UCS to Stop Distributing DC Comics, Hands over to Lunar

With no rhyme or reason, UCS is now no longer distributing DC Comics. This is from an email sent to retailers.

The full email is below:

UCS will no longer be distributing DC Comics as of January 1st, 2021.  

In April, UCS Comic Distributors partnered with DC at a time when comic book distribution was on pause and the supply chain disrupted as a result of the safer-at-home orders that were put in place. We are very proud of the role we played in transitioning DC during this unprecedented time.    


The transition is now complete, and UCS is passing the baton to Lunar Distribution, who will handle all of DC Comics’ retail accounts as of January 1st.  Our relationship with DC Comics will continue on all other fronts. 


UCS will be transferring records of all unfilled FOC orders for items shipping January 2021 and beyond to Lunar to allow for a smooth transition for all accounts. Lunar will contact accounts over the next several weeks to confirm and finalize their information. Also please note, UCS will not be soliciting books as part of the November 2020 DC Connect catalogue.


Keep in mind:  

• UCS is not closing. We will be offering other exciting items that stores can use!

• 12/29/20 is last street date that we will deliver. 

Any inquiries regarding sign-ups, distribution and/or shipping contact: service@lunardistribution.com

If you have questions in regards to DC policies or general inquiries, please email: ComicShopQuestions@dcentertainment.com

It’s been a pleasure to get to know all of the retailers, and we look forward to continuing this wonderful relationship. 

Thank you,


13 thoughts on “UCS to Stop Distributing DC Comics, Hands over to Lunar”

  1. I saw a story that DC is the one who made this decision (cutting ties with UCS) and is also going to have a minimum $125 (retail) order requirement per week also.

    Not sure how true either is, but this is…..annoying to say the least, from a retailer perspective. Forced to change again, more uncertainty, more lack of real information, beyond bare minimum.

      1. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s to reduced the number of customers Lunar has to deal with. Probably, after 4? months of dealing with distribution, they figured out $125 was above some threshold for profit.

        From the retailer perspective, UCS was, in most regards, a superior company to deal with than Diamond (post-shut down). Diamond even adapting some of UCSs innovations, such as how you report damages, shortages and overages. UCS products on a whole were correct and better packed than diamond, shipping cost was better, and we always received our order way earlier than we did with Diamond. The really only distasteful part of it was the forced changed and being forced to give order numbers to a competitor.

        I’m not sure how Lunar is, but the complaints I’ve heard about late shipping, lack of tools either Diamond and UCS give the retailer and the entire reason we went with UCS over Lunar we were told using Lunar in our area would lead to delays in receiving shipment don’t inspire me with confidence in this switch. Combined with this decision coming after 6? months since DC and UCS reached an agreement does not inspire confidence in the Lunar/DC deal having any real staying power. For all we know, in 4 months, DC will cut ties with Lunar and launch their own distribution company.

        I’d say DC needs to to be a lot more transparent in their decision making process for this distribution shenanigans, but I don’t know how much we’d be able to trust it, if they did.

  2. My local LCS’s had positive things to say about the new companies both UCS and Lunar. The products were in very good condition and had an easy to use ordering system. The Marvel books lately have used some awful paper which produces waves and wrinkles almost like moisture damage. And some weeks they don’t get the full shipment in from Diamond.

      1. Are you saying if I order my books from an online company in the west coast (like golden Apple) the paper will be of different quality?

          1. I’m still getting this behavior with my Marvel books, even though (at least in MA) we’re not really humid any more.

              1. My foil covers in the death metal series curl nearly entirely into a circle if I don’t immediately put them in bags with boards.

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