SDCC is upon us. That means convention variants are upon us. Here is the full list of IDW SDCC variants for the upcoming mega convention in San Diego.
Here is the complete list for IDW convention exclusives slated for SDCC, in alphabetical order with listed retail price:
Canto #1 – $10
Care Bears #1 – $5
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Variant Bundle – $40
GI Joe Real American Hero Silent Master Ultimate Variant Bundle – $200
GI Joe Real American Hero #264 Silent Master Variant Cover A – E – $25
Inspired by the classic packaging. I really like these but $25 each, I hope they’re super limited at that price. Each book is available apparently on the day of the con, starting on Wednesday.
I’ll be all over those Canto #1”s on Preview Night
I would too. I’d be all over the GI Joe but at $25 a pop…. Id probably second guess in getting those.
yea…. the 25 per issue is steep. And yet I know there’s someone out there that would take all of them for more than the 25 per issue retail
A lot of the pre-sales already are listing them up to $50 a pop.
I may bite
G.I. Joe just worries me. Yep – there’s a following, but it’s not like a Marvel/DC superhero character
Same. As soon as I get in I’m grabbing my limit and so will the wife ?
Last year at NYCC, IDW has no limits. Not sure about SDCC but it was pretty nice not being limited but I didn’t clear them out.
I need to find a list of the DC covers, they always seem to do good in the aftermarket
Yeah, I plan to try and get a good list of most of the major publishers.
This years DC offerings.
these are all silver foil variants of the variant card stock Villians. I might grab the Batman, Catwoman ( artgerm allways sells well) and the DCeased.