Here is the full black and white page of Batman/Bruce’s new nightmare. Nothing worse than a rich man possibly losing his fortune right?
What does everyone think? Is The Designer a throwaway character right before Joker War or perhaps he ends up playing a bigger role in this upcoming war? Perhaps this Designer is the result of Matthew Warner we saw way back in Batman #38? I’ve read that some are speculating that Punchline is Matthew Warner but I’m not buying that theory, at least not from what Tynion sent out in one of his newsletters.
Either way I got my BM 38s up on eBay ready to go. Lots of watchers but no takers yet…
Also have a copy signed by Mr. Tom King, which Anthony was kind enough to sell to me here on CHU a few years back! ?
I dont think Tynion is gonna reuse Kings characters but its fun to speculate. He did publicly refute KCC’s mention that Warnerbis Punchline.
SMH……..Tynion already debunked this made up theory:
That was for Punchline… He didn’t say anything about Designer…. But I still don’t think Tynion is reusing King’s characters.
My comment was a reply to D-Rog and the whole stupid Batman 38 speculation that Krap Collector started
For the record I did not mention punchline or designer in my listings, knowing the speculation is unfounded (gotta take KCC with a gain of salt)
I just posted a few just in case someone was buying, but careful not to link the two.
It would be odd for Tynion to use/expand upon a character king created so soon in his run…Even though he debunked only punchline, I doubt the designer is related either.
Wait. do people actually think Batman 38’s Mathew is The Designer now??? ……..smh
Which his he..Punchline or The Designer ?? This Mathew kid gets thrown around alot……
He’s actually the chameleon from Marvel. With rumors Marvel is going to take over DC they just wanted to send out “feelers” and see if it all clicks.
Hehe.. It’s actually Kiss of Death when they’re not bugging Lois Lane in Metropolis.. explains the mask…
No, that was me having fun, throwing in the question now about him being The Designer in my post..
I thought people were already speculating on Warner being Phantasm in Kings Bat/Cat maxi-series.
Cates will retcon Matthew Warner when he runs out of Jason Aaron’s work.
Haha.. very nice!