It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of March 27th, 2019.
Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.
So what’s grinding my gears this week?
I saw an early screening of Shazam! on Saturday and I must say, I really enjoyed the movie.
I know very little about Shazam as I was never really a big reader of the comics but from what I do know, they did a good job with the movie.
Shazam is also a Captain Marvel, originally publised by Fawcett Comics. How many of you people knew that? Making his first appearance way back in Whiz #2 comics back in 1939 (good luck finding one of these), even outselling Superman for a brief time period.
They ceased publication though after a suit was brought against them by DC claiming he was a copy of Superman. Eventually DC licensed the rights in 1972 and re-introduced him into the DC Universe in Shazam #1 in 1973 (which is still quite affordable) as the original Captain Marvel, in the subtitle. They got one of those nasty cease and desist letters so they were forced to change it to “The Worlds Mightiest Mortal” by issue #15
DC obtained all rights by 1991 for the character from the Shazam family.
SHAZAM is the acrynom for Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury, the immortal elders.
I’d give the movie a solid 8.5 out of 10. It’s one of the better DC movies to date and I hope they do more sequels.
Detective Comics Number One Thousand
I think out of all the new Detective Comics hitting shelves this week, the
Capullo Variant is probably my favorite. The Jock 2000s Variant is a close second.
What I don’t like is why they didn’t go with Kelley Jones for the 1990s artwork.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Tim Sale’s artwork but I think the proper thing for them to have done was get Kelley Jones do the artwork for the 90’s theme cover as he really defined the look of Batman in the 90s with his unique style.
Putri Artwork
Have you looked at the list of books this week? It’s huge with a lot of potential this week which I like but I really like Putri’s artwork.
There’s an awesome Putri Batgirl #33 Killer B variant that’s hitting shelves which is just a must have.
Go light though if you intend to flip since I think retailers were onto this one early on. Still a must have for the personal collection.
Putri has always grabbed my attention on covers but I really hope to keep seeing more and more on these DC Killer B covers.
Hickman is Back at Marvel
I think Jonathan Hickman is one of the best writers and it’s refreshing to see him come back onboard with Marvel for two new titles announced at Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo.
Despite them being X-Men related books (sorry, I’m just not on the X-Men bandwagon anymore), which are titled House of X and Powers of X, I hope this leads to him with more writing within the Marvel Universe.
I also hope he actually comes back and finishes his Dying and the Dead Image title which I thought could have been his best book to date, even better than East of West
It’s Not Comic Book Related But….
It’s March Madness so go Heels… that’s in case you all notice I’m distracted or miss a post, it’s probably cause I’m watching College Basketball.
I have to do a shout out and root for my team. If you’re a Duke fan, just stay quiet please or I’ll puke baby blue all over your comments. Muhahahahaha!
That’s all I got this week. What’s grinding your gears this week? Tell us in the comments.
The Steve Rude variant for Detective 1000 is the one that caught my eye! The Jock seems a little generic.
Yeah, I dig the Rude one as well. I have to admit, most if not all of these covers for the big #1000 are great. They’re way better than the ones they did for Action Comics.
The Jock is kind of generic but people really do love their Jock covers.
I just want Hickman to finish, “The Black Monday Murders,” but am excited to see he’s doing X-Men stuff too!
Yeah, that’d be real nice as well for him to finish. I read issue 1 and then been picking up the Trades, waiting on him to finish it so I can just read it all in one sitting.
I thought I read somewhere that it was ending soon.
Yeah, dont think it was intended to be a long running series.
It has one more 4-issue arc of 9, 10, 11, and 12 is the finale, I think. Considering the release schedule I expect it to complete in 2025.
Hehe…. Maybe 2036
I also watch Shazam and it was really fun my entire family enjoyed
Totally agree with your Detective #1000 choices (with the possible Rude variant inclusion) but was a little disappointed that Jock went with a Batman in the rain cover ( he’s done “weatherized Batman before in All Star #3 and #6).
Also agree about Putri — she’s the perfect antithesis for all the dark and gloomy covers generated these days. Her vibrant colors offer a marked contrast and are a welcome relief to all the grim and gritty. The colors on her NRH #6 are just beautiful!
Yeah, I’m sure Jock has so many unused drawn Batman’s in his arsenal of work we’ve never seen/released he likely just pulled it out when they asked him to do a cover for it.
Going with the capullo cover myself. Didn’t order any shop variants, although I tried to get the Alex Ross Tech 27 homage, but their website didn’t process my order.
I am a big Yasmine Putri fan. Her Detective Comics run was awesome, and so have been her Red Hood and Nightwing covers. She also did Spider Gwen covers for a stint and if I grab her Spider-Women Alpha/Omega covers if I see them for cover price and in top shape. And yes, her NRH covers are knocking it out of the park as well.
That being said, I’m a bit disappointed in the batgirl cover. It’s not bad, but not as good as her other recent work, IMO. So I hope she gets more opportunities to draw that title. I would love to see her transition to Batman killer Bs.
Add Ben Oliver’s Batman Beyond cover to my of Very Much Like for this week.
Yeah, that’s a good one as well.
Agree. Grabbed that one on a FOC pre order. Ben has been Killing it. He has some coming out in June that are ?
This is what grind my gears this weekend. My car broke down and had to sell some of my books to buy a newer used car. I was hoping my older car would last me another year but it gave out before the year. It sucks cuz just last year I put about $1200 worth or parts and now I will be giving them away to the junk yard.
The only plus side of this is I didn’t had to put any of my money into the newer car and it was paid for by comic books.
Yank out those good working parts before you haul it off to the junkyard and sell’em on eBay…
That’s the plan sir Poyo. It has a lot of California certified smog parts. So hope I can make $ on that.
Hulk #181 Facsimile Edition will sell out ASAP.I need like 5 lol
anyone going for the “variant” sketch
Cover for the facsimile? Is there no end to Marvels obsession with a variant for everything? Now they are doing variant covers for reproductions marketed as “exact copies”??!!!
I don’t even think I’m buying the facsimile cover now. I have a feeling there’s gonna be a ton of them out there. By the time it’s worth anything, I’ll be long gone.. probably ashes by then.
Hard to tell. Midtown still has them available. I think these were hyped up way before FOC so probably plenty to go around, especially when people were listing them as pre-order on eBay for like $20 – $25.
Auburn is going down! And UNC is gonna be the ones that do.
SO who else got the KCC alert about Web of Venom: Carnage Born? First Dark Carnage. Feels like another “just a name, it’s still the the same “new character” argument like the Immortal Hulk.
Either way, copies of cover A getting gobbled up on eBay today…
You should add Marvel’s new BS of a 2nd print ratio variant to your dislikes. Immortal Hulk #16 2nd print has a 1:25 ratio. A 2ND PRINT HAS A RATIO VARIANT! The end is near.
But.. I love it.. love those 2nd print ratio variants..
I’ll just drop a like out of Left Field .. “Walking Dead” the Show has been ramping it up the last few episodes .. seems to be getting it’s Mojo back .. can’t say much on the comics, my Pull and Hold people are still at an all time low for the series ..
I read the numbers on the show are up but yeah, the comic numbers keep on dipping lower and lower. I think the one thing the show has going for it is Kirkman isn’t writing it and Scott Gimple is no longer the showrunner.