Runaways from Marvel coming to TV?

Runaways, the Brian K. Vaughn Marvel Mutant series, was a fan favorite for BKV before he was BKV. At one point it was being looked at for a film. That went away. It appears Marvel is looking at it for a TV show. (BKV did state he had big news for Image Expo in January, but I doubt he would announce a Marvel tv show here.) Continue reading “Runaways from Marvel coming to TV?”

Marvel Mystery announcements come together in Civil War Battle Map

We have been running the Marvel Mystery Announcements when they were emailed to us. We speculated that this was something to do with Civil War (others ended up following suit.) We mentioned that this could be the lead into the Marvel reboot (others followed suit.) Now, they all come together in the following Marvel video. Continue reading “Marvel Mystery announcements come together in Civil War Battle Map”

Avengers VS. X-Men coming in 2015

Marvel keeps firing these images off of different event storylines with no information on what they are. I figured out the other day that these could be the “worlds” characters are going to be pulled from for the upcoming Secret War (and now bleeding cool is buying into that theory too). Here is Marvel’s latest teaser. Continue reading “Avengers VS. X-Men coming in 2015”

Amazing Spider-man Renew Your Vows coming in 2015

Yes, another Marvel Mystery announcement. At one time, Peter Parker was married to Mary Jane Watson and they were having a child. The child mysteriously disappeared (Mary Jame believed she had undercarriaged) and the marriage to Mary Jane was ret-conned out of existence. Peter Parker has not been the same since. Continue reading “Amazing Spider-man Renew Your Vows coming in 2015”

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