DAKOIT SPECULATOR PICK: DAREDEVIL #170,171,172- First Meeting Daredevil & Kingpin!!

From the Dakoit at http://comicbookspeculation.blogspot.com/ make sure to check out his blog
It’s been several weeks since I’ve devoted an entire blog to a speculator pick, but I’ve finally managed a little time for this one! Today, we shall continue with the theme from the recently posted Powerman(/Ironfist) issues #48,50, 54. Those ‘first-meet’ issues have brought on quite an interest among many other speculators, and I hope these three will too.
With all the talk about the Daredevil series from Netflix/Marvel coming soon, I thought about the future prominence of his extensive rogues gallery. To me, the Daredevil villain repertoire ranks fifth among all superheroes, only behind Batman, Spiderman, Superman and the Flash. Among the villains who Daredevil has faced over the last 45 years or more (Bullseye, Owl, Lady Bullseye, Mr.Fear, Typhoid Mary, The Hand, etc.) no one has put more terror and primal anger into DD than Wilson Fisk-aka.Kingpin.
Kingpin is a calculating strategic genius, wealthy, physically gifted, superior in combat, and has a unquenchable urge for power by any means necessary. Just as Batman has the Joker, Supes has Lex, Spidey has Green Goblin (maybe Doc Ock), Daredevil to me is intimately connected with his archenemy Wilson Fisk. Although my opinion is of course arguable, I’m not the only one who feels this way:
Although the Kingpin was introduced in Amazing Spiderman #50, and a constant menace within Spidey comics on his own right, he never really came onto prominence as a mastermind crimelord until his fateful meeting with Matt Murdock. Over the years, Wilson Fisk has made DD’s life a living nightmare- having loved ones killed (Elektra), attempts to kill friends (Foggy Nelson), discovering Murdock’s identity with plans to destroy Matt’s civilian/professional life. He had Matt arrested by FBI, and also put in prison. The Kingpin is so maligned by our hero, he was beaten to brink of death on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen in one of the most epic fights ever (see Bendis’s run). If you still aren’t convinced as Kingpin being the constant foil to DD, just look back at the first film, Kingpin was cast as the central villain- not Owl, not Mr.Fear or any other underworld boss. The directors of that mess of a film at least got the main arch-nemesis to DD right, even if he was horribly cast. It’s no wonder I feel the following DD issues are ones to keep an eye on especially when the Kingpin will rise again:
Daredevil (vol.1) #170, Intro Kingpin into Daredevil comics AND on cover
Ebay Price: $5.35- $25.00 range (VF-NM raw)
Bought For: $6.35 (NM-, Ebay Including shipping)
Comicspriceguide.com: $30.00
Daredevil (vol.1) #171, 1st meeting/battle between Daredevil and Kingpin
Ebay Price: $7.15-$24.00 range (VF-NM raw)
Bought For: n/a
Comicspriceguide.com: $32.00
Daredevil (vol.1) #172, Conclusion to first Kingpin storyline
Ebay price: $10.39-26.00 range (VF-NM raw)
Bought for: $2.00 (NM, Graham Crackers Comics 2009)
Comicspriceguide.com: $30.00 NM
I’ve done a search, and wouldn’t you know it that I couldn’t find/nor think of any other book, where the major arch villain (other than Darkseid-to his JLA) of the titular hero, had made his first appearance in another title? Yup- Red Skull, Dr. Doom, Loki, Sinestro, Reverse Flash, Mandarin all made their first appearances in books starring their hero counterparts. All except Kingpin. Wouldn’t this itself make these issues of Daredevil ever more special? I would certainly think so.
So why should you get?
1. Introduction to Kingpin on Daredevil (DD#170) and first meeting/battle (DD#171)
2. Character primed to star in Netflix TV show, to create demand for these issues
3. Early Frank Miller writing/art on highly acclaimed run
4. Issues over 30 years old, harder to find in local comic shops in NM+ (Black/Dark Covers reveal even minimal blemishes)
Daredevil’s back issues have always been undervalued in the after market, and that makes grabbing key issues of volume 1, the best bang for your buck. I just checked Ebay, and you can still get a fair-good copy of DD #1 (1st appearance of Daredevil) for around $200 (and also discussed with blog reader Charlie Kim).This is no less than astounding, considering DD still reigns as one of the most famous and beloved Marvel characters from the 60’s. His stories have always been in print throughout the years, and seen involvement from some of the greatest writers and artists in the business.
Recently, there has been movement on Ebay with DD back issues, and also minor price jumps. These 3 issues, will only be more desired as Daredevil and Kingpin gain more exposure and notoriety with the general public in thec next few years. Grab the set cheap while you can…I still need a #171 in NM so I’ll be on the hunt as well!
Until next time…Keep hunting my pannapictagraphists!

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