Were you able to snag the Peach Momoko Vampirella exclusives for Vampirella #11?
No, you didn’t have time to nab a copy or a set of them? They sold out too quickly? That’s because Peach is hot right now (whether you like it or not) and when you mix limited variants with an artist that people are digging, you got a winner on your hands.
The trade dress (shown above) is already $40 and up book, double it’s initial retail price. The virgin that was available is an easy $85 and up on it’s sold listings and the Virgin Red Blood Sky variant sold one of the CBCS 9.8 pre-sales for a cool $399.99 already with most others starting their asking prices well above the $350 and up.
This one will be fun to watch and to see how it fairs down the road.
I got an email about this from the retailer and totally forgot about it. Oops!
Ha! I forgot too! Oh well, win some lose some.
Got a trade dress copy. Lots of stuff coming from her in the next two months. Gonna put a hurtin on the wallet.
Was able to snag two different copies. So in the spirit of not sounding like a bragging d##k, and as a thank you, I’ll get with Poyo about offering up my trade dress variant as a giveaway.
I purposely didn’t try to order because of ……… that head. It looks like it was pasted on sideways. Oh well. I guess next time I won’t give notice if the artwork is actually noteworthy or not
“Pasted on sideways” wow. I have another opinion. It could be that she is being drawn from an elevated position looking down.
But thanks for letting us all no that you could have ordered, but you chose not because of your impeccable artistic standards. Lmao
I’d be interested to know how many ‘fans’ of Momoko actually think that her art is on par with the greats in the industry. Or, have they just flocked to her because the internet said so? ?
I think she started off doing Manga and Japanese style art prior so a lot of her fans could be flocking from over in that genre as well.
I like most of her work myself and it sells. People love AH!, I’m like meh.. People love JSC, I’m like… meh.. art is subjective. Why are you questioning the intent? Buy low, sell high. You don’t have to love the product.
That was poorly worded…I’ll try again…Id be interested to know how many of the people buying Momokos covers actually think that her art is good. Or, have they just flocked to her because the internet said so? ?
The reason I’d like to know is; Is this Momoko trend simply people buying her stuff because the internet told them too, or if it is an actual organic growth of a fanbase for the artist? The former would not be good for long term trends.
Is the internet telling people to buy her stuff though? If you ask me, seems like it started off organically. She’s been around for quite some time but it was 2019 is when her work started to take notice…
I think one of her earliest covers was Marvel Rising #1 1:25 Variant and I don’t think it’s one of her better covers.
If you look at her Instagram account though, she posts almost all her work there. There’s some pieces I’d love to see become cover art for some books, way better stuff than some of the stuff we’ve already seen.
I haven’t seen or met anyone who has claimed her art is on “par with the greats in the industry” as of yet (and that’s subjective as well). Some say Michael Jordan is the GOAT in NBA so far.. I’m like meh.. put him in a different decade and everything could have changed the outcomes.
She’s young, her stuff is different. Some like change, which could be a driving force behind people digging her stuff as well. Too many factors I think.
That’s fine Poyo. I’ll let you know when I get the trade dress variant, and you guys can decide what you want to do with it.
Yup, we love CHU reader sponsored giveaways so if you’re down, just contact myself or Anthony. And Thanks for offering up a hot book for a giveaway.
I don’t find that funny. Nor do I think someone providing an opinion deserves a sarcastic reply. It is what I feel the artwork looks like and I chose not to purchase because of it. I guess LMAO also? I dunno…. I guess that’s funny too…. jackass
@Bill, Hey.. attack their idea, but don’t resort to name calling please.
@Rick, tone it down some. You could have just stopped after your first sentence. It was borderline getting too personal after that.
Sure thing – I was quite upset after reading and putting me down like he did. It was uncalled for and would never do anything like I did without baiting and prompting. nevertheless, apologies
It’s all good.
Rick, that is freaking awesome of you for putting up one of your copies up as a give away! You are not a d*** for getting any these and letting us know! Also, this is a site that encourages sharing pick ups and therefore a bit of bragging! Congrats! In regard to Bill, I have to admit her neck positioning is a bit extreme on this piece but never look a gift horse in the mouth! Her stuff is hot right now and she has plenty of fans looking for limited work! Maybe her Captain Marvel The End may be more your cup of tea. Sweet cover and not too expensive….yet.
Which retailer was this from?
Comic Mint, Sad Lemon and I think Amorphous Ink comics.. I think those were the 3 retailers, not sure of any others.
Ah. Thank you AP!
As much as I love vamp covers and i’m “ok” with momoko art, I purposely skipped this, even for spec. I was not feeling that chest. I thought is was Ironic that it looks like a peach ?. The fact that this sold as its doing, blows my mind.
Yeah, those bobs just don’t look right. I skipped it solely for that reason as well. I love her covers and buy almost everything by her, but this one was a big miss. I preordered the ComicTom Mystery Mail Call Headless #1, the Elray comic Kickstarter ones signed, Sleeping Beauties #1, and the batman adventures continues 2 signed though.
The left boob and how it’s covered does seem a little disproportional.. it’s like, Vamp has no nipples
The head and neck don’t stand out to me as being off.
Something about Momoko’s drawing style that atracks me to her work. Every drawing that she has done so far has a different facial expression and style. They are not like JSC where they all look like MJ or Artgerm where “seen that already” I don’t know man, I just like her work. It sucks that I didn’t get to add this to my Momoko collection. This and the TMNT 100 one that she did. Oh well, they are not Pokemon. Can’t catch them all ???
I must admit I bought 2 of the virgin covers and 1 of the graded copies spent $220 with shipping and have sold all 3 books for a $292. profit in 2 days time as far as speculation goes she can make you some serious money
For those in the minority who continue to make wild accusations out of spite, I would challenge you to position your self like Vampirella is in the drawing. There is a chance it might help give you some perspective.
First thing would be to place a stationary object representing the viewer. Next would be to position yourself centered on said object and at elevated position. Turn your body to the right at a 45 degree angle or the 1:30 clock position. Slightly rotate your hips toward object. Now focus you eyes on the object.
This should show you why her hip, chest, and head are drawn the way they are. If you focus on the left breast only you will see the clothing covers over half her breast, concealing the areola and nipple region.
These are imperial facts devoid of conjecture.