Poyo’s FOC Highlight Books for Last Call 01/18/2021

FOC is the last chance to put in your orders with your comic shops and likely get at a discount for pre-ordering.


Haha #1 has a second printing. I really like this new cover. Simplicity at it’s finest.

Haha #1 (2nd Printing)

Hoping for a good read out of this next one by Kyle Higgens for Radiant Black #1.

If it ever heats up, even better. But I don’t plan on going heavy. I really like the B variant as well. Simple and still appealing.

Radiant Black #1 (Cover A – Cho)
Radiant Black #1 (Cover B – Ferigato & Costa)
Radiant Black #1 (Cover C – Blank Cover)

Radiant Black #1 (Cover A - Cho)

Star Wars Darth Vader #10 has a slick looking regular cover. Even if I wasn’t a Vader fan or Star Wars, I might be tempted to pick it up. It’s yet another simply done cover that has a lot of eye appeal.

Star Wars Darth Vader #10

I’m not even going to explain this next one for Star Wars High Republic #1 (3rd Printing). I’ve seen some gawk at the cover art but I actually like it. Maybe most will skip and when I buy millions of them, I will control the market and reap all the benefits….

Star Wars High Republic #1 (3rd Printing)Phantom Starkiller #1 gets a 3rd Printing. I think the hype has died for this one but there will always be Starkiller fans out there. Might not be a bad grab.

12 thoughts on “Poyo’s FOC Highlight Books for Last Call 01/18/2021”

      1. Help an old collector looking to get back into collecting. What’s the date for releases and where can I find the books For each week? Thanks

        1. For moderns, comichron.com normally puts the date for books. But additional printings will carry the same date.

          Previewsworld.com is another location you can search past books to find their “release date”.

          1. Not to mention we started talking about ASM 55 the moment the cover was announced over on the forum and linked to where they could be ordered pre-foc, and on the day of FOC. Not only in Poyo’s post on the main site but mine as well. I don’t know what else we can do besides showing you where you could order them. Shoot I ordered copies from two places online plus got copies from my lcs. My lcs owner even through an extra copy in my box because he said he wanted to make sure I didn’t miss out the day of release because they were going so fast.

  1. According to TFAW FOC was 1/15 for Haha 1 2nd print. It’s no longer at the 30% off and is at 20%. Just what my preorders are showing as there.

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