We mentioned the Killer Frost hints that came out of Wondercon. There was a little more to the discussion. Looks like the story line Flashpoint could be coming to the Flash TV show.
From Comicbook.com:
Of course, they also hinted at seeing the ramifications of an alternate timeline where Barry’s mom survived. That would likely be the Flashpoint
Universe, and such a timeline could easily give the writers an opportunity to give the fans a peek at Killer Frost without actually changing Caitlin’s long-term status quo on the series. That’s the same escape hatch they could use to use Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) a bit more, which is apparently in the cards since Kreisberg said he’s been pitching the actor on some stuff for the future (and the finale is filming currently, so that script is locked).
Copies of Flashpoint can still be found cheap. Also look for SDCC Variant
and the cheaper Black and White Variants