Swordmaster and Aero – CHU Posters Giveaway

I know you all love free comic giveaways but here’s another poster giveaway, a set of two posters.

Sure they were folded but that’s just how they ship. A little pressing and you got yourself some cool posters to hang to display.

So all you have to do is comment here to win this poster and the sponsor will ship to one lucky winner after 7 days.

We do ask that if you are international and win, you help chip in shipping costs. If you can’t, we’ll select another winner.

1 entry per person (we have ways of knowing if you try and cheat). Contest ends 7 days from now, next Tuesday Jul 23rd.

28 thoughts on “Swordmaster and Aero – CHU Posters Giveaway”

  1. This is the best speculation site around. Seriously, though it is.

    Mortal Kombat is the best game ever. I disagree, it is a very good game, but Donkey Kong is better. Donkey Kong sucks. You know what, you suck.

  2. Nice looking posters, would look even better pressed, framed, and hanging on my wall.

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