Since came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay
sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
#1 SPIDER-MAN #20 (MARVEL, 2017)
If you put the past 3 weeks in a blender then it would probably look like this book for us comic fans. It’s Miles AND it’s topical. It makes sense looking at it now… but this was still a surprise entry this week. It sold 37 copies, had a 7-day trend of 615% and had a high raw sale of $60.
How about that CHU fam, we posted One For Sunday: Miles Morales on Sunday early afternoon, and if you compare sales, the bulk of cheap copies were grabbed immediately afterwards. I hadn’t seen anyone talk about the free book before, and people were afterwards. Ultimate Fallout #4 has gotten out of many people’s price range, so this seems like a natural pick-up. It sold 46 copies, had a 7-day trend of 381% and had a high sale of $52 for a CGC 9.8 (and about $36 raw).
#3 DAREDEVIL #9 (MARVEL, 1999)
A casting notice fitting the look of Maya Lopez, aka Echo, spiked speculation that Echo will appear in the MCU via Disney+. Echo is pretty awesome character. So, IF Marvel is developing Daredevil, Echo does seem likely. Usually, we get hit hard with CONFIRMATIONS of MCU news in June at SDCC, so without that happening here’s hoping that we get some more concrete news soon. This sold 42 copies, had a 7-day trend of 330% and had a high sale of $175 for a CGC 9.8.
(Marvel’s next casting rumor is Kamran which appears in Ms. Marvel #13 and if you are following the rumors, this will be on next week’s list)
#4 ACTION COMICS #9 (DC, 2012)
There are more content rumors that DC is THINKING about developing a Superman film around the alternate universe Calvin Ellis – aka Superman, where he’s also the President of the United States. While his first appearance (unnamed) is in Final Crisis #7, it was this issue that shot up immediately. New 52 issues are littered through almost every LCS’s $1 boxes. While I don’t think this film will happen any time soon, it would be cool to see! It sold 26 copies, had a 7-day trend of 458% and had a high raw sale of $43.
The Miles Mania halo spread quickly this past week, creeping into both variants and standard covers. It’s been interesting to see the market push these various books up. This issue features the first kiss between Miles and Gwen. Is Gwen the Mary Jane for Miles? Apparently, the market thinks so. This sold 49 copies, had a 7-day trend of 225% and had a high raw sale of $88.
This sold 93 copies… 93! Ultimate Fallout is the hot cakes of comics. One goes up and one sells… then the pattern repeats. This had a 7-day trend of 112% and had a high sale of $1,249 for a CGC 9.8.
This issue is Firestar’s first comic book appearance (out of continuity). For fans of SPIDER-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS, this has always been a $200+ 9.8, it simply got that extra little push with the content rumor. She sold 27 copies, had a 7-day trend of 324% and had a high sale of $325 for a CGC 9.8.
#8 BATMAN #92 JIMENEZ 1:25 VARIANT (DC, 2020)
Punchline has more staying power than we thought. For her to stand ground against Miles Mania and be the ONLY DC book on this list, that’s impressive. This sold 61 copies, had a 7-day trend of 102% and had a high raw sale of $60.
Honestly, we thought that Miles heat would stop with this 2nd print variant. Man, who would have guessed that it would light a fire under at LEAST 30 different Miles related books. Still, these continue to go up as well. This sold 59 copies (when it used to be like 2 a week), had a 7-day trend of 87% and had a high sale of $450 for a CGC 9.8.
#10 THE UNCANNY X-MEN #193 (MARVEL, 1985)
Well, there’s some speculation that FIRESTAR is coming to the MCU. Like most, take all of this with a grain of salt. However, many raced online to buy up her first in-continuity appearance in this issue. It sold 31 copies, had a 7-day trend of 138% and had a high sale of $130 for a CGC 9.8.
Continuity in Marvel it’s just a different Earth in the multiverse all the same multiverse now, first appearance in the 616 isn’t that special anymore.