This news might of already showed up in your news feed but since there’s no new comics hitting shelves, any comic and MCU related news grabs my attention. I thought this one was worthy in talking about.
According to, Krasinski was originally in the running as Captain America but now, he could possibly join Marvel’s Cinematic Universe as Mister Fantastic (first appearance Fantastic Four #1) himself, since we all now know that Marvel has the rights to Fantastic Four, they will be introducing them to hopefully make them cool once again.
“A report published in Canoe, has a source quoted saying, “The studio has been taking virtual meetings with various actors, writers, and directors over the past weeks, and one of those people is none other than John Krasinski. He and Marvel Studios’ President Kevin Feige have both said they’d love to work together, and it seems that’s now closer to happening than ever before.”
I can’t envision Krasinski as Captain America (honestly, they cast Chris Evans perfectly for that role) now but as Mister Fantastic, I think he might actually make a good Reed Richards.
Ironically Chris Evans was originally Human Torch in the first two Fantastic Four movies before the horrible reboot they attempted a few years back.
I’m not big fan of the newer Fantastic Four comics they keep trying to put out, the silver age classics were great with a lot of firsts for a wide range of the characters we all know and love today. But if Marvel can bring justice to this group of heroes if and when they do a new movie, I’m down and I think Krasinski might play the part.
What does everyone else think? Krasinski a good fit as Mister Fantastic if this story is true (it is primarily a Bollywood website so I’ll take this news with some grains of salt) or who would you cast as Mister Fantastic if you had your choice? If he were to be cast, who else would be the best to cast for the remaining characters?
The only thing that’s ever been cool about the F4 is Doom, Galactus, Surfer, and Black Panther. Not a bad time to buy FF #1 though, 1.0 were $10,000 a year ago now going $5000-$6000.
I’d imagine once Marvel remakes the movie, could see an uptick in value again for some of the silver age books.
Joe Manganiello with a starting to grey beard would be my cast for Mr Fantastic
He is married to a perfect choice for Sue Storm in Emily Blunt.
Yeah but I can’t see her in that role… but she could pull it off. She’s a great actress and he’s a lucky guy!
I have long though John Krasinski would be perfect casting for Reed Richards. I am excited about this news!
Already been debunked. He never had a meeting with Marvel Studios.
I figured… Why I stated… Take with a grain of salt. I just wanted to see what others thought on potential casting of the character and others.
dan slots run has been a fun ride.nothing beats the first 200 isssues.the 1994 movie was the best movie.if ben is cgied then cm punk to play beng rim a unknow for the torch katie morgan for sue storm and not sure for who to cast as reed just my two sense love you all blind adam out
Hello no! He’d suck as Reed!
Meh, I wouldn’t go that far. Sometimes actors an surprise one. Look at Robert Downy Jr. as Iron Man.. I recall some people thinking the same exact thing when he was cast.. doubting him as Iron Man. And he nailed that role.. honestly he set the bar so high, any other potential Tony Stark in a future movie has their work cut out for them..
How about Orlando Bloom as Reed and Adam Driver as Dr. Doom?
Orlando Bloom is certainly a pretty man but his acting.. meh. But then again, I only really recall his acting from LOTR. Driver can play evil parts so that’s a possibility.
Only if Rain Wilson can be Dr. DOOM!
Oohh.. and Stanley as The Thing… Jen Fischer as Sue Storm?
Ryan as the Torch. Kevin as Galactus. Phyllis as Agatha Harkness. Creed as Willie Lumpkin.
And come on, you got it wrong… Michael Scott as The Thing, Stanley the Manly as Stan Lee maybe?
I always thought Glen Howerton from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia would make a good Reed Richards
I would love him and Emily as Reed and Sue, but I don’t think they’ll do it because it’s simply too risky to cast a real life couple in a franchise role that will go on years. Not everyone ends up like Jonny Depp and Amber Heard of course, but even Brad and Angelia would be something Disney would want to avoid to keep their brand “clean” from negative publicity, stupid as it is. I’d personally say cast them and hope for the best, but they worry about their movies ten years down the line so I doubt it.