Star Gets First Cover Appearance on Captain Marvel #8 Reprint

Recently, Captain Marvel #8 went crazy when a new character named Star appeared. She was set to get her first cover appearance on Captain Marvel #10. However, that has been changed with the announcment of a reprint.

The cover art to Captain Marvel #8 2nd print has hit diamond and it is a pretty good cover. It will predate September 11th’s Captain Marvel #10 by about a month. The second print will be in stores August 21, and unlike issue 10, only features Star on the cover.

18 thoughts on “Star Gets First Cover Appearance on Captain Marvel #8 Reprint”

      1. I like this cover so much better than the 1st print covers…is there a 1:25 variant? Maybe a virgin of the same? That’d be the one to shoot for…dump all these ugly a$$ first prints.

        1. I hope there’s no 1:25 variant for the second print. Bu yes, if it’s not a Connor cover, it’s probably a winner. I think first print Cover A will still be the winner though.. the second print might be as big as the first print. I’m still picking one up, since I gave all my first prints away.. cause I don’t care what anyone says, I’m a pretty nice guy.. 😉

        2. Despite it being Marvels new trope (2nd print with new character on the cover, boo-urns) this is a beautiful cover, imo.

  1. Did you see Unknown Comics has the Virgin carnage-ized cover 2nd print for $25? Isn’t the 1st print (3000 print run supposedly) virgin cover back to $20?

    It also says “Limited to 750 Copies” which should get JayClue going….

    So how does that work @Jclue? When it’s a reprint of a comic that a shop had already ordered 3000 copies of? Do they have the same 3000 copy minimum requirement when it’s a reprint of the same exact cover???

    1. Good Question, D-Rog. I would ask the store what the print run is. Chances are they wont tell you, and will skirt around the topic at hand.
      If Marvel did allow them to combine this book with their other book, a second ‘cover’ has a minimum requirement of 1000 copies.

      1. I doubt Marvel let them do 1000 of these, in combination with the 1st print. These are technically different books. The print run is 3000. The 750 tagline is a classic dishonest claim the retailer makes to increase their profits, imo.

    2. Everyone knows that it is print runs that matter, to collectors. There are a few online shops who will gladly divulge their print runs. But there is a large portion who do not, and they play word games in order to trick the consumer. I would not deal with any retailer who advertises their books as ‘limited to’. They are not being wholly honest with you. That itself should be enough to question the integrity of said store owner. These stores are also known to delete any messages they recieve, via facebook, abou the print runs of their books. They are misleading you, their customer, in order to take more of your money.

  2. Ok, so the 2nd print virgin variant won’t be a 1:25…. it unknown comic books is offering it as an exclusive for $20…

    It actually looks really bad as a virgin variant…too much negative space that’s asymmetric…and he character is cut off. Like he person taking the picture wasn’t holding the camera right…

    1. The character could be the next Superman, and this ‘exclusive’ would still only be worth what you payed for it. Buyer beware. The print run is larger than the retailer is advertising.

  3. I’ll tell you what Marvel putting first appearances in books with no cover appearance only to announce a 2nd print on the day the 1st print comes out with the character on the cover is going to get real old real fast.

      1. I’d rather see that than have multiple covers of a comic on release day, especially covers that are themes to something totally not related to the book.

        It might get old….It’s not just Marvel now….other companies are following the trend,,,TMNT 95 for instance.

        What I don’t like is when they take a page from the interior and make it a cover…like immortal hulk issues and MCP6. Looks terrible usually.

        What I do like is new art, or even what silver surfer black 1 did where they had Deodato “redo” the reveal art. That was pretty cool.

        I like this CM8 art…not sure it it’s from the interior…will have to flip through. So I’ll grab a copy or two. I hesitate to order it online as just about every marvel comic I’ve had shipped to me lately has color rubbed off onto the backing board…

  4. Not a terrible deal. For $20 you get the virgin store variant and a regular trade dress copy. Buy 2 get 1 free. So, for $48 delivered you get 3 copies of the Virgin variant and 3 copies of the regular 2nd print (6 books in total). What it also means is that the 2nd print will be heavily printed. Unknown will have to order 3000+ copies to cover their package deals. Not sure why Marvel is giving a store a virgin variant of a yet to be released dirrect to market book.

  5. The regular covers are steadily dropping in price so I’m not sure how much demand there will even be for a second with so many 1sts left over. She’s on the cover but her actions in the book really weren’t WOW level. I’m actually more curious about this one. Gotham Girl Robin spec? I can’t tell from the write ups if she’s really headed in that direction but the cover implies it’s coming. I think Star has to do something 1st to warrant the extra attention but I’m not even sure it’s worth ordering any of the seconds right now. Diamond usually gets some extras for standing inventory so it might be one of those times to wait it out and see if she does something 1st books. That’ll also help hold down the order numbers and have a better shot at it becoming worth something.

    1. If you’re keeping track at home you’ll have an 8 day window between #9 getting reviewed by Anthony and the Second Printing of 8 arriving in stores so there could be an opportunity there for late orders if she warrants it.

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