Greetings my Comics Heating Up family. Holy crap can everyone believe it is almost a year since the start of the pandemic? Hope everyone is safe. Hope everyone is well. Who besides me is sick of being at home? WandaVision is amazing and is keeping me sane. Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I blame that mostly on my CHU editor (talking to you Anthony).
1. Wolverine #131 Recalled Slur Variant – well everyone knows about Immortal Hulk #43. I would love to go on a rant and curse out Joe Bennett. I will take the high road for once in my life. But, I do want to point out another comic that was recalled due to an editor slip up at Marvel back in the 1990’s. In Wolverine #133, Sabertooth was supposed to use the word killer, and wound up using a word that is very, very antiSemetic. A slur that should never be used, but the book still goes for decent money and maybe one day the Immortal Hulk #43 will stay at that kind of money $20 and up. Marvel, you have editors, use them. Still have no clue how a major mistake happens in this day and age nuff said
2. Marvel Age #126 – Maximum Carnage checklist. Carnage is hot. Anything Venom, Carnage, King in Black, black suit Spiderman, is super hot. Once a trailer drops for Venom 2, let there be Carnage, all the cheap secondary Carnage books will heat up. Woody Harrelson as Carnage is going to be awesomesauce. This book is like Maximum Carnage #0, a must to complete the set. Marvel Age books are tough in the wild, are in dollar boxes, and in high grade command high dollar dollar $5-10. Marvel Age has been getting more and more love.
3. The Shadow Year One #1 – Most of the Shadow and the Shadow comics are in the cheap boxes. Even the bronze age series from DC. I like this Dynamite series as it is written by Matt Wagner, the Grendel creator, with cover art by Alex Ross, just a win win and it is cheap like $5 cheap. Question, how do we make the Shadow relevant to a modern audience?
4. Power Records Captain America and the Falcon – or as I call it Captain America #168 Second Print. Who here remembers the Power Records and the comics they reprinted? Mark of the Manwolf anyone? Who saw the amazing Falcon and the Winter Solider trailer? I loved it and march is here so the show is coming in close. Baron Zemo is the big bad. The Thunderbolts in the house. I believe between Falcon and the Winter Solider, and the Black Widow movie, this is how we get the Thunderbolts in the MCU. The Power Records can be found easy and in high grade. Can they be graded by CGC or CBCS? Does anyone do record grading? This has nowhere to go but up. As does the Fantastic Four The Way it Began which reprints and is the second print of Fantastic Four #126. If you would like a future Hidden Gems with nothing but power records give me a hell yeah in the comments. $10-30
5. Captain America #171 – while we are talking Falcon and the Winter Soldier, I wanted to point out a cool Falcon book. It is Captain America #171. In this book the Black Panther gives Sam Wilson his wings and new costume. The Falcon is also trained to fly in this book. Marvel is at the top of its game. Disney Plus and its shows are game changers just look at Wandavision and Star Wars related books. It is now Captain America’s time. Books like this $10 and up books, like Captain America #34 (Vol. 5) where Bucky becomes Cap. I love the Alex Ross variant of that $5 and up.
6. Avengers West Coast #52 – Can’t not spec on some WandaVision comics. This one tells the story of what happened to the twins. This storyline leads to the Avengers Disassembled story line in Avengers #500
7. Avengers West Coast #90 – Yeah, yeah, everyone is chasing Avengers West Coast #45 for the first white Vision. But if any of the rumors that Ultron is in WandaVision as the white Vision, I could see this issue paying off with a cover that features a white Vision and Scarlett Witch fighting Ultron. Long shot but we are two days away from the next episode. Avengers West Coast is finally having it’s day, especially Avengers West Coast #56 where Wanda goes bad.
8. Vampirella #1 (2001 Harris Comics Series) – this is so undervalued, really the entire series. This has a J Scott Campbell cover, script by the greatest comic writer ever Mark Millar, aka Mr Hollywood in comics. Mark Millar, a sexy Vampi cover, and it is underpriced and undervalued #testify $5 and up
Well that is all for now. love you guys. stay safe be well and save some happy meals pokemon cards for the next person in line
untill next time
blind adam out
glad you are back
If Mark Millar is the best writer in comics… I don’t want to read comics anymore
Haha.. Blind Adam is a Mark Millar fanboy.. the man does no wrong in Adam’s eyes..
Same with Kevin Smith.
I like Kevin Smith but claiming he’s the best Director/Producer in the world would be very… ummm.. slap in the face of the hundreds of others that are likely more talented than he is.
Too each their own though.
No doubt dude is a clown. Met him at a show, after 5 minutes hated him, read his stuff, hated him more
joe who did you meet at a show ?just wondering .
Hey Adam! I like the shadow too. Don’t know how to make it appeal to new audiences, but I pick it up whenever I see it in the bins