I love a book that sells for above cover price on the day it is released. This is the case with Adventures of Superman #14.
Adventures of Superman #14 sold out online quickly as shops did not order many. Talking to one retailer, I was informed that the reason many stores did not order copies is they had no real advanced notice of the story content. They were also not informed about Jock doing a Joker cover for the book. All things considered, it was the perfect storm for the book to heat up.
Adventures of Superman #14 has sold through all of the cheap buy it now copies on eBay. There are some copies of Adventures of Superman #14
starting at cover price, with buy it nows now priced at $18 or higher. TFAW and Mycomicshop have sold out of their copies as well. Diamond was showing copies still available for reorder this morning but do not expect them to last.
This book is worth going back to the shop for
24 thoughts on “A look at Wednesday 6/25/14: Adventures of Superman #14”
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Good thing I bought one on a whim at my lcbs.
I also found a copy of The Revenge of the Living Monolith in the back issue bins.
Nice! The old Marvel Graphic Novel. I wrote about it a long time ago and was scoffed at for it being the first Apocalypse, but people are finding out and hunting it down
Yesterday, I picked a Walking Dead 92 and Adventures of Superman #5. Walking Dead sold on b-i-n quickly at $55. Not bad for books picked up at cover price.
And I thought I did well finding a Superman Adventures 23 at cover. Last month I found an Alpha Flight 17 and 2 Big Hero 6 1’s for cover and a Big Hero 6 1 variant for $7. I also like finding Brian K Vaughn’s first published work in Tales of Apocalypse 2 at cover price.
I do love the hunt.
I bought it on a little more than a whim, the Jock cover is awesome, and when I heard the story of why this was so under ordered, I had to pounce.
I sold out today at $9 each – diamond is sold out
To be crystal clear.
Diamond is to backorder.
The purple triangle = B/O Not Stocked
The red circle = Out of Stock; no B/O That’s SOLD OUT.
Get your backorder in now….
Thanks for the clarification Larry!
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Hoknes Comics is at
Let’s not get carried away..i’m seeing sales on Ebay at around cover price for adventures #14 and outcast #1, not a single bite on anything over that. Love the site, but this post is inaccurate in its claims
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Outcast-by-Kirkman-Azaceta-1-AMC-TV-previewed-in-walking-dead-127-sold-out-1st-/321440212134?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item4ad75464a6 Outcast #1 currently at $15.50
http://www.ebay.com/itm/OUTCAST-1-Kirkman-Azaceta-NM-1st-Print-IMAGE-SOLD-OUT-/291177087006?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item43cb81c01e sold for $9.99
http://www.ebay.com/itm/OUTCAST-1-Robert-Kirkman-Walking-Dead-2014-NM-9-8-1st-print-/271521017203?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item3f37e9ed73 Hoknes sold 18 copies at $9.99
Adventures is picking up steam too. But yes, there are copies already selling over cover price.
A lot of the pre-sales completed sales around cover to $4.99 it seems on average. Some of the sales that have completed after it was released are jumping up to $9.99. As to the auctions Anthony linked.
That one that’s jumped to $15.50, well, it’s a one of a kind right now. I see these peaking around $10 for now and then will simmer down quickly after the crazies who will overspend just because it’s on eBay are happy with their item. 😉
As for Adventures of Superman 14, I think this one is the steady one over time. It had a low print run and over time, the demand will increase as new collectors seek them out.
Outcast will only go up if it ever becomes a show. Can probably use Thief of Thieves as a comparison but with a bigger print run.
Couldn’t agree more Drew. Low print run (10k last month!) + jock joker cover and story + people don’t know about it = legs
Have any of you read it? Read it last night, and it has multiple Jokers in it. One panel is Neal’s Joker, the next is Burton’s Joker. Was pretty awesome. Nolan’s Joker even makes an appearance.
I saw the preview of this and it looked killer.
This will be a $25 show wall book forever.
I hope so I got a couple of copies.
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Maybe I am missing something but Can someone please explain to me what the deal is with this book and why is it so popular? Is there a first appearance? Origin?
Not really. Jock Joker cover. I think there was a first appearance of a character but not sure how significant or major, haven;t read it yet, but it is all Joker and a bunch of different versions from what i heard.
I actually picked it up for the Sugar & Spike appearance. What a stroke of luck!
I read the comic. The cover is just a great joker cover. Will be added to all of the other great covers from the past. The story which is also illustrated by Jock tells a new story on Supermna’s fisrt meeting with the Joker who comes to Metropolis brand of lunacy. This story will be a classic that will be added to future anthologies fo sure. The secind story features Clark Kent babysitting Sugar & Spike, two classic characters from DC Comics past. This is just a great comic that caught us all by surprise. Get it if yiu can.
I read the comic. The cover is just a great joker cover. It will be added to all of the other great Joker covers from the past. The story which is also illustrated by Jock tells a new story on Superman’s first meeting with the Joker, who comes to Metropolis with his brand of super-villain lunacy. A great Superman/Joker story told in an unexpected way. And the multiple images that Jock uses in the story is inspired. This one should go down as a new classic that will definitely be added to future Superman anthologies. The second story was an unexpected treat when Clark Kent babysits the classic Sugar & Spice kids from DC Comics’ past. This issue was an unexpected gem and I can truly say is worth the hype. None of us saw this one coming. Get a copy if you can or hopefully DC will do a second printing.