It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of July 17th, 2019.
Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.
So what’s grinding my gears this week?
Paper Girls
Paper Girls getting optioned was great news, not only because BKV puts out great stuff that should turn into more shows or movies but because it cleared out a lot of space in a short box.
Gave two copies away with a CHU flash giveaway but I’m now selling the rest. Since I started listing last night copies, I sold 4 within an hour. Listed more and sold 2 more this morning. I’m so happy my initial investment is now paying off as this was one of those doubtful books that a lot of speculators loaded up on since it was BKV.
Here’s my shameless plug as well (hey, I give away way too many free books, so I think I’m entitled to a little self promoting right?). I do have a 4 x Signatures from Midtown with COA up for sale currently. It’s a really nice copy, NM type condition. Stored in a Mylar with Double Backer board since it arrived in my possession years ago.
Any CHU members or readers interested, I’ll cut you a deal with free shipping or entertain best offers if you mention CHU. I think mine is one of the lowest price listing already. Just message me on eBay.
Paper Girls Deluxe Ed HC Vol. 01
ADVANCE SOLICIT From BRIAN K. VAUGHAN, New York Times bestselling writer of SAGA, and CLIFF CHIANG, legendary artist of Wonder Woman, this gorgeous oversized deluxe hardcover is the perfect way to experience the first two storylines of the smash-hit series that The Chicago Tribune named one of the ‘Best Books of the Year.’ In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time. Suburban drama and otherworldly mysteries collide in this critically acclaimed story about nostalgia, first jobs, and the last days of childhood. Collects PAPER GIRLS #1-10, along with exclusive extras and a brand-new cover from CLIFF CHIANG!
Does anyone know why Interceptor
by Donny Cates goes for so much money with every issue? I was digging around some long boxes and found a few, was curious if they were going for anything and it seems issue one is commanding up to $30 or so on a good day. Issue #2 is selling upwards of $20 on it’s own.
Perhaps it heated up with renewed demand after the FCBD Edition?
This was a Heavy Metal book originally and then Vault picked it up with the new name Reactor. We haven’t seen much action from this in a while, probably cause Marvel is working Cates overtime.
I’m not complaining though. It actually was a fun read. I think I only made it to issue #3 and I didn’t bother with the Reactor series. I might have picked up issue #1 but never read it.
Poli has a mech suit and a mission. Weep has machine guns and a temper. Together they lead a band of freedom fighters on a planet populated exclusively by blood-sucking vampires. A planet called Earth. Donny Cates (Venom, God Country) and Dylan Burnett (Cosmic Ghost Rider, X-Force) bring you neon-drenched, blood-soaked, all-out vampire warfare. #DeathBeforeUndead
Immortalized Variants..
Anyone notice the new upcoming Immortalized Variants from July Previews? Marvel, I don’t think we demanded this.
Not sure what I’m talking about? Remember Immortal Hulk #16 Incentive variant? Where it’s Bruce and Immortal Hulk being split apart from the head? The one that got the awesome 2nd print for a ratio variant? Yeah, that one.
Well, it seems they’re spreading this one out to other titles. Let’s take a look at some of coming our way.. As I think there might be more but I’ll show the ones that have had their covers released thus far.
I suppose for those who do enjoy these, at least they’re not 1:25 variants that will cost you $50 or more, as they’re all cover price from what I can tell.
That’s all I got this week. What’s grinding your gears? Tell us here, tell us in the forums.
The Spidey immortalized doesn’t work for me, but I know Spidey is the cash cow. I like the concept but seems like it should be characters who transform (like the Venom and Thing) rather than put on a suit.
Yeah…. Only really makes sense for those characters that change to and from another character, split personalities and such.
I’m actually been turning down people trying to preorder them until I have time to get them organized and images for all of them available. It appears all 4 Fantastic Four members will get one which makes me think half of Sue’s cover will be blank. Marvel has a variant cover theme of the month every month but this appears to be one of the few that is actually getting some attention.
Moon Knight
Yeah, they should just do characters that transform. There’s way more than enough. Tigra, Mystique, Meggan, the 90,000 different Hulks, Werewolf by Night, Wolfsbane, every Skrull ever, even people like Emma, Colossus, and Husk could work.
It appears people are asking crazy numbers for $1 copies of Paper Girls #1 that are in stock at Diamond right now and can be ordered in for by your local store if they don’t already have a copy on the shelf.
Any idea why the Image First Paper Girls books selling for more than $1?
Probably those not wanting to spend $12 to $20 for an actual first print.
This is image first. Not the real #1
I don’t do cheap books on E-Bay or I’d go park a couple hundred copies at $1.50 to $2.
just Saying that there is a difference between a image first and a 1st print
Poka you are correct. Image Firsts are reprints.
Siamese Twin Spider-Man really should be a new character.
Yeah, the Interceptor series was great and Reactor was a great follow-up after Vault took over the rights. I reached out to Vault recently asking what was up with issue #4… been waiting forever it feels like
Response I got was that they had to work out a few kinks and then wanted to focus on getting the Interceptor TPB out… currently targeting to have Reactor #4 out this fall… crazy delay for sure, but am wondering if there might be a media deal happening behind the scenes? There used to be rumblings about this being created with the idea of a media deal… not sure if that still holds or not … until I see official news it simply remains rumblings in my opinion.
I don’t like asking my LCS to set aside a copy of captain marvel 8 and not hearing back in 48 hours…
Maybe they have it listed in eBay…
Nah, they’re not like that. It’s a very small shop and might not order more than pull lists. I have other options, but would have to leave work mid day.
I love making up reasons to leave work.
Sent me my pull list and Capt Marvel was not on it…so looks like I’m taking some time off Wednesday…
Would not be surprised it #8 falls flat
#9 could be real winner…. I bet you all cant wait for Anthony’s Tuesday spoilers…
Something tells me we may already know Monday night….like walking dead 193.
star is on 6 pages in book and is also named good luck on the hunt boys, 1st full
I got an alert from Key collector today that Mark Brooks said #10 was the first appearance of Star not 8 or 9. I’d assume if that is true then you’d be correct; 8 would fall flat. The cameo appearance would probably be 9 then full in 10.
I am an A cover guy but does anyone believe these Immortal Wraparounds will be more coveted than the Skrull and Carnage themes etc… of late?
Somebody is LYING!!!
Heh.. yeah, Kelly Thompson’s tweet says otherwise..
Not familiar with the tweet, it there’s already a second print with a secret reveal cover offered by Diamond. So that pretty much tells you what you need to know, I think.
Makes that idea of a bottle of hooch on the cover of the BOBG Variant even more interesting.