Alana’s Weekend Spec Part II: Virus Mania

Some people are going nuts over Venom #25 and the new character Virus. We all know Donny Cates is the master of pulling old characters in and making them hot. So let’s take a look back at Virus.

This is an extremely cheap book with a ton of copies on eBay for under $5, most under $2, Peter Parker Spider-Man #49 features the first appearance of a character named Virus. Looking at the cover you can see the inky black, very symbiote looking wave coming towards Spider-man. Insider we see the introduction of the new character that only appears in this one issue, so no death.

Again, very symbiote looking. Now the deal is he is a human mutated by a nano-virus. With the cover showing a very War Machine like character being called Virus, wondering if the nano-virus joins with the suit and the inky black mask on the Greg Horn cover is him beneath.  Again, Peter Parker Spider-Man #49 could be a good cheap pickup.

18 thoughts on “Alana’s Weekend Spec Part II: Virus Mania”

  1. Cates tweeted that Virus isn’t wearing a symbiote though. Someone was asking if virus was wearing sleeper.

      1. It all seriousness it’s the weirdest first and only appearance the guy is shown in #48 but doesn’t become infected and transform until #49 the whole appearance is shown above, the guy transforms then melts a hole through the ground to never be seen again. He was also profiled in some Spidey encyclopedia book where it had one page on each different Spidey villain for some reason with his one and done appearance he made the encyclopedia.

        1. You could go even further and say his beard turned into some kind of helmet if you zoom in on him and he has the Punisher symbol on his back Punisher last had Warmachine if you really wanted to stretch it. It’s odd that kinda lines up.

          1. I like the theory, based on Cates’ penchants for mish mashing his characters. And great pick up on the Virus Punisher logo. I see it too now that you pointed it out.

  2. …… and here I was thinking from the title, that there was yet another COVID 19 article 🙂

  3. Wow how the heck did you know about this? Impressive… I’m gonna follow and see if I can snag some cheap copies. Shops around here are still closed so online only for me 🙁

    1. Alana is a seasoned vet with tons of experience in the hobby. She knows her sh!t.

            1. Yeah, that’s why I said it’s up to them. We already know Blind Adam’s bio though.. he makes it very clear to the world what he does besides comics.. 😉

  4. Oh, look what you did….copies are suddenly popping up and flying off eBay…

  5. To me the symbol on Virus’ back looks more like a question mark… Much like the question mark the Goddess had on her skin from that goo.

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