Poyo’s Spec & Drek for February 3rd, 2021

Welcome to this weeks spec and drek, the 5th edition for 2021. This is where we pick the winners each week we (or shall I say myself) think will be spec worthy, a great read or just cool looking art on the cover. I also dive into the pesky drek, the book you should probably avoid if you can or perhaps not invest so heavily into.

Marvel Picks

Amazing Spider-Man #55 2nd printing. Won’t be an instant hit like the first printing ended up becoming (still reaching the $30 mark on eBay) but still a nice pickup to display them side by side.

There’s also the 1:50 (going for $100+ on eBay) which will likely be the real winner for this round, for those that snagged for cheap.

No brainer pick up goes to Star Wars High Republic #2 since everything Star Wars is hot. Comic nerds having nerdgasms at any and all first appearances. New title and series has new first appearance character potential at each and every page turn…

Don’t forget to keep a lookout for the 1:25 Witter Variant as well. If you can snag for $50 or less, it’s selling anywhere from $70 to $100 (one reached as high as $150 on a pre-sale on eBay).

Probably one of the few King in Black tie-in books I’ll pick up because I’m just a Black Knight fan goes to the King in Black Black Knight One Shot.

We need more Black Knight in our comic lives. Do it Marvel, make it happen!

DC Pick

Oh look mommy, a DC book that’s not Future State. Man-Bat #1 has my eye as I’ve always enjoyed this character. Hopefully the book isn’t a complete letdown though. Plus I really like Hotz cover art.

Indie and Small Publisher Picks

Fear Case #1 is a new Dark Horse title I’ve been waiting for. Matt Kindt rarely disappoints. Plus if you’re going for that all black Cover A, good luck finding that in minty fresh condition. Everyone rags on Marvel paper quality but Dark Horse is no better. I can find Marvel titles in 9.8 normally more easily than Dark Horse, at least in my neck of the woods.

Another High Republic title under the IDW imprint. Pick it up, it might heat up, might take a while but like it’s Marvel counterpart, very good chance new characters make their debut in this issue or following issues.

Star Wars High Republic Adventures #1

The other Star Wars Adventures has issue #3 (already sold out at TFAW and Midtown with a quick check) hit stands this week and I must say, being a Francavilla fan, I’m really digging this RI cover (still only around $20 or so on eBay).

A book that might get overlooked with all the Star Wars books hitting stands is the new IDW title Chained to the Grave #1. I love a good western style story that mixes in some metaphysical coming back from the dead…  if done right that is.

Deep Beyond #1 (of 12) (Cover A – Broccardo) was a decent read. I wouldn’t say the first issue was ground breaking but a sort of slow start and then BAM!, it got better that has me wanting to read issue #2.

Lots of covers for this one, if you can’t decide, go with Cover A or perhaps the pretty sweet looking Momoko cover.

If you’re a Savage Dragon fan and you don’t have a lot of disposable income, the original first appearance is likely out of your price range so Image has jumped on the facsimile bandwagon to bring you Graphic Fantasy #1 and the Second Issue #2 for a measly $9.99 in comparison and only $5.99 for the second issue.

Maniac of New York #1 (Mutti Variant) is a new book that I’m intrigued with. I love a good murder mystery and this one has Son of Sam type of story all over it. Might heat up, might not, I’m just hoping for a great read.

Now on with the dreaded “drek” pick, every writer and artists worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work.

The book to avoid or not fall victim to in buying at inflated prices, whether it’s false demand, pump and dump or out of FOMO.

Go easy and careful on all those DC Second Printings. Still plentiful first printings out there and most of these will end up worthless duds sitting in longboxes. The only one that might end up being worthy long term is the Future State Teen Titans #1 2nd Printing cause of the new guy..

4 thoughts on “Poyo’s Spec & Drek for February 3rd, 2021”

      1. Encoded #1 By Devil’s Due – out tomorrow but pretty much a ghost. As I type this Mycomicshop has A and B cover in stock limited to 1 per customer. B copy is jacked up to $15, but you can’t find it anywhere right now, let alone cheaper than 15 bucks.

        1. Hmm.. yeah, I’ve seen Devil’s Due books in the past do well couple days ahead but then die off pretty quickly. These are the books you wait to see if you can’t find locally, if you can’t, wait a week or so and they’ll be back to cover.

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