Welcome once again to another installment of the One Week Later Report. Usually these are books that heated up or were good pick up for flipping, even going as far to report if books fell flat and you can now find at cheaper prices.
This week we’ll cover the books released on 05/27/2020, which is the first time we’ve had a week worthy of covering since March 25th due to the stoppage of new books being delivered.
So what’s been going on in the past week with new books…
Love her or hate her work, you still can’t deny her stuff moves on the secondary market, particularly when it’s a book that’s harder to find. Peach Momoko had a B Variant for Blackwood Mourning After #3 that saw some pre-sales start to heat up.
Fears of low print run mixed with some demand makes for a nice flip.
This one still selling pretty well. Saw some top sales of around $35 and seems to be holding steady at around $20 now from the past few days of sold listings.
The next book was sort of a surprise hit. Marvel Action Avengers #10 that introduced the Yellow Hulk, despite him making a brief cameo in issue #9 (that’s now also getting some love, it’s holding steady around the $15 range now with the 1:10 fetching some pretty dollars) and even before all of this, the very first Yellow Hulk was way back in 1982 What If #34.
Marvel Action Avengers #10 though is holding steady with sales between $30 and $40 (looks like some seller popped up and listed a few of theirs at $15, not sure why, makes for easy sale but they could have likely asked for $25 or so and sold them quickly when others were selling for $40). The 1:10 isn’t seeing as much love, it’s selling but the most recent was only for $50. A handful of the active listings are asking for $100+, which is gonna be a hard sell since FOMO is probably closing out.
Always bet on cover A, particularly when the new character shows up on the cover. I think that’s a reason more are jumping on the 1:10 variant for the previous issue (since neither have him on the cover, the #9 Black Widow is more desirable in this case). Collectors just find those more appealing when it comes to firsts and is definitely a driving factor in which appearance ends up the most desirable.
Venom #25 is the last book on the list. It’s got a brief cameo of the new character Virus (looks like a symbiotized Iron Man mashup.. ). As long as the character under the mask is not some rehashed existing character (thanks for ruining Frank Castle as being Cosmic Ghost Rider Donny!), the character might click with some collectors and readers.
There’s also the Greg Horn Store Variant that actually has Virus on the cover (homage variant for Iron Man #282, a book still on my own pick up list). Might be appealing to some collectors. It’s around $30 and some change currently. Store variants are hit or miss, some take off while most die over time. This one will be a cover and issue to watch I think. If the character proves popular, could be long term winner. If the character falls flat, well, we all know what happens then. Just don’t go breaking the bank chasing these.
Prices are all over the place with this one. Midtown is sold out of the Regular Cover A and a few of the others but still has the Lim, Bagley and Blank variants. A lot of the higher dollar variants still available but the Retailer Variant is doing pretty well, a recent sold was best off from a $25 listing.
Now, over at the forums, an image was posted to declare that most should not pay top dollar for the Funko Exclusive Variant, it was not that hard to get. So if you are trying to decide whether or not to buy the Funko variant for more than $50, you might want to rethink your purchase unless you really want it and got the extra cash to dish out for it.
That’s it for this week. What were you able to snag? What were you able to flip at profit? What did you try to snag and couldn’t? Do you have any buyers remorse and bought something for way too much but you’re still sort of happy now that you own it? Anything goes! Post here in the comments or strike up a conversation in the forums.
That Star Wars Attack of the Clones 1:100 heating up
Yeah but a lot of shops started the price over $100.. Midtown I think started theirs at $154 unless you got for cover or cheap, most shops didn’t nearly qualify so this is just the few that are in FOMO that want a copy and it’s very small supply vs demand I think.
Honestly I think the cover isn’t that great.. I wouldn’t spend $100 on it. If I found for under $50 I’d certainly snag a copy to flip at $150+…
But yeah, it’s heating up but I think it’s just the hardcore collectors out there that are seeking these out.
Was there any type of first appearances in it?
That Funko pic could have been taken from Diamond itself. There is no proof that was from a retailer. If they followed the 1:6 figure ratio it should still be quite a low print. I’ll wait for Monopoly Jackson in the mystery mobile to solve the case for us.
Read the comments on the forum, someone chimed in and I believe it was Sad Lemon that laid claim to that box of Funko Pop Variants.
Also, I’d imagine Diamond isn’t going to throw books like that into a short box just to snap a pic. They use Diamond boxes for everything.
I read them. Some random person said sad lemon comics laid claim to them. In other words it’s all hearsay.
Everything when it comes to “the number printed” is all hearsay to be honest. Unless the publisher openly states what a particular comic books actual print run is (the actual number they ordered from the printer), it’s all hearsay and guesstimates.
As for me, I stay away from the high buy in spec plays. I like the buy at cover price, hopefully they heat up and sell at $20 or more. The profit margin is more rewarding when you buy low, sell high instead of buy higher, sell higher.
Buy 1 comic for $50 to sell for $100 to make $50 profit or buy 10 comics for $50 total, sell them each for $20 and make $150 profit.
it definitely was Simon ..he admitted it…he said he didn’t know how the pic got leaked
This topic was posted by someone so butt hurt that he still trying to find evidence that they are not rare, one week after release. If retailers were not required to adhere to the 1:6 ratio then there may be more out there than expected.
