Variant Envy: Spread #13 Action Figure Variant

If you are going to C2E2 or ECCC (and please let me know if you are) you will want to stop by and see Kyle Strahm and Justin Jordan to get a hold of this sweet variant for Spread #13. 

click for larger view
Featuring Fat Jack in action figure form by Michael Adams, as well as a Spread Hound (god I would love to see these figures actually happen), the cover is limited to 250 copies.
They will only be available at C2E2 and ECCC.
Stop by and see Kyle and Justin and say hi and grab one of these sweet covers to complete your Spread collection.

6 thoughts on “Variant Envy: Spread #13 Action Figure Variant”

  1. Since I have the rest of the action figure covers this one is a must. But I’m not going to these cons so I’m going to need to go to the bay! You’re right Tony, these need to be action figures. They would look great next to my Hellraiser figures.

  2. I’ll be at ECCC, Anthony. Shoot me an email (I assume you can see it from below when we comment) and we can talk about getting one or more of these to you. I am going every day but Saturday and pretty focused on getting some original art as I am not that impressed with the current guest list.

    1. I will do my best to grab a few copies. ECCC is becoming a bigger and bigger deal and people snatch up these type of variants very early (last year you almost had no hope to get a Lady Killer #1 ECCC variant). Kyle Strahm will be there but Justin Jordan has not yet been announced, though I was just at Wizard World Portland and heard from some little birdies about some decent names coming that have yet to be announced so you never know who else will pop up. I will also be submitting some more books to CBCS for sig series as well so we can probably work out some details depending on what you want and how far you want to go with them.

  3. This looks great, but it also looks like the end of my complete set of Spead action figure var. covers. Because I know the price on these will most likely skyrocket, seeing as how they are limited to 250.

    1. A lot of the variants stay affordable. I have talked to Kyle about making any left over copies available to readers. He is not sure there will be left overs but if there is he may do an eBay thing.
      Sent from my iPhone

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