Hey Everyone,
I had no idea this past weekend was so special. Yes, because her talentless majesty, Kim Kardashian, had finally tied the knot with the self professed douche-bag rapper extraordinaire, Kanye West. Forgive me everyone, for I was too busy irate watching the Toronto Blue Jays sweep my beloved Boston Red Sox away handily (yes you heard that right). You see, the Dakoit resided in Boston for 4 years and frequented Fenway Park many a times–ah yes, those were the days, hotdogs nestled inside slices of fresh sliced bread, awkwardly micturating away my watered-down beer into urinal troughs, and yes, the all-revered Bostonian accent uncannily transformed into a form of passionate vulgarity only reserved for the visiting team are moments I really miss.
Ok enough reminiscing, let’s get down to business. This week makes huge showing, with many number ones, and final issues from high profile books. So without further adieu, let’s get down to it!
Dryspell #1 (Action Lab), $3.99
Releasing: May 28th 2014
WHY? Action Lab may have seemed to found it’s stride, with last week near sell out of Itty Bitty Bunnies In Rainbow Pixie Land#1 (regular cover) now selling for $12.99 and up. This title is a little more on the drama side than trippy humor, and may finally be that huge monthly title for this small publisher.
Synopsis: Tom Ferris lives in a world of super-heroes streaking across the sky, and hurling themselves over rooftops at night. They are commonplace.
But Tom doesn’t notice that world anymore, because his world is now made up of spreadsheets, phone bills, software, coffee, and button-down shirts.
Each night, he lies awake though, wishing to be the man he was. Today, Tom gets his wish. And the world will never forget him again! (TFAW)
Dryspell #1
Nightwing #30 (DC), $3.99
Releasing: May 28th 2013
WHY? I thought this title was one of DC’s highest sellers. Have to admit it’s kind of shocking they are cancelling the title, albeit starting a new one sure, but still…why change something if its working?
Anyway, this title will possibly be ordered in low quantities as all last issues are, so can be sought after by completists and thus command some high prices later.
The Bat Family is forced to face the brutal aftermath of FOREVER EVIL, but after everything they’ve been through, can they stand together? (TFAW)
Nightwing #30
Suicide Squad #30 (DC), $3.99
Releasing: May 28th 2014
WHY? Another title I initially thought was hugely successful. Isn’t anthing with Harley successful nowadays? Anyway same concept as above, last issue= low orders= high desirability.
Synopsis:FINAL ISSUE In the ashes of FOREVER EVIL, A.R.G.U.S. and Task Force X leader Amanda Waller must face the consequences of her failure to protect the United States from the Crime Syndicate. (TFAW)
Suicide Squad #30
Doctor Spektor #1 (Dynamite Entertainment), $3.99
Releasing: May 28th 2014
WHY? Dynamite takes a stab at another Gold Key character (following recent re-launch of Magnus Robot Fighter), looks to be an ongoing series. One legendary writer Mark Waid helms this book!
Synopsis: TV Legend. Wall Street Wolf. Internet Mogul. Tabloid Bad Boy. Master Metaphysicist. Spiritualist. Monster Hunter. Doctor Adam Spektor is all of these things… and less.
For fifteen years, Spektor has traveled the globe to smoke out and defeat werewolves, vampires, ghosts and everything else that goes bump in the night. Yet his success has brought him no peace… some part of him is missing; something he needs but can’t name.
But he’s about to find what’s missing… in an unlikely place… unlock another piece of the Gold Key universe, courtesy of Mark Waid (Daredevil, Indestructible Hulk) and Neil Edwards (X-Factor)! (TFAW)
Doctor Spektor #1 (Francavilla Subscription Variant)
COWL #1 (Image), $3.50
Releasing: May 28th 2014
WHY? Interesting concept, and an ‘Image first’ comic. Will be a popular comic on the stands this week.
Synopsis:Welcome to the ‘Chicago Organized Workers League’-the world’s first Super-Hero Labor Union!
While C.O.W.L. once stood as a beacon of hope against an epidemic of organized crime and an unbeatable ‘brotherhood’ of Super-Villains, the union now faces its fiercest foe yet-a disillusioned public.
In targeting the last of the great villains, C.O.W.L. attempts to prove its value to the world and to each other, while staving off villainy from both outside and inside its offices. (TFAW)
Trees #1 (Image), $2.99
Releasing: May 28th 2014
WHY? This will be the most highly anticipated Image comic this week. Written by comic super-star Warren Ellis, and a high concept premise. Sure to be a pick up this week.
Synopsis: Ten years after they landed. All over the world. And they did nothing, standing on the surface of the Earth like trees, exerting their silent pressure on the world, as if there were no-one here and nothing under foot. Ten years since we learned that there is intelligent life in the universe, but that they did not recognize us as intelligent or alive.
Beginning a new science fiction graphic novel by WARREN ELLIS and JASON HOWARD (TFAW)
Trees #1
Chew Revival #1 (Image), $4.99
Releasing: May 28th 2014
WHY? Two hugely successful titles in their own right, merge together? This could be good for those following either or both titles! We all know Chew #1 continues to be the most desirable of all Image back issues, and Revival #1 saw a brief time as a very hot back issue and still commands appreciable amount over cover.
Synopsis: TWO GREAT TASTES THAT TASTE REALLY WEIRD TOGETHER! Tony Chu heads to Wisconsin in two all-new original tales by the creative teams of both critically acclaimed titles!
A great jumping-on point for readers who’ve heard how damn good these titles are on their own, and a twisted delight for those already in the know! (TFAW)
Chew Revival #1
Southern Bastards #2 (Image), $3.50
Releasing: May 28th 2014
WHY? Instant sell out Southern Bastards, and selling high above cover last week or so has since cooled down (except the variants that continue to command high prices). This issue will be a sell out as well, and could generate interest as image’s next hugely popular title.
Synopsis: It’s Friday night in Craw County, Alabama. Which means Coach Euless Boss is walking the sidelines like a god. And somebody is fixin’ to die. (TFAW)
Southern Bastards #2
Brass Sun #1 of 6 (Magnetic Press), $3.99
Releasing: May 28th 2014
WHY? This little book sounds real promising, and art from same guy who pencilled the critically acclaimed The New Deadwardians (a book I have read and enjoyed thoroughly) should be a sleeper hit.
Synopsis: The Orrery is a clockwork solar system where planets whirl on vast metal arms and the sun of cogs is worshpped as a god. But the sun is dying, the planets are freezing one by one, and cults burn as heretics those who warn of the danger.
To save her home, young Wren knows she must first escape it and find the key to restart the sun. An incredible new SF-clockpunk series from the bestselling artist of New Deadwardians and the writer of Scarlet Traces. (FAW)
Brass Sun #1 (of 6)
Saga #19 (Image), $2.99
Released: May 21st 2014
WHY? I have Saga on my pull list, as it is a top comic I look forward to reading every month. That being said, I didn’t pick up the comic yet so didn’t pick up on the controversial opening page of the issue. Sure to cause commotion and also alert censorship police reviewing the material. It has been now noted on many major websites, and should be a sell out. Grab a copy if you are indeed the last comic fan on earth who doesn’t read this comic.
Synopsis: Saga returns! New planet, new adversaries, and a very new direction, all from the same old Hugo Award-winning team.
Saga #19
Kill Shakespeare #1 (IDW), $ 3.99
Released: April 2010
WHY? I spoke to the creators of Kill Shakespeare late last summer, and they hinted to me at talks of landing a movie option with a major producer, however I did not report at it at the time as to not start rumors without substantial proof. Not my game. However, a major website has just revealed that the comic will be adapted into a live drama/theatre. It will be interesting to see how this will translate in the back issue market for the book.
Kill Shakespeare getting exposure in other media

