Poyo’s Spec & Drek for December 23rd, 2020

Welcome to this weeks spec and drek. This is where we pick the winners each week we think will be spec worthy, a great read or just cool looking art on the cover. I also dive into the pesky drek, the book you should probably avoid if you can or perhaps not invest so heavily into.

It’s a light week for books for me. Just a single book for both DC and Marvel, with a handful of indie books that make the picks this week.

DC Picks

I got one pick this week for DC. Bosslogic’s Black Adam Endless Winter One Shot.

Marvel Picks

King in Black #2. It’s an event book but with Cates, anything can happen.

Indie and Small Publisher Picks

A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night #2. You can still find the #1 second printing available but these first prints of #1 and #2 have sold out fast.

The other book I’m looking forward to is Picture of Everything Else #1.

Picture of Everything Else #1 (Cover B – Gooden Daniel). This one is already sold out at Midtown.
Picture of Everything Else #1 (Cover C – Gorham)

There’s two incentives for this one as well you should be on the lookout for. Might be able to snag for cover or cheap.

The last book is the reader of the week. Excellent read. If you’re not reading it already, you should be. It’s Yasmeen #5.

It’s the holidays so no drek as I’m feeling nice. Happy Holidays!


7 thoughts on “Poyo’s Spec & Drek for December 23rd, 2020”

  1. Should rename this column to Spec and NO Drek…
    No drek 5 out of the past 6 weeks.

    And what ever happened to the grinding your gears segment?

    Is that puppy of yours softening you up? ?

  2. Just king in black
    The 45th DKDM tie in
    Ice cream man 2 covers
    & the 3 covers for spawn…hopefully all these come in, had made sure to do FOC

    1. Spawn is a joke. All they’re doing is drawing new characters on the cover that aren’t even in the issue itself. I skim the stories normally in digital previews and the story telling is just straight up awful. So, you’ll probably never see Spawn as a pick from me, on a reader standpoint. Occasionally I’ll pick it if you can buy it for cover price and sell it for a flip.. other than that, Spawn should have ended long ago..

      Department of Truth is also awful as a reader copy and we’re beyond issue #1 so it just doesn’t make the cut either.

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