Sixteen books this week, one of them had sold out and looks promising as far as near term liquidity, but the rest are dealers choices. Six are by known home-run hitting cover artist. At least are character storyline driven. The rest are covers that I just want for the collection.
Batmans Grave #1 Cover B Variant Jeehyung Lee Card Stock Cover
Loki Vol 3 #4 Cover B Variant Jen Bartel Mary Jane Cover
So the Unfather makes his first appearance. Estimated Print Run: 11,500.
Joker Harley Criminal Sanity #1 Cover B Variant Mike Mayhew Cover
Future Fight Firsts White Fox #1 Cover D Incentive Inhyuk Lee Virgin Cover
Maybe I’m wrong here, but I could not find any other appearances of Makoto aka Hurricane. We don’t have enough data to make judgment calls yet but its hard to go wrong if you can get this Inhyuk Lee at or below ratio.
Harley Quinn And Poison Ivy #2 Cover B Variant Warren Louw Harley Quinn
Hawkman Vol 5 #17 Cover B Variant James Harren DCeased Cover
Joker Year Of The Villain #1 Cover A Regular Philip Tan & Marc Deering Cover
Spawn #301 Cover P Variant J Scott Campbell Virgin
Spawn #301 Cover L Variant Alex Ross Virgin Cover
Spawn #301 Cover F Variant Jerome Opena Cover
Absolute Carnage Miles Morales #3 Cover C Incentive Kim Jacinto Codex Variant Cover
the white fox #1 has 3 1st apps if im not mistaken, the future avengers from the anime, good luck finding the 1:100 been looking all week after midtown soldout instantly
Aki Kanada as Makoto
Atsushi Tamaru as Akiyadi
Juri Kimura as Chloe
I feel lucky.. Picked up 4 the White Fox !:100’s
where did you find 4 copies? thats crazy
I bought here and there. A couple below ratio.. A couple at ratio.
The guy who is stuck with 400 copies of cover A is not feeling so lucky, I would imagine. Those 400 copies he needed to order to qualify for 4 1:100 would have cost him nearly $1000, if not more. How much did you pay for your 4 copies, Richard? Im curious.
Exactly. Why any retailer would order this in the first place is beyond stupid. IF I ordered any cover As to get the 1:100, there’s no way in hell I’d charge anything less than $200 for the 1:100. Nobody is going to be buying cover A’s. The book doesnt have a wide appeal. It’s for a small niche market.
i dont know, with the 3 1st apps in book and likely low print run for a marvel book, once news about 1st apps gets out cover A might start selling out. even the guy who does that bad bolo list didnt realize it has 1st apps
Why do you keep saying 1st appearances, like thats a selling point ? There are TONS of 1st appearances that fall flat. Spec is now all watered down with everyone pumping “1st appearance here” and 1″st appearance there” in newly released books. These characters dont matter. Nothing is going to happen with them.
They are first appearances of popular characters in a Japanese anime series about the Avengers. As Marvel is making a push into Asia with their new characters, it would be foolish to sleep on these characters as just a few random “1st apps”. Remember how hot New Agents of Atlas 1 variants were for a bit? That’s why these shouldn’t be slept on.
and disney is pushing into Asian markets, those not buying up cheap 1st apps of Asian characters are near sighted fools
People can’t see the future of Marvels Plam to tp into the Asian Market. Last I heard.. the population is over a billion people. lol
I wouldnt bank on the huge population of China rushing out to buy comics….
“Around 500 million people, or 40 percent of the population within China, survive on $5.50 per day or less.”
there’s a copy on Ebay for $426…..better buy it fast !! So many 1st appearances !!! lmao
Maybe it’s me, but the formatting on the above looks “wonky”…….