Kill Shakespeare Takes On More And More Media

This week the Mike Allred variant covers are making a splash with many DC titles:
Aquaman #31, selling at TFAW $9.99
Batman #31, selling at TFAW $9.99
Flash #31, selling at TFAW $9.99
Justice League Dark, #31 selling at TFAW $9.99
Superman #31, selling at TFAW $9.99
Dryspell #1 is a toss up, it marks another first issue with Action Lab, last year Skyward#1 saw some heat and then cooled down, and Itty Bitty Bunnies In Rainbow Pixie Land #1 is doing pretty well in the back issue department a week after release. I would pick one copy up, if you have extra cash otherwise leave on shelves for now.
Nightwing #31 and Suicide Squad #31 are both last issues of high profile titles that should leave us with cliff hangers and will be sought after by DC fans, comic book fans, and completists. Grab 1-2 copies of each.
Although Mark Waid is writing Doctor Spektor I personally don’t see this becoming desirable in the after market. Stuff from Dynamite Entertainment hasn’t seen popularity in the after market, and they release a lot of books. I remember last year The Fox #1 (Red Circle) heated up for several weeks and has cooled down (although Fiona Staples cover still commands about 8-10 dollars). That Doctor Spektor #1 Francavilla regular priced variant (see above) may be the only one worth tracking down otherwise, leave on shelves for now.
C.O.W.L. #1 is another unique title that will hit the shelves this week. Even being an Image title, it’ll be a toss up for sure. Not sure how fans will take to the concept. The creators behind this book are not well known, so hedging bets I would pick up 1 copy just for posterity.
TREES #1 sounds real creepy and sci-fi, this will most anticipated title of the week, and with superstars handling the creative chores will be a sell-out. Pick up 1-3 copies for sure.
Chew Revival #1 hasn’t been solicited as a one-shot, so I can’t make out if it will be an ongoing or not. If I were to guess, probably not. Although this may be a fun read with two excellent Image titles merging together I would not speculate on it bringing much after market value. Plus it’s 4.99 price tag, it will be a hard swallow (get it?) for most buyer who struggle with $3.99 titles (myself included), grab 1 or leave on shelves.
I don’t list very many number twos on my list, knowing that most sellouts the first week, will have more or less a 40-60% drop off with issue two. Southern Bastards #2 is a title that will be an exception (IMO). I think Jason Aaron has struck gold here, and this title will catch fire, in the likes of Saga, Manifest Destiny, East of West, etc. So it may be worth grabbing the second issue for sure. Grab 1 -2 copies.
Brass Sun #1 of 6 is an interesting find this week. I’m pretty sure it’ll be super difficult to find, as most dealers won’t even order this one. That’s why even with the limited series tag I would gamble and pick up and leaf through a copy. I normally don’t like limited series for speculation (as you all know), but hey let’s go against the grain with this one if you got extra cash, pick up 1 up.
Saga #19 by now should be a sell out, if you can find a couple as they are hugely ordered (maybe in back of LCS, or under counters) grab a couple.
Kill Shakespeare #1 was a very interesting and unique take on Shakespeare. It was one of the very first successful titles published by IDW and still continues today. I had high hopes for this title when it first came out, and it seems the concept has caught the eye of various forms of entertainment. If you can find some in back issue bins pick them up, as a read you won’t be disappointed. As a speculation comic, well grab cheap and wait it out.
Guys, I hope you all return again this week, as I release my 1-year in review special post (I know I’ve been slacking with my special posts for several weeks now, I apologize…), I will review my speculator picks since I started this thing and we’ll see how we all did!
Until Later…

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