Ales Kot Zero Makes the Blood List

From the Wrap.

Genre guru Kailey Marsh has unveiled the 2014 Blood List, which names the 13 most liked, unproduced dark genre scripts of the year every Halloween, as voted on by Hollywood executives.

Number 2 on the Pilot list is Ales Kot’s Zero. We had mentioned previously that Ales Kot was talking about the book being shopped around for a TV show.
Zero from Image Comics can still be had very cheaply, under $2 in some cases. Besides the TV spec, it is a good read.
Ironically, the book that beat it out is called Monster which is described as “What if a killer like Michael Myers from “Halloween” had been shot, fell into a coma, and survived? He wakes up with no memory, is incarcerated in a mental institution, and twelve years later, is pronounced cured and released back into the community that hates and vilifies him.” Which sounds exactly like Bedlam.

More 'Zero' TV News and Print run

There has been some heat behind Zero from Ales Kot and published by Image Comics in reference to a couple of tweets and facebook posts. Ales mentioned asked fans if they would like to see a Zero TV show. That was enough to get the speculation going and copies moving on ebay.  Continue reading “More 'Zero' TV News and Print run”