Spread Convention Teaser Yellow Variant.

People have been trying to get a hold of the Spread Convention teaser since before the book came out. It was limited to a total of 250 copies with 50 of them being the yellow variant. People have been emailing me asking me to keep an eye out on one. Well, gentlemen start your engines
Spread Convention Teaser Yellow

60 thoughts on “Spread Convention Teaser Yellow Variant.”

  1. Now this book is a Keeper! Invest now my people. Thanks to comics heating up.net keeping the masses up to date.

  2. I know it’ll likely go over whatever reserve price is set but I dislike auctions that start high, have reserve price and so on. That’s not a true auction to set the value created by demand. I’ll happily watch to see where it ends up at though. 😉

      1. Let me put your mind at ease on this one. I know the seller, he is a very reputable guy. I do not like reserve auctions either, and I am sure this would have easily surpassed the reserve price, but trust me, this guy is above the board and is just protecting the 1 of 50 copy books that he is selling.

      2. Oh it’s cool, I just really hate auctions that start high and have reserves. Just doesn’t seem like the spirit of an “auction” that allows the masses who demand it to set the final price, etc. I was just speaking mostly in general, not directly to this one case. 🙂

  3. Very true, I had a standing $100 offer out for this book and thought I was possibly nuts for doing so. I’m not too sure I’m going to play ball on this one, yet knowing how rare this book is and knowing probably only a few may be in this good of condition it may be now or never…

    1. Remember, rare doesn’t necessarily make it valuable, it’s demand. Rare just makes it harder to get when the demand goes up.. 😉

  4. I don’t even know how to price this book. Being a teaser and one of only 50 it may be so extremely undervalued, or a crazy price, or so rare it’s overlooked by the masses in the collectors world. Anyone have a similar type book to compare it to?

  5. That being said we must keep in mind what Anthony pointed out to me some time back. That many of them were probably tossed away or left in a hotel room by con attendees that saw it as nothing special but a teaser. Lucky trash cans!

    1. Con attendees are many multiple more likely to be a hoarder of items than to throw any con items away. Especially a book. Would you? I wouldn’t. I doubt many here would.

  6. Yeahhhh, I’ll be letting this one go. Man, just think of the guy who sold quite a few as soon as he picked them up at the con for like $30 on eBay. I’d lose some sleep over that one. Best of luck to the owner. Hope it breaks $500 for him!

    1. Of course they did. Lol Supply smelt the demand. But just as you say about the person selling 30$ right after con and now its selling 300$. It’s all part of the accumulation cycle longer term. Thing is with this its already tight float because the outstanding book amount is so low.
      Personally Id rather go out and drop 300+$$$ on 100 #1 issues. But that’s just me and there will always be completeists who need to own every issue printed.

    2. The more the merrier, then it becomes a little easier to get and likely the price may drop some. The one that is over $300 now will be the clear winner most likely.
      When I first listed my Retailer Incentive V-Wars #1, I was the only one listing them. Mine sold for $132 for both RI CVR’s. After that, everyone started listing them and none really broke the $100 mark.

      1. Meh, the other listing is starting at $300 and BIN at $600.. I’ve got better things to spend my money on. Sure there’s only 50 but there’s also hype since #1 was released, this one likely won’t stay this high unless the comic does extremely well.

      2. First to market often benefits. The guy who used to come here who called himself Praise Allah was the one who let the go at $50 a pop buy it now and way too early. Auction was obviously the way to go but people make noobish mistakes like selling well before the actual book comes out.
        Sent from my iPhone

        1. Well, even you say, if you can make profit, you still did well. The guy who sold them at $50 a pop still made his money back + some more than likely. 😉

            1. That’s the name of the game though, you never know until you know. Buy a comic at $2.99, sell it for $100, awesome. Think of all the people who sold their Walking Dead #1’s when it was under $100.. Kick yourself all you want when you lost out on more money but making any profit is better than none.
              You win, you lose, in the end just have fun. Just don’t go bankrupt with your hobby I say (well, at least to those that are more collectors than to only make money). 🙂

              1. I still way ahead of the game and still playing on house money. Would take a ton of losses at this point. I just think people jump the gun sometimes. Don’t know why you wouldn’t wait until the series hit before you sold the books. As opposed to way before the series even came out. I have been sitting on my Blue variants for this signing. But at least one is going to market.

                1. Oh I totally agree on that. If I got some of these convention teasers I would started listing them now. 🙂
                  On a side note, finally snagged a #2 and #3 The Strain that were NM+ condition. #2 went for $53 and #3 for $13.50.
                  The other thing I don’t get is why #2 and #3 are hard to find, I looked up their print runs and #2 and #3 were actually larger than #4-#11. But at least I got them, felt naked having all of them except those 2 in my collection. 🙂

                2. Well, I just spent around $65 for just #2 and #3, you’ll probably make some money.. 😉

      3. Yeah, one of the local shops just set them out with all the others. The strange thing about that find was, it was a week after it was released. I couldn’t believe no one snagged them. They literally were sitting on the shelf with the few regular #1’s they had left for a week before I snagged them up.

        1. It made up for all the Dredd Underbelly #1 2nd print I bought and all those Dead Letters #1 as well that ended up sort of flopping on the aftermarket. 🙁

      1. Sorry, I should have said unloading… either way, you know what I meant.. 😉
        The only problem with these though is the seller does claim they’re all 9.2-9.4 tops.. I’m picky, I like mine 9.6 or better.

            1. People are always asking when the right time to sell is, I always say when you can do so at a profit and if you can sell enough to cover all your books you can sit on the others to see if they go up, house money at this point. I really have thought that this is one to sit on until the actual book came out.

              1. Yup. I was able to unload a few Haunted #1’s to make the money back from the 5 total I bought. Now I’m sitting with 3 copies in hopes it reaches the screen so I can unload 2 more to make even more profit. 🙂
                If you can buy extra copies, sell a few to make quick flip that covers your initial purchase expenses (and maybe some extra profit) but also then hold onto a few in hopes they go up in value with tv or movie deals, that’s the way to go in my opinion.

      1. Any way to ever find out the print run of manifest destiny #7b????
        Are we just assuming it was half of the total ?

      2. According to Comic Chron, Manifest Destiny #7 was 21,500 print run. I don’t think it was 50:50 as 7b had to be ordered on it’s own and all 3 local shops near me didn’t order any.
        I’d love to know the exact print run or ratio though myself, I’m sitting on a nice stack I accumulated. 🙂

      3. Just to compare, #6 had a print run of about 14,851 so we can probably assume the extra 5k from 6 to 7 was because of the variant. If that holds true, it would put it at about a 1:4 ratio.

      4. And yes, Haunted isn’t even showing up on Comic Chron’s lists. Another one with very small print runs under 3k mark is Brass Sun which is a really great read.

          1. I’ve kept mine under control for the most part. I try to read all my regulars on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. Any new pickups I try to read on Saturday, then I’m good to do all the other glorious things in life until the next Wednesday. 🙂
            It helps that some of my regulars are Marvel with the digital codes so I can sneak a few in while at work while I wait for things to finish, etc. Multitasking at it’s best! 🙂

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