One Week Later Report for January 6th, 2021

Welcome to the first ever One Week Later Report for 2021.

This week we’ll cover the books released on 12/30/2020, which was last week. Can be books we anticipated getting hot, total surprise winners and perhaps books that we hyped and ended up as duds. Also could be a good list to use when out picking up this weeks pickups..

Normally the last week around Christmas is a dud for new comics but last week was rather exciting, at least if you were paying attention and was able to nab a copy of the awesome Gleason Amazing Spider-Man #55 regular cover.

This one shot up in value on pre-sales after some realized they missed FOC (despite us telling people about it pre-FOC), holding steady around the $20 to $30 range. It’s still gonna be around the 60k+ print run more than likely so there was plenty to go around (unless you got one of those shops that yanked them to hold behind the counters)..

Hope you got your copy and hopefully in minty fresh condition as these all black covers are hard to come by.

The next mention goes to Jinny Hex One Shot 1:25. If you found for cheap, still seeing most sales around the $45 to $50 range with a high sale a few days prior for around $70. So if you got a shop that sells all at cover or 1:25 around the $25 price point, this is a double your money flip.

It was still rather small week but that still gives us a glimpse of the hot books coming out from last week in this first One Week Later report to kick off the new year.

Next week is going to be really interesting with the Star Wars High Republic #1 hitting shelves (well, not all shelves since a lot of shops were reporting delays in getting new books).

15 thoughts on “One Week Later Report for January 6th, 2021”

  1. I feel if a store wants to stash books and sell them down the road at a higher price that’s their right to do so. I know I would. That’s smart business. Why would you sell High Republic books at cover yesterday when MCS,com was selling them all at $12-20 and they sold out? I’m sure they held back hundreds of copies. I walked into a store when they opened yesterday and every copy was 4x cover. Good for them. Why is it that everyone wants a piece, but the guy with the store and overhead and the diamond account taking all of the risk should only make $1.25-2.00 per book? They are in business and have bills to pay, especially during covid times. If you don’t want to experience this, open a Diamond Account and figure out how to make it happen for yourself like hundreds of people on eBay. Don’t take it personally, it’s business. That’s just my 2 bits.

    1. Well said! I agree with you 100. I would say just take care of your subscribers and everyone else can pay market prices

    2. So next time you go buy that new pair of Nike’s and Foot Locker has them for 4x the cost at $400 instead of the retail price of $100. You’re okay with that right? That’s what you’re telling me. Good for them, they deserve that extra $300 and you’re going to pay it without any issues. Sure..

      1. Well i would be ok with it if it were a limited shoe that was in high demand that i had time to preorder at msrp, i wouldn’t buy em at the inflated price but its the nature of supply and demand. All these comics can be got beforehand for below or regular price by a multitude of sites_ i would suggest not following the hype train and realising that these wanted comics have to be gotten before the hype_ isn’t that why yr on this site?

        1. “i would suggest not following the hype train and realising that these wanted comics have to be gotten before the hype_ isn’t that why yr on this site?”

          Huh? I’m on this site cause I wrote the article your commenting on and I like sharing information on spec, comic book news and where people can find the best possible price for their comic book purchases.

    3. How many of those 4x cover copies did you buy? I wonder if some are still sitting there. You can charge a million times cover for a book and it will do you no good if it doesn’t sell. There is a shop in my vicinity that has hundreds of awesome wall books but he’s got them marked so high that they sit there for years and years. Some have literally begun to fade from being exposed on the wall for so long. Stores like Midtown and TFAW and eBay sellers have a customer base that includes the entire country; possibly even most of the world. When a local shop that deals with hundreds of potential customers (sometimes less) thinks they can price things according to the international or global market, they are probably hurting themselves. If they are marking books up and still selling out every week, good for them in the short run. However, when a small shop’s hundreds of customers figure out that they can sit in the comfort of their homes and pay the same price for books on the internet, the motivation to go buy their stuff at a store will eventually dissipate. Especially in the situation we are in now. Just me 2 bits.

      1. “Stores like Midtown and TFAW and eBay sellers have a customer base that includes the entire country; possibly even most of the world.”

        It’s funny to think, the biggest retailers got to be so big cause they do what they’re suppose to do, build a base and sell for cover for the most part and move their inventory quickly by likely not raising the prices on the initial release day.

        These shops who feel “entitled” to list at whatever price they want, sure, do it.. it’s like you’re just choking yourself slowly..

  2. Right?? Stores should offer the product at cover price initially. Don’t own a store if your business plan doesn’t account for being profitable on the margins between your cost and the cover price. My store had them at cover price and they were sold out. When they’re 4X cover on the day of release, people pass and find a new store.

    1. And when those other shops sold out and the ones priced at 4x are still below ebay prices they too will sell out and profit margins increased… If i were a comic bookstore i would use sites like this and be conscious of upcoming trending titles to buy a stock both for first day sales and than copies to stash away to sell at a premium weeks later, just my 2 cents

      1. “If i were a comic bookstore i would use sites like this and be conscious of upcoming trending titles to buy a stock both for first day sales and than copies to stash away to sell at a premium weeks later”

        Maybe we become exclusive then. If you’re a retailer, you have to pay to see our content. If you’re not a retailer, you get in for free.. that’s fair right? According to the logic presented that shops can just jack up the prices on release day.. 🙂

  3. The sad thing is that with most shops charging >cover price on day one, I feel justified in pre-ordering books from online stores now. I want to support local businesses, but I can find a better deal somewhere else. Even with online taxes and shipping charge, I save not only the time and money spent traveling to the store, but I can actually get the book at roughly cover price or just slightly higher.

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