walmart Grail. I just find that term humerous. It is quite the oxymoron. ?. No disrespect intended, Tony. A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.
Jclu, nothing but love brother. You know I am not mad at you. The conversation has been fun actually. I knew calling it a Walmart grail, as I was writing at 2 AM this morning, would bother people.
Weird, I just used that rose quote in reference to you KCC app…scary
Man. ?
Great minds?….Now, Drog, offhand, would you know what that is referenced from? ?
i know it from the 60s Star Trek series…”A Rose By Any Other Name” I believe the episode was called. But it’s actually Shakespeare, I think.
Amen to this. If people want to buy a pile of garbage, I have a few ready to go out to the sanitation department. It’s about what everyone else wants; not what you want when one is flipping
I have 40,000 comics give or take. Any movement on a book and I can sell a copy or two I am happy. I have no skin in the game though, I own none.
grail – a thing that is being earnestly pursued or sought after.
So, people are buying the Walmart Detective at crazy prices. Some can’t even find them. These are sought after by a lot of collectors. I’d say it’s a Walmart “grail” because what other Walmart exclusive is selling over $100? Grail is just an adjective to describe something in a brief definition, that’s all. Just my two cents.
Spider-Man #1 2nd Print (good variant) UPC.
That was a Walmart exclusive, right?
How about Batman 457 2nd Print UPC? Was that Walmart only?
I’d have no idea without looking them up. I will never own a Walmart exclusive cause I just don’t do Walmart.
I think the Spider-Man was a Toys R Us multi-pack if we’re talking 90s. They didn’t carry comics in Walmart back then, maybe on the spinner but definitely not multis.
I simply found the term ‘walmart grail’ to be quite funny. I understand there is no defined meaning for the word as it refers to comic books. You won’t catch me using that term, but you guys do whatever blows your hair back. All good. Walmart Grail is quite the oxymoron though. ?✌️?
Lol. It is. When i said it I knew it would ruffle feathers. I simply mean for the Walmart books this was the grail. Like a personal grail. It may not be a book other s have problems buying or finding, just one that the person looking for it does. When i was younger, Comico Primer #2 was a personal grail. I couldn’t find it anywhere. As I got older and went to big cons, I was able to easily find and purchase what was my first comic book grail. Now others may not see this as a grail, but for me it was.
Comico Primer #2 is an undisputed Grail of any comic collection, imo. Top five book, without question, of the bronze era. Is yours now graded, Tony?
Well, top 5 of the 80s, not the entire bronze era. That is probably stretching it too far.
Nope. I had Matt sign it and sketch it years ago. Will get another one graded at some point. This book meant too much to me. My Grendel 1-3 are all signed and sketched too. I have a Grendel tattoo on my chest (Grendel ‘86 #40 style)
Very cool. Me likey.
Anthony paid me $5 to defend his term…. Totally worth it. 😉
I kid… But yeah, grail seems like a holier than holy definition…. Wal-Mart is far from being holy. 🙂
Yes it is. It had high sales of over $200. It has settled to around 140-150. By my math (not sure about some others) thats a lot for a 4.99 book that came out in March. And there are constant sales for those that got them.
The second lowest printed Walmart DC book dwarfs the print run of this one. Its estimated about 3,000 originally.
Then take out all the copies a kid or parent for a kid or a casual bought that removes them from the resale market
Then take out all the ones that get wrecked in their display system.
The ones that are left all gobbled up by collectors and many have been resold a couple times. First when they hit 25-40 dollars and now again that its selling between 150-200.
There are also a lot of folks who want complete sets of all the WM books (I know firsthand because I have a ton of WMs that are easy enough to get to and with the waves per month as many as 8 books and me reselling multiple sets of each for double usually have moved around 1,000 of these) and this is one is far and away the toughest to get.
In relation to the over 100 individual DC walmart titles since it started 19-20 months ago (and the 2 Target books). this is far and away the grail.
The face a 5 dollar book for a year has been selling for 25-40 makes it notable on its own
Lots of opinions being floated out by you…..
Which is fine, opinions are welcomed to any discussion. If ya find an opinion that you can counter with facts or evidence, fling it back at them I say.. 🙂
I’ll say it again….can’t wait until Walmart finds its missing 2000 copies of back-stock they neglected to ship originally and decide to put them in multi-packs….
Mwaaa haaahaahhahaha!!!!
Haha.. it’s in an employees trunk.. that’s where they’ll find them.
Okay, I confess. The reason this Wal-Mart TEC book is so rare is I bought most of them and had a huge bon fire BBQ with them.. 🙂
It’s not rare by any stretch of the imagination. There are several listed on eBay and there have been over 50 completed sales. Not rare. Try finding a anthropomorphic3 on eBay. That is rare.
Is too rare.. I burned as many copies as I could. I will continue to burn them until there is only one copy left and in my possession.. 😛
And then I will proclaim my sole copy as the “One Copy To Rule All Copies”… LOTR style! 🙂
Oh and for the record, I hate when people use the term “rare” in listings.. when there’s 50 other listings, it’s not rare.. it’s not even hard to find.
Mmm.. love those “CGC it” mentions in listings. Here’s the thing, people use marketing terms to sell their stuff. It’s always going to be around. Buzz words.. buy what you like and ignore the silly buzz words to entice you to buy it. That’s the simple approach to buying not only comics but anything.
The estimation of the print run on the walmart tec book was pulled out of thin air with zero proof or evidence. No one in the comics community knows what the print runs are for any Wal Mart book. We should not perpetuate that number as it is wholly unverified. The estimated print run was a deceitful guess by an over zealous entrepreneur.
Honestly, if we really think about it, we don’t know the “exact” print runs are for any book (unless the publishers release such info). Comichron is pulled from Diamond sales. Only publishers actually doing the actual printing know the real numbers of any book. How do we even know if they’re shipping off all of them to Diamond for distribution? I mean, I can subscribe to books directly from Marvel, I doubt Marvel is sending those off to Diamond to handle shipping… and I’ve never seen any publisher release direct sales of subscribers, etc.
Diamond gives us a decent ballpark to play in. The Walmart guess is as accurate as Mr. Magoo at the firing range.
Yeah. Diamond numbers are close but none of them are truly 100% accurate. Mr. Magoo is a horrible shot? That’s news.. 🙂
Oh JcLu, you’ve done it again!