Scout Comics Announces Two New Titles at SDCC 2016

Scout Comics, who have been on fire both with critics and in the secondary market with hits such as Henchgirl and most recently Solarman and Once Our Land #1’s both hitting $20-30 in their first week. Well don’t expect that heat to die down anytime soon with the latest two titles being announced at SDCC ’16. CHU was provided the PR from Scout CEO and Solar Man scribe Brendan Deneen; which is copied bellow.
“Coming this fall is GIRRION #1 by Tom Lintern. It’s a sweeping sci-fi fantasy story of a hero’s journey in a distant world in a distant time, a saga told through the eyes of Jarra, a poor factory worker who dreams of escaping his world of endless toil. His wish comes true, though not in a way he would have ever wanted, when his city is attacked by a dark entity called the Halodron. He escapes the conflict, but only to be thrust into a war of other-worldly magic and weaponry!”
Friend of the site Drew Kim has provided a little extra info on this amazing sci-fi epic from Tom Lintern; who has been running this series across several platforms including, and several very Kickstarter campaigns. Girrion comes with a built in fanbase and there have been whispers of interest in the gaming, toy and animation industries. Tom Lintern is well known as an illustrator for children’s books, having done work with the likes of Simon & Schuster & Harper Collins; but this marks a significant step in a new direction. has bundles of the first 3 issues for $17.97; get them while they last.

Also hitting comic stores this fall is FISH EYE #1, written by Massimo Rosi with art by Stefano Cardoselli. It’s the story of a small town cop and family man named Travis. He also happens to be the star of a reality show that follows his police exploits in his small town. The only problem is that ratings are slipping. When a group of killers target Travis, the small town cop must go to war to protect himself and his family, while trying to figure out who’s really after him. After all, ratings are king, no matter who gets hurt… or killed. It’s THE TRUMAN SHOW meets DIE HARD!
Again thanks to Drew for the extra info. Boy does this one shout “option-able property” if I’ve ever seen it. With art by Stefano Cardoselli, famously one of Kevin Eastman’s personal favorite artists, and a Heavy Metal magazine favorite; this is perhaps his biggest ongoing break out to date. His visceral style is paired with the kinetic writing style and imagination of Massimo Rosi, perhaps one of Europe’s best kept secrets about to break stateside. At just 26 Rosi’s output has been mainly kept to his own BookMaker Comics Publishing House, but his lineage is one to marvel at. A student of the famed International Comics School in Florence & Reggio Emilia, Rossi is a student and protege of such european masters as Matteo Casali (Batman Europa), Riccardo Burchielli (DMZ), Onofrio Catacchio (Dark Wolverine, Daken), and the one and only Paul Karasik (2008 Eisner Winner). This book is going to be making major moves, as two talents finally make their big debut stateside. Order early on this one.
Also announced is the expansion of Scout’s current staff to include new Creative Director, Alan Christopher Medina (writer of ELASTICATOR), and Jamellee Santos who will be Scout’s new Publicity Director.
We’ve been early supporters of Scout Comics, not just for their great performance on the secondary market but for their amazing ability to find new talent and give them a chance to shine. Yet two more titles to keep an eye on this fall.

12 thoughts on “Scout Comics Announces Two New Titles at SDCC 2016”

      1. I was thinking the same thing. Let’s hope they don’t have any issues where they get a huge delay in getting out books that sort breaks their rise.. cause Black Mask was pumping them out and then all of a sudden it’s like.. meh.. Just doesn’t have the same type of excitement they originally had with new issues. Still waiting on that damn Young Terrorists #2..

          1. They better clean up their act.. look what I’ve done with Mark Millar and his delays.. he no longer gets my business anymore.. 😉

            1. Funny you are going to laugh. He put out a Millarworld annual for $2.99 that was such a good read. All unknown writers and artists doing his characters.

              1. I saw that annual.. and quickly passed on by it.. Millar gets none of my money anymore.

      2. But Starlight is such an amazing read. So much so that if you don’t have it I’ll send you issue 1 so you can read it. He can write, but his spec potential is worth as much as a baseball spitoon in a high school.
        As far as these two go. Fish Eye, hands down.

  1. Girrion looks gorgeous, very manga-esque, but I suspect that’s exactly why the series has low spec potential. Manga and anything that looks like manga typically doesn’t substantially increase in value in the American collector’s market.

  2. Great books. Any idea when I can order them? Don’t wanna miss out like I did on Once Our Land lol

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