Welcome to this weeks spec and drek, the 9th edition for 2021. This is where we pick the winners each week we (or shall I say myself) think will be spec worthy, a great read or just cool looking art on the cover. I also dive into the pesky drek, the book you should probably avoid if you can or perhaps not invest so heavily into.
Marvel Picks
America Chavez Made in USA #1 (of 5) is the first pick for me this week. She’s got her followers now and a fan base, yet, I feel she hasn’t reached super star hero type of status within the Marvel Universe. Maybe over time she continues to grow or we just see her come and go, as a supporting cast member. Only time will tell.
This is where I tell you go with Cover A as all the other covers just aren’t that good in my opinion (I expect better from Yoon and Hans), but since this isn’t her first appearance (Vengeance #1), don’t go heavy.
America Chavez Made in USA #1 (of 5) (Yoon Variant)
America Chavez Made in USA #1 (of 5) (Hans Variant)
Daredevil #26 gets a pretty cool looking 2nd print. For you people still on the Elektra being Daredevil bandwagon, it’s a likely must pickup.
Peach makes her writing debut with Demon Days X-Men #1. This one will be interesting. It’s rare when creators can both draw and write. Well, a lot try at both so it’s rare when you get one that can do both well at the same time.
Star Wars High Republic #2 2nd print is another must for Star Wars fans. These are buy and stash for me. Don’t go too heavy. I’m only buying like 2 each unless there’s a new first, then I might budge and buy a few more. Long term cheap gambles is what these are for me with the additional printings.
And also just to lump it together, Star Wars High Republic #3 is out this week as well.
DC Picks
I love Swamp Thing, one of the few characters coming out of DC I feel they haven’t completely ruined for me yet. Here’s to hoping this new 10 issue series is a great read starting out with Swamp Thing #1 (of 10).
As I’m no longer a Mattina fan nowadays, I do admit the Variant B is pretty damn cool as well.
Some are talking about the new Wonder Woman for Infinite Frontier #0. Might want to keep an eye on this one but my magic eight ball says, if this was going to heat up, we would see better pre-sales.
Plus, what’s wrong with DC and their new cover prices for their books going over the $5 mark.. Are they trying to put themselves out of business by jacking up their prices? Don’t give me that spiel about “it’s got extra pages”…. or whatever! Most of their extra pages back stories of lately have kind of sucked. So if we’re paying the extra few bucks for that nonsense, just save some trees DC and leave it out of the book. I think I just wrote my drek for the week..
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
Dead Dogs Bite #1. This title has been pushed back so many times it seems. Nothing ground breaking but just what might end up being a great mystery read for me.
Another Star Wars book? Seems like Star Wars is dominating these weekly picks and talks. Anyways, I love it since I love Star Wars.
Star Wars High Republic Adventures #2
I actually read this next one already. It was better than I anticipated. The story isn’t groundbreaking but it had me wanting to read the next issue now, which is normally a good thing. Has tons of covers (I’m gonna list them all too).. if you can’t decide, go with Cover A or the Glow in the Dark of Cover A.
You can view the sneak peek preview here.
Nocterra #1 (Cover A – Daniel & Morey)
Nocterra #1 (Cover B – Jock)
Nocterra #1 (Cover C – Bosslogic)
Nocterra #1 (Cover D – Capullo)
Nocterra #1 (Cover E – Blank Cover)
Nocterra #1 (Cover F – Glow in the Dark Variant)
Nocterra #1 (Cover G – Manapul Variant 10 Copy)
Nocterra #1 (Cover H – Jimenez Variant 25 Copy)
Nocterra #1 (Cover I – Kristantina Variant 50 Copy)
Nocterra #1 (Cover J – Jock B&W Variant 75 Copy)
Nocterra #1 (Cover K – Daniel B&W Variant 100 Copy)
Nocterra #1 (Cover L – Capullo B&W Variant 150 Copy)
Nocterra #1 (Cover M – Blackout Variant 200 Copy)
And why anyone would spend the money on a blank blackout variant ratio of 1:200 is beyond me. But whatever floats you’re boat I suppose.. I guess if you get a really awesome one of a kind commission on it, maybe get Keanu Reeves to sign it, you can command a few thousand perhaps.. Haha!
And speaking of Keanu Reeves… Brzrkr #1 finally hits stands this week. It’s got a ton of covers too and that super awesome 1:1000 that one should spend their money instead on a great Silver age book or something (at time of writing, close to 20 have been sold on eBay). I mean, don’t get me wrong, it would be cool to own but I wouldn’t spend more than $50 for it myself..
Here’s the list of what’s available at TFAW:
Brzrkr #1 (Cover B – Brooks)
Brzrkr #1 (Cover C – Grampa Foil Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (Cover D – Brooks Foil Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (Cover E – Blank Sketch Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (10 Copy Red Blank Sketch Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (25 Copy Bermejo Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (50 Copy Grampa Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (100 Copy Bermejo Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (Cover L 100 Copy Grampa Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (Cover M 200 Copy Mora Variant)
Brzrkr #1 (Cover N 500 Copy Brooks Variant)
Honestly, I’m just hoping for a decent entertaining read myself. I bought Cover A and only 1 copy.
It feels like a lifetime but Bad Idea’s first book finally comes out. Eniac #1. Now, after Bad Idea basically allocated orders, will you get a first printing or a not first printing.
Only listings on eBay are what seems to be the bootleg ashcans. They were but weren’t authorized.. I can’t even fathom the logic behind the response about what they are. But a few were spending hundreds on what was reprinted smaller versions of the preview sent out. Seems like a moronic type of thing to buy if you ask me. Maybe people just have way too much money and they’re tired of flushing it down the toilet so they’re buying worthless fake junk instead.
That’s all I got for this week. I’m gonna skip the actual drek section. I think I pointed out plenty of drek several times within the picks themselves.
How did you read the preview for Nocterra #2?
Nocterra #2? I got a review copy of #1.
Nocterra #1 comes out on March 3.How did you obtain a copy so early ?
“I actually read this next one already”.I thought you were referring to issue #2.LOL
Writing and help running a popular comics related website has it’s perks..
If you have a previews account Image books are available usually the week before on Friday as a preview… I read Nocterra
Sorry I mean diamond ad in a store owner
That too but I get treated like press, which I get mine by other means, not from Diamond.
Got the kickstarter for Nocterra a few days ago and it seems pretty good…..
Are people still paying crazy prices for that Eniac bootleg copy? If so, I need to order some ans sell them lol jk jk
I can’t recall the sold dates when I took a quick peek..