Speculating the Marvel Cosmic Universe movies

Sometimes you have to look at the end game to be a little ahead. One thing is clear, Marvel is branching off into more cosmic movies being Spearheaded by the Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
Everything Guardians have been heating up. But where do they go from there? Thanos has been long rumored to be appearing. With Thanos comes the Infinity Gauntlet. With the Gauntlet comes the Infinity Gems. These are angles that do not seem to be explored right now. Again, trying to be ahead of the game. Especially since the new Guardians trailer shows both the collector who is supposed to be in control of the gems in the film universe, and see what appears to be the Infinity Gems (or at least one of them).
The Infinity Gauntlet is credited with having first appeared in several different places:
Thanos Quest #2 October 1990
Silver Surfer #44 December 1990 (according to Comicvine)
Infinity Gauntlet #1 July 1991 (according to Marvel database)
The six Infinity Gems in the Gauntlet are easier to nail down:
The Soul Gem, the first Infinity Gem first appeared in Marvel Premiere #1 Power of the Warlock
The Power and Time Gem first appeared in Marvel Team-up #55 (which can be found really cheap)
All six gems appeared together for the first time in Avengers Annual #7
So there is something to think about.
Inspiration, thanks, and research done by Mark R.

9 thoughts on “Speculating the Marvel Cosmic Universe movies”

  1. Do you think maybe that Marvel/Disney is also trying to usher in a more sci-fi outer space theme to be hot in the near future like how zombies are all the rage right now to prepare more casual sci fi fans for Star Wars VII?

  2. If we’re going marvel galactic, how about inhumans. FF 45 can be pricey, but 46 is first black bolt and it’s a little cheaper. Then they have a run of their own.

  3. FF 36 has Medusa’s first appearance in the Frightful Four. Thor 146 to 152 has early origin stories of the Inhuman characters (148 and 149 contains Black Bolt).

  4. Infinity Gauntlet
    Thanos Quest #2 October 1990, (Collects and gains control of all 6 gems ( no mention or picture of gauntlet as the internet often says this is where it first appears))
    Silver Surfer #44 December 1990, First appearance of the Infinity Gauntlet (both mentioned and pictured) Use link for proof: http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=388830
    Researching thing thing is no easy task. If someone knows of a comic that shows the gauntlet, and it came out between October 1990 and December 1990, please post.

    1. I just picked up a Thanos Quest #2 in the dollar bin and thumbed through it. Couldn’t find a mention of infinity gauntlet or them actually showing the gauntlet. Is this still a good spec?

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