However, if you expect to all sudden concede this over one picture I don’t think so. I mean you have to question the motives of someone who would go to this extent just to say there is more of a comic out there than was supposed to be.
The picture was posted originally on Instagram by Northwest comics a small mom and pop store in Moses Lake Washington. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwe4z0BluS/?igshid=3k78etqbz09y
Can you, Rick, kindly explain what these ‘motives’ might be? The only way be who seems ‘butt hurt’, whatever that means, is you.
This is not the first time that Simon has had pics posted of his stash. But I have never heard of a Diamond employee posting pics of piles of books.
And why is it so important for you, Rick, that this book needs to have a lower print run? The book is not ‘rare’, as evidenced from the photo, regardless of the source.
PS. All the English online retailers seem to have had that book for sale.
I bet every Funko employee got a copy too!
How can that Greg Horn cover be 1st Virus they don’t even know when the store variants will be received to be distributed yet. So by the time they get it then you get it in the mail there will probably already be a handful of Virus covers for sale in hand.
I might be wrong but most store variants get shipped on or before the scheduled delivery date the book is to be released.
Covid pushed them back getting this to mid July it says in their listings.
So when they get this in mid July to send to the preorders I imagine they’ll be a handful of Virus covers already being bought off the rack and sold on eBay before anyone actually gets this store variant.
I think the next cover is Venom #26 which is scheduled for July 15 (originally June 16) but I’d imagine it could also get pushed back again, since all the schedules for books seem to be inaccurate that were suppose to be released during the shutdown at Diamond.
So probably under these circumstances they’re behind or late but normally they show up on time. One could still go by the published date. If these were all printed at the same time as the regular Marvel issues for Venom #25, then I’d go by that date despite them showing up in people’s hands after release day.
My own personal experience with new character 1st cover appearances on store variants would be the comicxsposure Red Goblin cover which is the first to come out has a print date an issue before any other Red Goblin covers but I didn’t get it until 8 months later, so should that be 1st appearance Red Goblin on cover only or should it be trash?
IDK.. I think it should go by the actual print/published date but that doesn’t always seem like the case for some. But also, it took 8 months for you to get it while others could have had it months prior to you. So how do you determine when a book is officially out? That’s why I say the actual published date should be the official date.
It took me 2 months to get my first red gobby cover 796 from Comicxposure. I had to use NYColectorCave to poke at CX. But many already had their copies before then when I looked at eBay.
I love that green background and yellow trade dress lettering.
The reason it never became popular is that it’s not a story first appearance.
Agentpoyo doesn’t do Comicxposure… they’re the devil and need to go out of business!
My experience with first cover experiences on store variants is when it’s combined with a first inside the book it can be a big winner.
Look at thanos 15 print Unknown Comic Books.
Another winner is when it’s a red hot character. Venom #5 Skan variant was also a first knull cover. Big winner.
Later printings and higher seem to be hot these days.
Thanos 15 4th.
Captain Marvel 8 3rd.
Daredevil 608 2nd.
Silver Surfer Black 2nd printing.
To name a few.
I’m gonna change my saying of.. “the market works in mysterious ways…” to.. “demand works in mysterous ways”
Mine will arrive in a few days. Already in transit.
You can buy them from the iron lion website (Virgin is sold out) still for $15 plus shipping. I bought 2 trade dress, then sold one as a presale on eBay to cover the shipping costs and pay for part of my copy as well, I also like that it’s an homage to a book I have in 9.8 cgc! Love that iron man cover!
People paying $30 for a copy on eBay for the trade dress don’t realize they can get it for half that directly through the shop. But whatever.
Always bet on first cover.
Horn variant has already shipped. Saw some people on FB already get theirs.
Got my copies today. It’s sweet!
The Venom 25 Funko comic was an incentive which required retailers to buy 7 PX POP figures ($35.00 retail per) in able to buy 1 comic
Yes true for here in the United States but they were open order in the UK is what your missing.
Yeah, if true. There could be literally thousands of them out there beyond the states that make their way back as well.
venom 25 has to cameos, the black knight looking dude or “future venom” as described by the dealer selling the oa is also a new 1st app and cates confirmed its a totally new character
It seems Rick and Robert still dont understand the facts: DIAMOND….I repeat…DIAMOND was the only one offering the Venom 25 Funko variant as an ordering incentive. Entertainment Earth had them with NO ordering incentive. UK comic shops had them with NO ordering incentive.
Oh wow Spidermen II #1 Turner set blowing up I have that.
Thats funny cuz Aspen Store always seems to have an unlimited supply of their variants.
They still have the two cover set in stock which is funny people paying more on eBay, the third cover print run 1000 is the ghost that people want and you had to buy the 3 cover set to get it.
I’ve sold 3 copies of Spidermen II #1 over the last 48 hrs. Anybody have any idea why this book is heating up again?
1st Evil Miles on some top 10 lists this week. I actually have the 1:50 too, another big thank you to Mel and his variant articles of the past making me rich.
Yeah, I sold my copy a couple days ago too. Wondered why the renewed interest in evil miles.