Evil Empire #1 from Boom! Studios sold out

Thanks to Larry from www.larryscomics.net for the info.
Evil Empire #1 from Boom Studios has sold through its print run at Diamond Comics. Expect a second print. Evil Empire is Max Bemis’s (Say Anything) new comic. It is a really good read for a first issue and the unrelated follow up to his first hit comic Polarity.
Remember, when a comic sells out through Diamond, it does not mean you will not be able to find it in your local comic shop, it means that once those initial books are gone, they will not be able to order any more first print copies.
Print run numbers not in yet, but Larry noted there are not many covers for the book:
Regular Cover
1:15 Variant
1:25 Variant
Phantom Variant
CBLDF Variant

15 thoughts on “Evil Empire #1 from Boom! Studios sold out”

    1. Afterlife with Archie #1 had 52 store variants alone, besides two regular variants. That is a lot. Needless to say, it is still a book that has gone up in value and people seek out. Of the 6 variants, 1 is regional, 2 are convention, 2 are incentive, and one is a regular cover. All in all, not many. It was a good book too and sold out.

      1. I miss the days when there wasn’t variants. Or the days when 6 was a lot.
        Does no one else foresee a repeat of the 90’s collecting collapse?

      2. If it’s a handful of variants, I’m okay with that but when there’s literally 10 or more, that to me is just getting out of hand. It’s all about the money and how many of the same books they can sell to the same person. Collectors are just junkies, some fall for it, others don’t. I picked up the variants on this one because I actually liked the covers and artwork, most of the time I stick to the regular cover for the most part.
        The only other variants I’ve been buying lately are the blank white variants. I’ve started to draw again and plan to draw my own sketches, perhaps sell, etc.

    1. It’s funny there have been some crazy variants for books for no good reason. I understand doing a store variant but they were all the same with a logo swap. Godzilla did the same thing, Spiderman 666 the same thing (if I remember correctly) and there are people who chased them all down.

      1. The Godzilla store variants were all pretty similar bit some stores submitted more than just a logo. The ASM 666 variants are all the same art with each store submitting a picture. My store still has longboxes of both sitting around if anyone wants to make an offer… 😉

      2. Austin Books and Comics is still trying to sell their ASM 666 as well. They still have stacks of them at their local shop. I find it hilarious that I’ve seen these listed on Amazon for around $40 or so, when you can pick them up at retail at the store.

        1. There was a Guy in Pa who was selling my LCS’ version on line for $99.99. No biters in it. My LCS has tons of them at cover too. I think the order for Marvel store variants is 3k copies. This explains the copies sitting around. I always try to buy a copy of their Marvel variants for the sheer fact it will be one less sitting around their shop.

      3. Acme Comics in Greensboro, NC. I have seen our exclusives on eBay for dumb ammounts too. Its especially dumb considering we sell them for cover or just above on our website.

      4. That’s funny you guys talk about this. I was in trade smart (owned by Hastings) over the weekend, and they had over 50 asm 666 store variants collecting dust in their back bin. I did unearth a strain #1 variant for $5 in vf/nm though.

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