Spoilers: Who is the Red Goblin?

There has been debate and speculation over who is the Red Goblin. We know he makes his first appearance in Amazing Spider-man #798 (available on eBay) out Wednesday. We also know his identity will be revealed in Amazing Spider-man #799 (available on eBay) .
An upcoming John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant has the identity of the Red Goblin right on the cover. The cover is redacted.

This is the image as it runs on ComicXposure’s site. (There is a color and black and white version.)
Here is the un-redacted image of the cover as it will hit the newsstand. (Click the spoiler warning to see the full image.)

Sometimes the solution is the most obvious answer.
Makes me glad I held copies of Amazing Spider-man #794 (available on eBay)  and Amazing Spider-man #795 (available on eBay) .

37 thoughts on “Spoilers: Who is the Red Goblin?”

  1. “Sometimes the solution is the most obvious answer.”
    Yup. We call that.. Occam’s razor, it’s not only obvious but the simplest explanation or solution. I use it all the time for my daily job. 🙂

  2. What if Red Goblin is Harry Osborne? I mean Harry and Norman always had a similar look. I don’t see Norman’s name on the action figure variant. It does however say maniacal genius though… that is not Harry. Anyways, my 2 cents.

  3. We have the pages of #798 up in our Google+ group now. It’s definitely Norman Osborn.

      1. Explain, Mel V. I just put my copies up on EBAY…I didn’t invest much, but if he’s not red gobby, I’m not interested in keeping them…unless….?

      2. And it sold….after being listed an hour. At least I made a small profit off of it…

  4. I suppose now’s the best time to pick up those Hulk variants for #795. Before tomorrow drops.

    1. I just can’t get behind the hulk variant…nothing to do with the interior contents…why do they do these silly variants? For example, the 30th anniversary Avengers cover this week. I just don’t get it…

      1. I’m with you on that. I really dont like buying a book and the cover has nothing to do with the title, interiors and story.

  5. how m#794 starts the story in a small way. if that shop still has themf or cover buy them all or as many as the shop allows . the chaity variant is the variant I picked up and if I find it I am goingafter thevirgins all the virgins . but any spidy since the legacy numbering came back is worth the pick up. blind adam out

  6. After 628 total posts on various google, facebook, and other social media hopefully this revelation will get me my peace and not have to read another hundred more red goblin posts. It has been so painful of a 2 months.

    1. So your saying you don’t want me to dedicate my next weeks Poyo picks to the Red Goblin? 😉

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