A New CHU Forum Perk – For Sale and Trading Category

Thought I’d make a post here about a new perk we got going on over at the forums. Keep reading to find out what it could be.

We’ve added a new For Sale and Trading category on the forums. What does this mean?

It means it’s a place you can link to your eBay auctions/listings or any other 3rd party selling website you may use. Or if you want to trade for a comic you’re looking for, post what you’re looking for and if someone has it, you start the discussion on what each of you can trade.

You can also just post the item you want to sell in the forums. Upload a pic, name your price and if anyone is interested, they can private message you.

So how does this work exactly?

Gain a little trust by simply using the forums. Browse topics, read topics, comment in topics and start new topics.

The forums use trust levels. Basically over time you prove you’re not some spammer or bot. Trust levels are typically from level 0 to 4 (4 being an admin or moderator). So the highest most will get is trust level 3 which takes some time. But in order to take advantage of the selling category, all you have to be is at trust level 1 or higher which most gain after very little action on the forums.

What do you get out of posting links to auctions or selling my item from a forum post on CHU?

It’ll give you a sense that you’re selling to fellow CHU members and readers instead of total random strangers. Seeing long time members on the forums who proved trust over time only gives you a bit more trust when selling or possibly trading.

What if I just want to buy, never posting or commenting so I’m stuck at trust level 0 forever?

You can still browse and either click links to members auctions or direct message them if interested in buying their stuff. You just won’t ever be able to post a topic in the For Sale and Trading category.

Right now, I’d consider this all in beta testing phase. We’ll see if readers and forum members like this idea and how it all plays out. There is one catch though, for now, all new for sale or trade topics will be moderated. Sorry, it’s just a way for us to make sure nothing illegal is going on or someone posts inappropriate items or images, etc. But don’t worry, we’re on CHU all the time so you shouldn’t have to wait too long to wait for a new topic to get approved in this category.

I kicked things off with a first post that links everyone to my own eBay Blowout Auctions I got going on starting today and will be adding books off and on all weekend.

You can read more about new category here that outlines some of the other rules and policies we ask from members using it.

11 thoughts on “A New CHU Forum Perk – For Sale and Trading Category”

      1. I think brilliant….but, you’ve also created a lot of work for the moderator team. I might suggest developing a model where terms of sale and listings must follow a set of predetermined guidelines that are posted publicly.

        1. Yeah, I posted some policy and guidelines to follow. It’s in the sticky About topic in the category and I linked to it as well.

          It’s pretty much a, post your item, describe it, upload a pic and then people contact you privately to complete the transaction.

          If you just link to eBay or elsewhere, users just click the link and decide then if they want to buy your stuff or not.

          Hopefully it’s pretty straight forward. Nothing fancy and it could be a nice way to avoid eBay fees. I still encourage people to use Paypal (or other 3rd parties that have protections for both sellers and buyers in place) to complete the transactions.

        2. Hopefully the only thing we admins or moderators can do is review the topic, either approve or don’t approve (and if we don’t, we recommend what changes to be made to get approved).

          1. I would charge a nickel per trade and sale lol you never know you could be the next eBay for comics and collectibles.

  1. This is a fantastic idea Poyo. I have been thinking about selling some of my books, and this looks like a great place to do it.

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