Loggerhead Bloody Bayou #1 – Advance Sneak Peek Preview

Loggerhead Bloody Bayou #1 hits store shelves in a few weeks and it’s quite the fun and entertaining read.

Here’s your advance sneak peek preview from this new Scout Comics title.

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3 thoughts on “Loggerhead Bloody Bayou #1 – Advance Sneak Peek Preview”

  1. Peach Momoko store variant Vampirella #11 sold out 900 copies in 20 minutes across multiple stores. Absolute craziness.

    7at9, comicmint, etc.

    Offerings were 500 Trade Dress, 300 Virgin Bloody, 120 CBCS 9.8 red sky

    For those interested keep an eye out, some might still show up somewhere.

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