Manifest Destiny #1 A Comic Heating Up

This was one of our picks of the week several months ago. Manifest Destiny #1 had several things going for it, it was an Image book, A Skybound book, and had a print run of just over 12,000 copies. throw in a variant by Ryan Ottley that may have been 1 50/50 split if retailers got their orders in on time (very small ordering window) and you have a book that had potential to spike.
Well it has. Copies of Manifest Destiny #1 are going for $10. Sets of 1-3 are going for $30+. The first issue has gone back for multiple reprints now (currently on pre-order for a third print) The second issue has also gone back for a second printing as well.
If you haven’t gotten copies yet, it might be worth picking up multiple copies of Manifest Destiny #1.

24 thoughts on “Manifest Destiny #1 A Comic Heating Up”

  1. I should check one of my local stores, I think I saw they still had some available. I think I picked up 3 total when they first came out. I’m really enjoying the story so far as well.

      1. Yeah, this shop rarely picks up second printings for the most part. They try to keep their inventory on new comics at a minimum as they don’t like to have new comics sitting on their shelves for too long.

      2. I can’t blame them though, they do buy 2nd prints or 3rd/4th if the demand is there from their customers but I’ve seen 2nd prints sit for months on their shelves.

        1. The shop I go to always has a good selection of recent books going back for a year. It is a matter of focus for the shops. Some shops like to push trades while other shops like to push floppies when stealing readers to a new series. Personally I love the shops that push floppies as it gives you a good chance to pick recent hot issues.

      3. Yeah, another local shop will pick up every printing if they can but they’re bigger with more money coming in, etc. We also have a Dragon’s Lair in my area which only picks up new issues, at times they’ll pick up 2nd/3rd and beyond printings but they seem to be more limited at times. I do enjoy picking through their past months (they only keep 4-6 months) on their shelves, sometimes you find some recent gems that didn’t pick up heat until a month or so later. They’ll also throw whatever got pushed to Marvel Unlimited to their 50 cent bin, great way to pick up cheap comics with the Digital Code for us people who like to have a physical copy or I pick up some suitable for the kiddos for cheap.

        1. I do a lot if the Marvel Freebees for my son. He is four and likes to look at the pictures. Of course on of the recent ones had a punisher picture of Punisher feeding the hand of a bad guy to a croc. That one had to disappear.
          I hit anywhere from 2-12 stores a week. I have slowed down this winter, but always come across some good recents in dollar bins and in recent shelves. I love a shop with selection, but not to the point where it is cluttered and junky.

    1. By the way, I would pick up number twos as well. Number one had a print run of 17,371. Number two’s print run dropped to 12,801. The action really picks up in the second issue as well. I think that one will be more key if the book continues to perform well. This is a rare bird in the fact that it was an Image book launched in the second half of the year with a print run well below 20,000 for the first issue.

    1. I say, if you can flip for quick profit that pays for the next 2 or 3 comics, then it’s worth it. If you’re more of a collector like myself, I hold out for a long time. I tend to pick up 2-3 of the #1’s, if they’re selling for double the cover price, I won’t sell. If it’s 4 times or more, I think about it and if I think it’s gonna end up being a hit later on (like Walking Dead type of hit), I just hold onto them until then.

      1. The funny thing is I am a collector first, a speculator second, and a seller third. I sell to support my habit. Needless to say I still have a full run of Peter Panzerfaust, Chew, The Strain, Todd, Rachel Rising, Clone, and even a full run of the Walking Dead. Even after all saw huge rises and partial pull backs. Mostly because I love a lot of the series and partially because I have a hard time selling something I bought a long time ago. Part of being a collector is being a horder. I do sell copies of hot books when I get specifically for the flip. But for all purposes I reinvest most of my money into more comics. I always sell some of the multiples I get to get my initial investment out if them. Ones I keep, Clone duplicates, Strain duplicates and the like, I am holding for TV shows to come out.

      2. Yup, if you can sell a portion of what you buy to support buying more of what you love, you can’t go wrong with that type of support plan.

  2. Drew I totally can relate. As you know I’m a huge speculator and also a downright dedicated collector. The collector side comes out when I find it emotionally difficult to sell gems that took me some time to track down. Most often then not, I’m down in the dusty back issues, and dollar bins trenches or scouring EBay to find a gem that no one else sees. That said, its awfully hard to let go, partly due to insane shipping fees in Canada, and secondly due to the attachment to my find. I also tend to hold for too long- I have 3 copies of Walking Dead Weekly #1 that the market has cooled down for. Remember the Remender run issue of X-Force #4 (the “rare one”)? I grabbed 4 copies for cover at some store when they easily sold for $100 plus at the time. Didn’t sell them. I never condone buying so many copies of a comic, and most oft than not, people tend to get burned (as I learned from). However I digress. All in all- I gotta do what Anthony does, let go of stuff that will allow you to get stuff you want more! I will at some point. I swear I will! πŸ˜‰
    Oh- regarding MD#1, I say hold out (Its now at $15 bucks, Ottley cover $25). I predict this will be the next big ‘Saga” like hit. Spoke to some LCS owners, and I haven’t heard one bad thing about it. As a matter of fact, one dude remarked, ‘it;s the front runnercomic out there right now from Image , that would be primed for a movie- its that good.” I however haven’t read it yet so can’t make a comment on it. How is it?

    1. I gotta agree with dakoit tho i too typically go for the profit (quick flips) while it’s there. My reasoning here is that unlike other hot comic properties where everyone freaks out bc a comic gets optioned for a show that’ll never get made, this one’s written by a guy who’s already gotten a tv show made with Being Human. MD’s pacing is closer to that of an hour long HBO action-drama like GoT than that of your average comic book, very big on “show, don’t tell” and seems almost designed to make that transition to TV once someone takes a chance to put a big budget behind it.

    2. I can say that I had a chat with someone in the Skybound “stable of creators” and that Kirkman has people that shop around titles to Hollywood and TV. With that said, and I have said since this series began, I feel that there will eventually be an announcement related to this book being picked up. Kirkman is pretty selective about what books Skybound puts out. Most if not all of them could be turned into tv or movies. Not starting a rumor as there is nothing out there, but I would really imagine this would be picked up and is worth keeping at least a copy or two for sale later.

  3. Damn, I knew I should’ve bought more of those Ottley covers when I had the chance. The LBCC cover is the one to get, only 250 out there. Great series, one of the first comics I read each month from my pull list. There is a big push for Outcast, so I’m thinking that one will have a huge print run.

    1. Yup. 3 things to consider that Outcast will have huge print run:
      1. Kirkman’s name is on it. (He’s currently the Oprah of the Comic world, anything he touches turns to gold).
      2. It’s already picked up by a studio.
      3. It’s a new book by Kirkman!

      1. Ask my 8 year old though how he feels about Kirkman though.. Super Dinosaur is now almost bi-yearly it seems.. it’s really starting to irritate my kid, he really wants his Super Dinosaur comic each month…

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