FOC is the last chance to put in your orders with your comic shops and likely get at a discount for pre-ordering. Here’s a few of the highlights for this week…
If you’re not aware, TFAW still has a massive FCBD type of sale going on with a lot of books and merchandise at 70% off. As of now, there’s still over 4700+ items in the sale.
Fantastic Four #8 Koblish Wrpad Connecting 700 Characters Va is a really cool cover. I don’t expect it to make you a millionaire (more likely just set you back $3.99 and some long box space), it’s just a regular ‘ol pickup cause you love the cover.
Who would have thought this character could be so fun and have their own show and title comic? Well, Loki #1 (of 4) could be an entertaining read hopefully so it’s on the list to check out.
Loki #1 (of 4) (Frank Miller Variant)
Loki #1 (of 4) (Artgerm Variant)
Loki #1 (of 4) (Todd Nauck Windowshades Variant)
Loki #1 (of 4) (Rod Reis Teaser Variant)
Loki #1 (of 4) (25 Copy Juni Ba Variant) – I love this variant, freaking hilarious!
Loki #1 (of 4) (100 Copy Artgerm Virgin Variant)
Loki #1 (of 4) (100 Copy Frank Miller Virgin Variant)
Saw a bunch of heat for Star Wars #34. Star Wars #35 is next and while I doubt it will carry the same heat or spec the previous issue did, I like this one cause the cover is pretty awesome.
Star Wars #35 (Sprouse Return of the Jedi 40th Anniv Variant)
Star Wars #35 (Jimenez Star Wars Pride Variant)
Star Wars #35 (John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant)
Star Wars #35 (25 Copy Phil Noto Variant)
Star Wars Darth Vader Black White and Red #1 (2nd Ptg) gets a second printing and I really love this cover by Momoko. It still claims it’s not final art so we’ll have to wait and see I suppose.
I’m a big fan of the original Storm Troopers so Star Wars Return of Jedi Empire #1 got my attention just for the regular cover alone while even the others are pretty badass. My first Star Wars action figure as a kid was a Storm Trooper so it just brings back a lot of nostalgia for me.
Me with my Storm Trooper action figure… I think this is the first pic of myself I’ve ever shown on CHU… and it will be the last! I’m too old and ugly now to be sharing pictures…
Star Wars Return of Jedi Empire #1 (Tom Reilly Variant)
Star Wars Return of Jedi Empire #1 (Garbett Connecting Variant)
Star Wars Return of Jedi Empire #1 (25 Copy Yu Variant)
Star Wars Return of Jedi Empire #1 (100 Copy Brown Virgin Variant)
This one for the bad ass cover art… Star Wars Yoda #8 (Takashi Okazaki Variant). We need every Star Wars book to have Takashi Okazaki create a variant going forward I think.
It’s an event book and at times they can bring some heat or spec. This round is Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4). I usually just avoid these now as they seem rushed and the story falls flat before the final issue in the series. But this one centers around Miles Morales so it could be fruitful for the long haul. I am not liking the cover price though. They better have stuffed this first issue with 30+ more pages than a normal book.
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (Blank Cover Variant)
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (Artist Tbd Variant)
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (Sara Pichelli Variant) – One of the creators of Miles, so a definite pickup for some.
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (Ron Lim Variant)
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (Peach Momoko Variant)
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (Christopher Negative Space Variant) – I normally like JTC work but I’m not feeling this negative space variant this round.
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (Bryan Hitch Foil Variant)
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (25 Copy Ed McGuinness Variant)
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (Hitch B & W Wrap Cover)
Ultimate Invasion #1 (of 4) (100 Copy Momoko Virgin Variant)
TMNT doesn’t usually do a lot of ratios above the 1:10 so maybe something special is coming out of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #140 (Cover A – Gavin Smith) which has higher ratios being released.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #140 (Cover B – Eastman)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #140 (Cover C – 10 Copy Reis Variant)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #140 (Cover D – 25 Copy B&W Reis Variant)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ongoing #140 (Cover E – 50 Copy B&W Eastman Variant)
Dust #1 (Cover A – Gomez) might be a decent read. I haven’t picked up or even been excited for any Scout books in quite some time. Maybe this one will be worthy. I’m keeping my expectations set low though.
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