By the Numbers: June 2017 Estimated Sales Figures

Popularity and print runs are the two big things that drive up prices on comics. That is why it is important to watch the estimated sales of comics. Continue reading “By the Numbers: June 2017 Estimated Sales Figures”

By the Numbers: April 2017 Estimated Sales Figures

Popularity and print runs are the two big things that drive up prices on comics. That is why it is important to watch the estimated sales of comics. Continue reading “By the Numbers: April 2017 Estimated Sales Figures”

By The Numbers: June 2016 Estimated Sales Figures

Popularity and print runs are the two big things that drive up prices on comics. That is why it is important to watch the estimated sales of comics. Continue reading “By The Numbers: June 2016 Estimated Sales Figures”

By The Numbers: May 2015 Estimated Sales Figures

Popularity and print runs are the two bug this that drive up prices on comics. That is why it is important to watch the estimated sales of comics. Continue reading “By The Numbers: May 2015 Estimated Sales Figures”

By The Numbers: April's Comic Sales Numbers

Two things generate increased value, supply and demand. Demand, we can only guess at, but we do not find out the supply until the next month. Here is a peek at the estimated print run numbers for April 2016.
(All print runs are estimated based on the number of copies ordered through Diamond, the best estimate that anyone can get.) Continue reading “By The Numbers: April's Comic Sales Numbers”

By the Numbers: March Estimated Print Runs

Two things generate increased value, supply and demand. Demand, we can only guess at, but we do not find out the supply until the next month. Here is a peek at the estimated print run numbers for March 2016.
(All print runs are estimated based on the number of copies ordered through Diamond, the best estimate that anyone can get.) Continue reading “By the Numbers: March Estimated Print Runs”

By The Numbers: January 2016 Print Run Numbers

Another great month of comics has passed and the print run numbers are available. (These are estimated and based on orders.) The top 10 books sold more than a combined million copies, 1,165,178 to be exact. Continue reading “By The Numbers: January 2016 Print Run Numbers”

4th Annual Black Comic Fest

What Up CHU Mel V here back from convention vacation with a review of The 4th Annual Black Comic Festival held at The Schomburg Center in beautiful Harlem USA. This was the 1st Con of the new year and I thought it was going to be very small and intimate and not crowded, boy was I wrong, the atmosphere was fresh and vibrant and filled with comic collectors young and old. All the vendors and creators were friendly and were more than happy to answer all my questions. I predict within the next 2 years The Black Comic Festival will be one of the best Cons on the east coast. My only gripe I had was with myself as I didn’t even know there were more creators on the bottom floor which I missed grrrrrr Even though I didn’t get to see all of the great Creators at the show I did have the pleasure of meeting quite a few and here we go with some of the stand outs. Continue reading “4th Annual Black Comic Fest”

By The Numbers: December 2015 Comic Estimated Print Runs

Another big dollar month. The top ten comics accounted for over 1.2 million units sold. With Dark Knight III The Master Race accounting for a huge dollar share for DC, and when you throw in TMNT Batman and Harley’s Little Black Book, you have a good month for DC. Continue reading “By The Numbers: December 2015 Comic Estimated Print Runs”